Pomerania (Sweden)
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- Its General-Statthalter und Regierung. Von Sr. Königl. Majestät zu Schweden, [et]c. [et]c. [et]c. zum Pommerschen Etat verordnete General-Statthalter und Regierung thun kund hiemit, 1802 or 1803:(name not given)
- Columbia enc., 1993:(Pomerania)
- Sante, G.W. Geschichte der deutschen Länder, 1964:v. 1, p. 129-130 (Pommern; from 1648 to 1815, major part of it was under Swedish crown)
- Wikipedia, May 3, 2013:"Swedish Pomerania" (Swedish Pomerania; other access points: Svenska Pommern (Swedish); Schwedisch-Pommern (German); a dominion under the Swedish crown from 1630 to 1815, situated on what is now the Baltic coast of Germany and Poland; following the Polish and Thirty Years' war, Sweden held extensive control of the lands on the southern Baltic coast, including Pomerania and parts of Livonia and Prussia; by the Treaty of Stettin in 1630, Sweden gained effective control of the Duchy of Pomerania, and by the treaties of Westphalia (1648) and Stettin 1653, Sweden received western Pomerania (Vorpommern), the islands of Rügen, Usedom and Wolin, and a strip of Farther Pomerania (Hinterpommern); in 1679 Sweden lost most of Pomerania east of the Oder River, and in 1720 those lands south of the Peene and east of the Peenestrom rivers; in 1814, Swedish Pomerania was ceded to Denmark in exchange for Norway, and in the following year transferred to Prussia by the Congress of Vienna)