Kekeliże, Korneli

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  • Personality
| מספר מערכת 987007279827505171
Information for Authority record
Name (Latin)
Kekeliże, Korneli
Name (Cyrilic)
Кекелидзе, Корнелий Самсонович
Other forms of name
Kekelidse, K
Kekeliże, Korneli Samsonis że
nna Kekelidze, Korniliĭ Semenovich
Kekelidze, Korniliĭ Samsonovich
Kekeliże, K. (Korneli)
Kekelidze, K. S. (Korneliĭ Samsonovich)
Kekelidze, Korneliĭ Samsonovich
Kekelidze, Cornelius
Date of birth
Date of death
Biographical or Historical Data
Other Identifiers
VIAF: 71774246
Wikidata: Q6432416
Library of congress: n 80156114
Sources of Information
  • His Die Bekehrung Georgiens zum Christentum, 1928.
  • His Żveli kʻartʻuli literaturis istoria, 1980- :v. 1, t.p. (Korneli Kekeliże) colophon (Korniliĭ Samsonovich Kekelidze)
  • His Żveli kʻartʻuli literatura, 1954:t.p. (K. Kekeliże)
  • His Etiudebi żveli kʻartʻuli lit. ... 1968- :v. 10, t.p. (Korneli Kekeliże) add. t.p. (K.S. Kekelidze) colophon (Korneliĭ Samsonovich Kekelidze)
  • Monumenta hagiographica georgica, 1918:v.1, t.p. (Cornelius Kekelidze) added t.p. (Korn. Kekeliżis)
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Wikipedia description:

Korneli Kekelidze (Georgian: კორნელი კეკელიძე) (April 30, 1879 – June 7, 1962) was a Soviet and Georgian philologist, scholar of Georgian literature, and one of the founding fathers of the Tbilisi State University where he chaired the Department of the History of Old Georgian Literature from 1918 until his death. Kekelidze left a diverse literary and scholarly legacy that laid foundation for critical study of the Georgian literature. He discovered, studied and published several pieces of Old Georgian literature. His most influential work A History of Old Georgian Literature (ძველი ქართული ლიტერატურის ისტორია) went through four editions between 1923 and 1960. The magnitude of Kekelidze’s accomplishments was recognized by the naming of the Georgian Institute of Manuscripts in Tbilisi in his honor. Kekelidze became a member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences in 1941.

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