Higley, Brewster M., 1823-1911

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Information for Authority record
Name (Hebrew)
היילי, ברוסטר מ., 1823-1911
Name (Latin)
Higley, Brewster M., 1823-1911
Other forms of name
Higley, Bruce, 1823-1911
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 9386383
Wikidata: Q4962759
Library of congress: no 00023640
OCoLC: oca05190410
DLC: no 00023640
LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS: 98158174130000041
Sources of Information
  • Mechem, K. The story of Home on the range, 1949:p. 322, etc. (Dr. Brewster Higley, 6th, M.D.; b. Nov. 30, 1823, Rutland, Ohio, d. 1911; composer of words to Home on the range) p. 318 (Dr. Bruce Higley)
  • Fuld, J. The book of world-famous music, 4th ed.:p. 274 (Dr. Brewster M. Higley; d. 1911, Shawnee, Okla.)
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Wikipedia description:

Brewster Martin Higley VI, MD (November 30, 1823 – December 9, 1911) was an otolaryngologist who became famous for writing "My Western Home". Originally written in 1871 or 1872 and published under the title "My Western Home" in the Smith County Pioneer in the fall of 1873, possibly December, this poem later became the original lyrics for the famous American folk song "Home on the Range". Because Higley wrote "Home on the Range" while living in Smith County, Kansas, and because Kansans felt it described their state very well, the Kansas legislature voted to make "Home on the Range" the official state song on April 8, 1947.

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