Archives List

Archives List

Title Description Size Language
Election Propaganda and Newspapers from Germany Collection Propaganda materials (flyers and leaflets) for general elections in Germany and newspapers from the Weimar period and the early "Third Reich". Another file includes materials for election campaigns within the Berlin Jewish community and the Prussian Association of Jewish communities in 1930. Very small Multiple languages
Bronislaw Anlen Collection Bronislaw Anlen was a researcher of antisemitism in Poland. Very small Polish
Revolution of 1848 Collection Posters, leaflets and newspaper issues from Austria, Bohemia, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland, produced and distributed during the revolution of 1848-1849. Very small German, French, Czech
Samuel Edelman Autograph Collection Autographs of well-known nineteenth century British public figures from Samuel Edelman's collection. Very small English
Jews of Australia Collection Printed materials from the 19th and 20th centuries. Small English
Jews of New Zealand Collection Printed materials from the 19th and 20th centuries. Very small English
Dan Miron Archive Prof. Dan Miron (1934-), one of the great scholars of Hebrew literature. Medium Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Collection of Israeli Knesset elections campaign ephemera Publications of electoral lists which campaigned in all Knesset elections, since the 1949 Israeli Constituent Assembly election. Large Multiple languages
Mati Meged Archive Mati Meged (1923-2003), prominent Israeli author of the Palmach Generation Literature. Small Hebrew, English
Damascus Affair Collection Transcripts of documents related to the Damascus affair in 1840. Very small Multiple languages
Andrea Gobbi archive Andrea Gobbi (Trieste 1765-1850), physician. The archive contains medical diaries, manuscripts and publications in Italian and in Latin. Very small Latin, Italian, German
Josef Löwenthal Archive Letters from German professors in the field of humanities, written to philosophy and philology scholar Josef Löwenthal after World War II, dealing with the academic past of Germany. There are also newspaper clippings and articles about the history of the universities in Göttingen and Münster. Very small German
Noiaj Katzowich collection Noiaj Katzowich (1898-1936), journalist, among the leaders of the Jewish agricultural settlement in Argentina in the late 19th century. Very small Yiddish
Erich Mühsam Collection Erich Mühsam (1878-1934), anarchist writer who was murdered during the Nazi regime. Very small German
Collection of the Gulf War publications Posters and propaganda material, newspaper clippings and other publications concerning protest against the Gulf War or support of it, and defense against missile strikes. Very small Hebrew
Gedalyahu Alon Archive Prof. Gedalyahu Alon (1902-1950), historian of the Hellenistic and the Second Temple periods. The collection includes mainly notebooks with Alon's handwritten notes on the Talmud and Rabbinic literature. Medium Hebrew
Uri Avneri Archive Uri Avneri (1923-2018), Knesset member, among the leaders of the Israeli radical left, journalist and editor of the magazine "HaOlam HaZeh". Medium Hebrew
Menachem Froman Archive Menachem Froman (1945-2013), chief rabbi of Tekoa, poet and initiator of dialogues with Islamic leaders on peace on the basis of religious faith. Small Hebrew, English, Arabic
Eva Basnizki Collection Eva Basnizki (1933-2016), Israeli poet in German. During the Holocaust she was hidden by her father under a different identity. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Saul Friedländer Archive Saul Friedländer (1932-), prominent Israeli historian of the Holocaust period, dealing mostly with Nazi Germany and its attitudes towards the Jews. Large French, German, English, Hebrew
Dan Hadani Archive Dan Hadani (1924-), founder and director of IPPA (Israel Press & Photo Agency). The archive includes over 1,000,000 press photographs documenting various events in the history of the state of Israel, daily lives etc. Large Hebrew, English
Dan Reisinger Archive Dan Reisinger (1934-2019), Israeli painter and graphic designer. Designed hundreds of symbols, stamps, medals, calendars, posters for cultural events and protest posters. Small Hebrew, English
