Topan, Farouk

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987012462772405171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Topan, Farouk
Other forms of name
Topan, Farouk M
Topan, Farouk Mohamedhusein Tharia
Date of birth
Associated country
Other associated place
Zanzibar (Zanzibar)
Great Britain
Field of activity
Swahili literature Swahili language Swahili-speaking peoples
Associate group
Aga Khan University
University of Nairobi
Museum and House of Culture Dar es Salaam
Institute of Ismaili Studies
University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies
Language teachers Literature teachers Dramatists
Associated Language
swa eng
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 54279703
Wikidata: Q55584971
Library of congress: no 00083245
OCoLC: oca05330831
DLC: no 00083245
LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS: 98135865760000041
Sources of Information
  • Siri, c2000:t.p. (Farouk Topan) p. 4 of cover (Prof.; aliyeanzisha somo la fasihi ya Kiswahili katika Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam (1968) na Chuo Kikuu cha Nairobi (1972); hivi sasa yuwafundisha Kiswahili katika Chuo Kikuu cha London, Idara ya Africa)
  • Papers of the Conference on Islamic Identities in Africa, 1991:Programme (Farouk Topan, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London; contribution: The role of Swahili in East African Islam) contribution title page (Farouk Topan; title there: Swahili as a religious language)
  • OCLC, June 23, 2022(access points: Topan, Farouk; Topan, Farouk M.; Topan, Farouk M., 1940- ; Topan, Farouk Mohamedhusein Tharia; usage: Farouk Topan; Farouk M. Topan; Farouk Mohamedhusein Tharia Topan (for thesis))
  • Wikipedia, June 23, 2022(Farouk Topan; Farouk Mohamedhusein Tharia Topan; born 1940; director of the Swahili Centre at the Aga Khan University; he is a specialist in the language and literature of the Swahili people; has written two plays in Swahili; he has taught at the University of Dar es Salaam, the Institute of Ismaili Studies, and the School of Oriental and African Studies; he was a research scholar and head of the teacher training programme at the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London 1977-1993, and lectured at SOAS until 2006)
  • Simerg--insights from around the world (blog), Merchant, Malik. Swahili--"Tanzania's gift to the world"..., December 16, 2021, viewed June 23, 2022(Dr. Topan's home town, Zanzibar)
Wikipedia description:

Farouk Mohamedhusein Tharia Topan (born 1940) is the director of the Swahili Centre at the Aga Khan University. He is a specialist in the language and literature of the Swahili people. He has taught at the University of Dar es Salaam, the Institute of Ismaili Studies, and the School of Oriental and African Studies.

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