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[Judeo-Spanish] songs in Judeo-Spanish. .non-field recording [sound recording] .non-field recording

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Play songs in order
  • 01.
    Morena me llaman
  • 02.
    Arboles lloran por lluvia
  • 03.
    Yo me levantara un lunes
  • 04.
    Viva tú y viva yo
  • 05.
    Búcar sobre Valencia
  • 06.
    La doncella guerrera
  • 07.
    Arrelumbres tú, arrelumbres
  • 08.
    Daile a cenar
  • 09.
    La novia destrenza el pelo
  • 10.
    El rey envidioso de su sobrino
  • 11.
    La partida del esposo
  • 12.
  • 13.
    El Polo
  • 14.
    Fray Pedro
Play songs in order
Performer Hasson de Salama, Rebeca; Salama de Anahory, Simy; Chocrón de Anahory, Miriam; Nahón de Chocrón, Mercedes
Creation Date 1975
Creators Anahory Librowicz, Oro (recordist)
Hasson de Salama, Rebeca 1909-1991 (singer, performer)
Salama de Anahory, Simy 1905-1987 (singer, performer)
Chocrón de Anahory, Miriam 1947- (singer, performer)
Nahón de Chocrón, Mercedes 1923-2003 (singer, performer)
Note on Location and Date Recorded in Malaga
Genre Songs, Ladino,Musical traditions (Jewish), Sephardi, North Africa
Physical Description 1 קלטת שמע : אנלוגי, 2 ערוצים..
Language lad
Notes Collection of Dr. Oro Anahory-Librowicz.
for further information please see item folder.
Side B is empty.
Side A.
מסורת: ספרדים :צפון אפריקה / מרוקו - טנג'יר
מסורת: ספרדים :צפון אפריקה / מרוקו - טטואן

Note on Participants Simy Salama de Anahory, Miriam Chocrón de Anahory & Mercedes Chocrón, recorded by Jaime Anahory & given to Oro Anahory-Librowicz.
Source Note Original number: Tape 27.
Biographical Info Rebeca Hasson de Salama (1909-1991), born in Edirne (Turkey) in 1909
was sent as a teacher by the Alliance Israélite Universelle school to Larache (Morocco) in 1932
she lived there until 1936 when she moved to Salé (Morocco) where she lived from 1936 till 1960
then she moved to Lille (France) where she lived until her passing in 1991.
Simy Salama de Anahory (1905-1987), born in Tangier in 1905
lived in Tetuán (1930-1970)
moved to Málaga, Spain (1970-1985) and then to Caracas, Venezuela where she passed away in 1987.
Miriam Chocrón de Anahory, born in Tetuán in 1947
moved to Málaga, Spain in 1970
recorded in Málaga in 1975 by Jaime Anahory Salama and given to Oro Anahory-Librowicz.
Mercedes Nahón de Chocrón (1923-2003), born in Tetuán, passed away in Ceuta, Spain in 2003
recorded in Málaga in 1975 by Jaime Anahory Salama and given to Oro Anahory-Librowicz.

Shelf Number Y 12388
System Number 990036194410205171

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