Moişe Ghivelder Collection Moişe Ghivelder (1876-1937), crown rabbi of the Jewish community in Briceni, Bessarabia, owner of factories and active Zionist. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Collection of Colour Photographs of Jerusalem 43 enlarged and framed color photographs of Jerusalem in the 1940s, which were presented at the Jewish National and University Library in the year 2000 as part of the 75th anniversary of the Hebrew University. The original photographer was Marlin Levin. Medium Hebrew
Cecil Roth Collection Cecil Roth (1899-1970), Jewish British historian. Very small English
Shabtai Ben-Dov archive Shabtai Ben-Dov (1924-1978), Lehi fighter, right-wing essayist and thinker, scholar of Hebrew law and jurist. Large Hebrew
Maxa Nordau Collection Maxa Nordau (Paris 1897 - 1991), French painter, daughter of the Zionist leader Max Nordau. The collection also includes letters to her father. Medium Multiple languages
Rivka Schatz Hasidism Catalogue Card index of Hasidism books and Hasidic figures used by Prof. Rivka Schatz-Oppenheimer (1927-1992) in her research. Small Hebrew
Aharon Layish Archive Aharon Layish (1933-), scholar of Islamic law. The archive contains mostly xerox copies of verdicts from Sharia courts in Palestine, Sudan and Libya in the 19th and 20th centuries. Large Hebrew, Arabic
Max Brod Archive Max Brod (Prague 1884 - Tel Aviv 1968), writer, philosopher and composer. As Franz Kafka's estate manager, Brod published Kafka's writings after his death. The archive contains, among others, letters and manuscripts by Kafka. Large Multiple languages
Israelitische Religionsgesellschaft Frankfurt a.M. - Ephemera Collection Mainly printed campaign literature toward the election of the community rabbi in 1928, and other printed materials on the school of the community, as well as some photographs. Very small German
Israel Zamir archive Israel Zamir (Singer) (1929-2014), editor, journalist, writer and translator, son of author Isaac Bashevis Singer. The archive also includes material concerning Isaac Bashevis Singer. Medium Hebrew
Booklets and Pamphlets of the French Revolution Collection Printed booklets and pamphlets on civil rights, the French army and other issues of the revolution. Very small French
Yosef ben Yitzchak Eliezer Goldberg Collection Rabbi Yosef Ben Yitzchak Eliezer Goldberg (1903-1963). The collection includes certificates of ordination (Semikhah) and recommendation letters by Goldberg and his father-in-law, rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Zeev Ben Baruch Friedman. Very small Hebrew
Jewish Community of Breslau Documents Collection Letters to and from the board of the community, among them from Abraham Geiger, and statutes of several organizations within the community. Very small German
Chimen Abramsky Archive Prof. Chimen Abramsky (1916-2010), Jewish British historian, mostly of modern Jewish history and Marxism. Active member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Large Multiple languages
Joseph Braslavi Archive Joseph Braslavi (1896-1972), researcher of the Land of Israel and tour guide. Large Hebrew
David Rubinger archive David Rubinger (1924-2017), one of the most notable press photographers in the first decades of the state of Israel. The archive includes mostly silver prints of b&w photographs. Large Hebrew, English
Azza Zvi Archive Azza Zvi (1934-2011), esaayist, translator, editor and Israeli culture researcher. Daughter of Raphael Zvi, who was among the founders of Habima Theatre, and Haya Alperowitz, painter and stage designer, and a friend of the poets Zelda and Yona Wallach. Large Hebrew, Russian
Karl Klein Collection Karl Klein (Vienna 1894-England 1978), accountant and soldier in the Austrian Army during World War I. The collection contains 2 diaries in handwriting of his war recollections. Very small German, English
European Autographs and Documents Collection Documents on parchment and paper, as well as some autographs and letters, all of European origin. Some of the items date back to the middle ages. Very small Multiple languages
Agi Mishol Archive Agi Mishol (1946-), Israeli poet. The archive contains diary notbooks with drafts for her poems. Small Hebrew, English
Hanania Habib Azoulay Collection Hanania Habib Azoulay (1876-1953), rabbi in France, Belgim, Morocco, Tunisia, Algiers and England. In Casablanca, founded the newspaper "Or Hamaarav", and the newspaper "Zion" in England. Very small Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, French, Italian
Ruth Bachi-Kolodny archive Ruth Bachi-Kolodny (1939-), Israeli journalist and radio broadcaster, author and scholar of the history of the Jewish settlement in the land of Israel. Medium Hebrew, English,
