Fort Victoria (Zimbabwe)

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  • Governmenal body
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Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Fort Victoria (Zimbabwe)
Other forms of name
nnaa Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia
Victoria (Zimbabwe)
See Also From tracing corporate name
Masvingo (Zimbabwe)
Other Identifiers
Wikidata: Q43278
Sources of Information
  • Sarum Imprint (Pvt.) Ltd.Fort Victoria, 1971.
  • Sayce, K. A town called Victoria, 1978:t.p. (Victoria) p. xix ("the town now known as Fort Victoria")
  • Col. Lipp. 1966(Fort Victoria, town, SE central Southern Rhodesia; sometimes called Victoria)
  • 4/4/85 Phone call to BGN(after Zimbabwe's independence in 1980/81, Fort Victoria called Nyanda for a short period of time; Zimbabwe govt. did not like that name and in early 1982 name was officially changed to Masvingo)
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Wikipedia description:

Victoria Falls (Lozi: Mosi-oa-Tunya, "Thundering Smoke"; Tonga: Shungu Namutitima, "Boiling Water") is a waterfall on the Zambezi River, located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is one of the world's largest waterfalls, with a width of 1,708 m (5,604 ft). The region around it has a high degree of biodiversity in both plants and animals. Archaeology and oral history describe a long record of African knowledge of the site. Although known to some European geographers before the 19th century, Scottish missionary David Livingstone identified the falls in 1855, naming them Victoria Falls after Queen Victoria. Since the mid-20th century, the site has been a major tourist destination. Zambia and Zimbabwe both have national parks and tourism infrastructure at the site. Research in the late 2010s found that precipitation variability due to climate change is likely to alter the character of the falls.

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