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  • Book
Title Ramban : the Torah: with Ramban's commentary / translated, annotated, and elucidated by Yaakov Blinder in collaboration with Yoseph Kamenetsky
contributing editors, Yehudah Bulman [et al.]
coordinating editor, Avrohom Biderman
designed by Sheah Brander.
Additional Titles פרוש הרמב"ן על התורה
Torah with Ramban's commentary
פרוש התורה. תשס"ד
פירוש הרמב"ן על התורה.
Bible. Pentateuch. English. 2004.
Contributors משה בן נחמן, 1194-1270
Publisher Brooklyn, N.Y : Mesorah Publications
Creation Date 2004-2010
Notes Biblical text and Ramban's commentary in Hebrew and English
additional commentary and introductory material in English only.
"A project of the Mesorah Heritage Foundation."
Includes bibliographical references.
Content v. 1. Bereishis/Genesis [Bereishis-Chayei Sarah]. 2004.
v. 2. Bereishis/ Genesis [פ' תולדות-ויחי] / edited by Avie Gold, Nesanel Kasnett and Menachem Davis. 2005.
v. 3. Shemos/Exodus. v. 1 פ' שמות-יתרו. / [edited] by Yaakov Blinder [et al.]. 2006.
v. 4. Shemos/Exodus. v. 2. פ' משפטים-פקודי / [edited] by Nesanel Kasnett [et al.]. 2007.
v. 5. Vayikra/Leviticus. / [edited] by Nesanel Kasnett [et al.]. 2010.
v. 6. Bamidbar/Number / [edited] by Nesanel Kasnett [et al.]. 2009.
v. 7. Devarim/Deuteronomy / [edited] by Nesanel Kasnett [et al.]. 2008.
Series ArtScroll series
Extent 7 v. (v. 1-7) : ill., geneal. tables, map
26 cm.
Language English
National Library system number 990023974070205171

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