Collection of Documents on the Foundation of Ruhama Settlement Letters to Abraham Kaminer, one of the founders of the settlement Ruhama, letters to the Shearith Israel society and various documents, among which are a list of settlers' names, invoices, information on the settlement and documents regarding lands. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Peki'in collection The collection documents the Jewish settlement in Peki'in during the 1930s. Very small Hebrew
Antifa collection Antifa - anti-fascist organization founded for the purpose of fighting right-wing organizations in the Yishuv. In 1936 the group strove to raise awareness among the Jewish population in Palestine to the Spanish Civil War. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, French
Assi Dayan Archive Assi Dayan (1945-2014), director, film actor, screenwriter, songwriter and publicist, painter, author and poet. Medium Hebrew
Hanna and Aharon Heftmann Archive Hanna (1905-1954) and Aharon (1900-1963) Heftmann, pioneers of the Third Aliyah. Among the founders of kibbutz Hulda and moshav Gan Haim. Very small Hebrew, Polish, Yiddish
Mikhail Zand Archive Mikhail Zand (1927-2018), expert in Iranian literature and Semitic linguistics, was active in Zionist organizations in the Soviet Union which promoted Aliyah. Small Multiple languages
Leopold Gornitz Collection Leopold Gornitz (Gorni) (1894-1961), among the leaders of the Zionist organization in Helsinki, Finnland, and board member of Magen David Adom in Israel. The collction also includes memoranda and various documents concerning Finnland-Israel relations, photographs of Magen David Adom directors and of the organiztion's activity during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Very small Hebrew, Finnish, English, Yiddish
The Society For Israeli-Chinese Friendship and Understanding Archive Minutes of the society, correspondence on the society, membership request forms and various documents. Very small Hebrew, English
Jamal Twins Collection The Jamal Sisters (Alpert): Bertha (1932-2016) and Helena (1930-1992), belly dancers, among the biggest stars in 1950s Egyptian entertainment. The collection includes photographs from their tours in the 1950s. Very small English, Arabic,
Ephraim Taubenhaus archive Ephraim Taubenhaus (1905-1983), author and publicist, religious Zionist activist. Very small Hebrew
Moshe David Gisser Archive Moshe David Gisser (1893-1952), Yiddish poet, journalist, author, critic and editor. Very small Yiddish
Pessach Hebroni Archive Pessach Hebroni (1888-1963), Israeli mathematician and scientist. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Dov Noy Archive Prof. Dov Noy (1920-2013), scholar of Jewish folklore literature, editor of the magazine "Davar Liyladim" and editorial member of the newspaper "Davar" in the early 1950s. Very large Multiple languages
Shlomo Dov (Fritz) Goitein Archive Shlomo Dov (Fritz) Goitein (1900-1985), educator, linguist, orientalist and scholar of Geniza. Large Hebrew, English, German
Rivkah Kluger-Schärf Collection Rivkah Kluger-Schärf (1907-1987), psychologist and scholar, published books on science, Jewish history and psychology. Very small German, Hebrew,
Wachtfogel Yitzchak Yaakov Collection Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Wachtfogel (1887-1978), head of Mea Shearim Yeshiva and active member of the Mizrachi movement. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Felix Theilhaber Collection Felix Aaron Theilhaber (1884-1956), German Jewish physician, among the founders of "Maccabi" health insurance. Published books on history and medicine. Very small German, Turkish, English
Collection of the Jewish Community in Lemberg Population registry of Lemberg (Lvov) Jewry and several documents on the activity of its community (deeds etc.). Very small German, Hebrew
El'azar Sharvit archive El'azar Sharvit (1907-1988), published literary essays and poems in journals and newspapers and in various collections. Very small Hebrew
Uriel Tal Archive Uriel Tal (Vienna 1926 - Herzliya 1984), historian who laid the historical and theoretical foundations for understanding the relationship between Judaism and Christianity in Germany in the modern period. Large Hebrew, English, German
Emet w'emuna Congregation Collection Various publications of the community in the 1960s, activity diaries, Bar Mitzvah lists, posters etc. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Miriam Rode Archive Miriam Rode (1905-2001), Israeli translator, mostly of belles lettres from Russian and German into Hebrew. Small Hebrew, English, Russian
