Dracunculus (Nematoda)
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Information for Authority record
Other Identifiers
Library of congress:
sh 85039260
Sources of Information
- ITIS, viewed Apr. 28, 2020(Dracunculus; genus; family: Araceae; kingdom: Plantae. Another genus Dracunculus in family Dracunculidae; in phylum Nematoda)
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Wikipedia description:
Dracunculus is a genus of spirurid nematode parasites in the family Dracunculidae. The worms can reach a metre in length. If one simply pulls off the protruding head of the worm, the worm will break and leak high levels of foreign antigen which can lead to anaphylactic shock and fast death of the host. Hence it is important to remove the worm slowly (over a period of weeks). This is typically undertaken by winding the worm onto a stick (say, a matchstick), by a few centimetres each day.
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