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| מספר מערכת 987012575319905171
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Painting Technique
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q1543649
Library of congress: sh2021005573
Sources of Information
  • Work cat: Grattage, 2021:author's preface (Grattage is a surrealist painting technique that consists of "scratching" or "scraping" -- with pointed tools of various kinds--the chromatic pigment still fresh spread on a support...The purpose of the grattage is to move the surface by emphasizing the importance of the tension between gesture and plasticity within the creative process . Tools could be common utensils and everyday objects, such as sponges, stilettos, scalpels, steel brushes and small metal blocks. In 1925 the German painter Max Ernst rediscovered the artistic process of frottage (based on the rubbing principle); in 1927 he transposed this drawing technique - generally applied to paper - to oil painting, thus giving birth to the grattage)
  • Grove art, via Oxford online, viewed June 22, 2021:(Grattage: technique for creating textures and patterns by simultaneously rubbing and scraping off layers of paint)
  • Tate (website), viewed June 22, 2021:Art terms: Grattage (A surrealist painting technique that involves laying a canvas prepared with a layer of oil paint over a textured object and then scraping the paint off to create an interesting and unexpected surface...)
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Wikipedia description:

Grattage (literally "scratching", "scraping") is a technique in surrealist painting which consists of "scratching" fresh paint with a sharp blade. In this technique, one typically attempts to scratch and remove the chromatic pigment spread on a prepared support (the canvas or other material) in order to move the surface and make it dynamic. Incorporate the technique of grattage in the painting in order to create a strong sense of texture or pattern on the surface of the picture plane. This technique was used by Max Ernst, Joan Miró, and later by informal artists.

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