Moshe Hai Cohen-Yazdi Aharoni Archive Moshe Hai Cohen-Yazdi Aharoni (1896-1957), rabbi and shochet, author and translator, active Zionist in the Jewish community of Kermanshah, Persia. The archive contains family photographs and photographs of the Kermanshah community, a map of Jews' homes of the community, pinkasim and addresses. Medium Hebrew, Judeo-Persian
Bahai Faith Collection Letters, wills, one diary and other documents of the Bahai Faith. Very small English, Persian, Arabic
Aliza Auerbach Archive Aliza Auerbach (1940-1960), Israeli photographer, mainly of portraits and documentary photography. The archive contains b&w and color negatives, slides and prints of her work. Large Hebrew, English
Mordechai Rabinowitz Archive Copies of letters sent by rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz to various figures, letter sent to him on matters of Halakha, Torah innovations and various drafts. Very small Hebrew
Raphael Zvi archive Raphael Zvi (1898-1984), theatre actor, director and educator. Joined Habima and the Ohel theatres in their early stages, and founded Hastudia Hadramatit in Jerusalem. Medium Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish
Edward Elkan Collection 335 photographs taken in the years 1925-1930 by Edward Elkan. Most of them were taken in Palestine, some documenting the Elkan family's journeys across Europe, its way to and from Palestine, to Germany, Italy, Egypt and the East Jordan Bank. Very small English
Chaja Alperowitz archive Chaja Alperowitz (1902-1987), Israeli painter and designer. Stage and costume designer for Habima and the Ohel theatres and for dozens of her husband Raphael Zvi's productions. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Zalman Cutler Archive Zalman Cutler (1874-1953), journalist and Zionist activist. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Nadja Taussig Collection Nadja Taussig (1905-?), founded a German literary salon in her Tel Aviv home, which lasted for 40 years. The collection includes dozens of letters from Max Brod, her brother-in-law, and other figures. Very small German, English, Hebrew, Russian
Democratic movement for change collection The Democratic Movement for Change was a political party established in 1976 for the election for the 9th Knesset. The collection contains circulars, offprints, correspondence, invitations, brochures, publications, newspaper articles and internal material of the movement. Very small Hebrew
Otto Dov Kulka Archive Prof. Otto Dov Kulka (1933-), Israeli historian, mostly of the ideology and policy of the Nazi regime. Imprisoned as a child in Theresienstadt and Auschwitz-Birkenau. The archive also includes personal diaries and his father Erich Kulka's personal documents. Medium Multiple languages
David Landau Archive David Landau (1947-2015), journalist, editor and author. Editor in chief of Haaretz and managing editor of The Jerusalem Post. Medium Hebrew, English
Simchat Torah flags collection Most items in the Simchat Torah flags collection are from Israel, some also include promotional or partisan content. The collection also includes Simchat Torah flags for other occasions. Very small Hebrew
Jewish European Ephemera Collection Single sheets, leaflets, playbills, invitations to events and activities, posters, broadsides, circulars, tickets, programs, booklets from European Jewish communities, institutions and organisations, from 32 countries. Medium Multiple languages
Collection of letters about issues relating to the socio-economic gap in Israel Collection of letters sent to Yeshayahu Giat by Knesset members and other leading figures about issues relating to the socio-economic gap in Israel. Very small Hebrew
Mordekhai Vogelmann Archive Dr. Mordekhai Vogelmann (1898-1984), chief rabbi of Katowice and later Kiryat Motzkin. Medium Hebrew, Polish, German, Italian, Yiddish, English
Avner Treinin Archive Avner Treinin (1928-2011), poet and chemistry professor at the Hebrew University. Small Hebrew
Natan Sharansky Archive Natan Sharansky (1948-), Knesset member and Israeli minister, as well as chair of the executive of the Jewish Agency. Known as a prisoner of Zion and refusenik in the Soviet Union. Large Hebrew, Russian, English
Shimon Rubinstein Archive Shimon Rubinstein (1941-2014), historian and director of the Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Archive. Served as Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi's personal secretary. Very small Hebrew, English
