Draft section of the Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended

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Title Draft section of the Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.
Additional Titles The chronology of ancient kingdoms, amended (draft)
Chap. II/ Of the Kingdome of Egypt (2 drafts)
Contributors יהודה, אברהם שלום, 1877-1951 (בעלים קודמים)
Original Library/publisher The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel
Creation Date 171-
Notes נושא נוסף: פילוסופיה כללית
נושא נוסף: Autograph. Newton, Isaac
The National Library of Israel Jerusalem Israel Ms. Yah. Var. 1/ Newton Papers 25.1e
Subject Digitized manuscripts
Publications Cf. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended (London 1728)
Genre Autograph manuscripts
Call number at Current Custodian The National Library of Israel, Ms. Yah. Var. 1/ Newton Papers 25.1e
Extent 12 ff.
Language Latin
Credits מאוסף הספרייה הלאומית
National Library system number 990037912450205171
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