White people
Enlarge text Shrink text- DiAngelo, R. White fragility: why it's so hard for White people to talk about racism, 2018
- Lipsitz, G. The possessive investment in whiteness: how white people profit from identity politics, 2018
- Merriam-Webster WWW, viewed on May 20, 2021:(white or less commonly White: of or relating to any of various population groups considered as having light pigmentation of the skin; of or relating to white people or their culture)
- Oxford English Dictionary WWW, viewed on June 28, 2021:white ("Belonging to or denoting a light-skinned group of people, esp. one of European origin or descent"; "The term has often been used in the context of more or less formal attempted systems of racial classification ... but is also often closely tied to perceptions of ethnicity and of social and cultural identity. Sometimes used with implicit or explicit exclusion of certain groups wholly or partly of European descent"; "Of or relating to white people.")
White is a racial classification of people generally used for those of predominantly European ancestry. It is also a skin color specifier, although the definition can vary depending on context, nationality, ethnicity and point of view. Description of populations as "White" in reference to their skin color is occasionally found in Greco-Roman ethnography and other ancient or medieval sources, but these societies did not have any notion of a White race or pan-European identity. The term "White race" or "White people", defined by their light skin among other physical characteristics, entered the major European languages in the later seventeenth century, when the concept of a "unified White" achieved greater acceptance in Europe, in the context of racialized slavery and social status in the European colonies. Scholarship on race distinguishes the modern concept from pre-modern descriptions, which focused on physical complexion rather than the idea of race. Prior to the modern era, no European peoples regarded themselves as "White"; instead they defined their identity in terms of their religion, ancestry, ethnicity, or nationality. Contemporary anthropologists and other scientists, while recognizing the reality of biological variation between different human populations, regard the concept of a unified, distinguishable "White race" as a social construct with no scientific basis.
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