Collection of documents and posters of the Association for Promoting Home Produce The collection minutes, circulars and various publications of the Association for Promoting Home Produce. Most of the publications were produced in Tel Aviv in the years 1936-1939. Very small Hebrew, Ladino
Zelda Archive Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky (1914-1984), religious Israeli poet. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Sifriath Paz Publishers Archive Sifriath Paz Publishers was managed by Eva Margolin. Its aim was publishing quality children's books in Hebrew. In the years 1942-1946, it published 18 booklets and pocket books of poems and stories for children, original and in translation. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Fred Pauker Archive Fred Pauker (1927-1985), illustrator and designer, active in Austria, England, India and Israel. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Rubin Mass Archive Rubin Mass (1894-1979), publisher and founder of a publishing house in his name. Medium Hebrew, German
Batthyány family collection Letters, certificates and administrative documents in Latin, German, Hungarian and Czech from the daily lives of the Batthyány family and European aristocracy in the 15th-19th centuries. The Batthyány family was a family of aristocrats spread across Austria, Hungary, Germany and other countries. Very small Hungarian, German, Latin, Czech
Dan Almagor Archive Dan Almagor (1935-), playwright, translator, songwriter, author, journalist, essayist, literary scholar and television host. Very large Hebrew, English
Moshe Davis Archive Moshe Davis (1916-1996), rabbi and historian in the field of American Jewish history. He was the founder of the Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University. Medium English, Hebrew
Robert Slater Interviews Collection Robert Slater (1943-2014), American-Israeli author and journalist who published, among many others, books on Yitzhak Rabin and Donald Trump. The collection consists of dozens of interviews which Slater conducted with various figures. Very small English
Zvi and Frida Homski Archive Zvi Homski (1894-1993), agronomist, and his wife Frida Homski (1892-1979), pioneers of the second Aliyah. Frida was Rachel Katznelson-Shazar's sister. Very small Hebrew
Amos Gitai Archive Amos Gitai (1950-), film director, screenwriter and producer. The archive contains drafts and written material used by Gitai for his screenwriting. Large Hebrew, English, French
Benjamin Halevi Archive Benjamin Halevi (1910-1966),Supreme Court judge and Knesset member. The archive contains general and personal documents, mainlz concerning Halevi's part as a judge at the "Kastner trial", the "Kafr Qasim Massacre Trial" and the "Eichmann Trial". Medium Hebrew
Alice Shalvi Archive Alice Shalvi (1926-), pioneer of feminism and religious feminism in Israel, educator and English literature professor. Was principle of Pelech school in Jerusalem, founded The Israel Women's Network and served as its director. Large Hebrew, English, German
Avraham Horowitz Collection Avraham Horowitz (1863-1940), writer, poet and badkhn in Eastern Europe. Very small Yiddish
Moshe David Eichenbaum Archive Moshe David Eichenbaum (1923-2004), member of the Lehi organization, detained at the Carthago camp in Sudan and veteran of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Large Hebrew
Collection of publications of the Palestinian National Authority Posters and propaganda material of government offices, educational institutions, political parties and movements of the Palestinian National Authority. Small Arabic
Amikam Gurevitch Archive Amikam Gurevitch (1929-2018), Israeli radio broadcaster and founder of "Amikam" publishing house. Since the 1960s and until 2008 read the Yizkor prayer and selected passages from the Tanakh at the Torch-lighting Ceremony on the eve of Independence Day. Large Hebrew
Amnon Netzer Archive Prof. Amnon Netzer (1934-2008), major scholar of Persian Jewry. Established the Farsi station at the Kol Israel radio service, and held a professorship at the Hebrew University. Large Hebrew
Collection of commercial ephemera Hundreds of items reflecting trade, industry, tourism, banking, transportation and insurance, in Palestine and in the State of Israel, since the early 20th century. Small Multiple languages
Shraga Abramson Archive Shraga Abramson (1915-1996), scholar of Talmud and medieval Hebrew and Arabic literature, and editor of the journal "Leshonenu". Large Hebrew, English
