audio items

Solomon Gisser and the Zimroh Male Choir

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Performer Gisser, Solomon; Rosemarin, Jacob; רוזמרין, שמשון; Zimroh Male Choir
Record Company Canada : S.n
Creation Date [19--]
Creators Gisser, Solomon 1918- (performer)
Rosemarin, Jacob 1892-1980 (performer)
Rosemarin, Samson (arranger of music)
Sholem Aleichem 1859-1916
Dunaevskiĭ, Isaak Osipovich 1900-1955
Aizenstadt, David 1890-1942
Sulzer, Salomon 1804-1890
Wladowsky, Bernard 1870-1963
רוזמרין, שמשון (מבצע)
Zimroh Male Choir (performer)
Genre Songs, Yiddish,Synagogue music,Musical traditions (Jewish), Ashkenazi, Western-European,Musical traditions (Jewish), Ashkenazi, Eastern-European
Physical Description 1 sound disc : analog., 33 1/3 rpm
12 in..

Language heb
Duration 00:18:59::0:01:82
Notes On label: "This recording was taken from a live concert. In the editing all applause and announcements have been eliminated."
From "the Jacob Michael collection of Jewish music".
מסורת: אשכנזים :מערב
מסורת: אשכנזים :מזרח
Sung in Hebrew and Yiddish.

Content Note Side 1: V'al ham'dinot (by I. Rubin) -- Uvnuchoh yomar (by Jacob Rosemarin) -- Shir eres = Lullaby (Words by Sholom Aleichem, Arranged by J. Rosemarin) -- Mizmor shir (by Dunayevsky)
side 2: Sham'ah vatismach tzion (by Isenstadt) -- V'te-erav (by S. Sultzer) -- Chasidic (by Jacob Rosemarin) -- Modim (by Wladowsky).
צד 1: ועל המדינות -- ובנחה יאמר -- שיר ערש -- מזמור שיר חנוכת
צד 2: שמעה ותשמח ציון -- ותערב -- חסידיש -- מודים אנחנו לך.

Note on Participants Cantor Solomon Gisser (vocalist) and the Zimroh Male Choir, conducted by Prof. Jacob Rosemarin. Accompanied at the organ by Samson Rosemarin.
Note on Language Sung in Hebrew and Yiddish.
Shelf Number JMR 0849
System Number 990034377310205171

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