Ariel Publishing House archive Eli Schiller (1938-2019), founder and lifelong director of "Ariel" publishing house in Jerusalem. The archive also includes photographs of various buildings and sites across the land of Israel from the mid 19th century up to the late 20th century. Medium Hebrew
Avshalom Kor Collection Avshalom Kor (1950-), well-known linguist, radio broadcaster and television host. The collection contains original notes prepared for radio and television programs hosted by Kor. Medium Hebrew
Gdalia Wilbuschewitsch archive Gdalia Wilbuschewitsch (1865-1943), mechanical engineer, Zionist activist and pioneer of industry and construction in Eretz Israel. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of War Correspondence from World War One - Bangert Family Around 700 letters of the Bangert family from World War I, also by Christian Bangert, who served as an officer in the German military. Very small German, Dutch, Danish
Greeting cards collection Thousands of items produced for various occasions: Rosh Hashana, other Jewish holidays, birthdays, non-Jewish holidays, other occasions. The cards were produced by commercial and other types of bodies, in Eretz Israel and abroad, from the late 19th century and until today. Medium Multiple languages
Obituaries collection Tousands of obituaries including death notices and funerals of well-known and anonymous deceased, in Palestine and in the State of Israel. Small Hebrew
Collection of Israeli local autorithies elections campaign ephemera Publications of electoral lists which campaigned in local autorithies elections and mayor candidates in Israel since the early 20th century. Medium Hebrew
Collection of Israel government publications Publications by the Israeli government, national authorities and state-owned companies, describing their activity and information produced by them on the fields and topics in which they operate. Medium Hebrew
Collection of programs Programs related to festive events held in honor of well-known figures, concerts, balls held on literary and artistic occasions, conferences, festivals, fairs, shows, lectures etc. The collection also includes menus for celebratory meals. The events took place in Israel and abroad. Medium Multiple languages
Collection of receipts Samples of receipts for donations to charity and educational institutions, and receipts on other payments in Palestine, the State of Israel and Jewish communities worldwide. Very small Multiple languages
Jacob Eisenberg Collection of Portraits and Autographs of the Presidents of the United States of America 27 portraits of US presidents with their autographs. Very small Hebrew
David Bass Collection David Bass (1914-1992), among the first teachers and educators who were in charge of the DP camps in Austria for youth who survived the Holocaust, and later worked in Yad Vashem. Composed several bibliographies of the Holocaust, as well as essays and memoires in Yiddish. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Otto Neurath Collection Otto Neurath (1881-1945), influential philosopher of science, sociologist, and political economist. He belonged to the "Vienna Circle" between the two world wars. Very small German
Tchemerinski Barukh collection Barukh Tchemerinski (1892-1946), actor and director at Habima theatre, as well as board member. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Collection of Newspaper Clippings and Historical Press Cuttings Single volumes of newspapers printed in the 19th and 20th centuries, including reports on historical events, as well as clippings from Jewish press, mostly in Russian, Yiddish, English and German, and several items from the global press. Medium Multiple languages
Collection of Documents to the History of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Letters, publications and various documents in print, objects of symbolic value and other items related to the history of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of Stamps Postage stams and philately items. including stamp sheets and single stamps issued in Israel, and postage stamps issued to commemorate historical events in various countries. Very small Multiple languages
Yisrael Har Archive Yisrael Har (1932-2019), Israeli poet and editor. Founder of "Tarmil" publishing house. Medium Hebrew
Jacob Rosenberg Collection Jacob Rosenberg (1811-1868), regional rabbi of Fulda in 1843-1852 and in 1852-1861 rabbi of Groningen. Very small German
Yom-Tov Lewinsky Archive Dr. Yom-Tov Lewinsky (1899-1973), scholar of Jewish folklore, founder of "Yeda Am" society of Jewish folklore. Medium Hebrew
Israeli Committee for Ethiopian Jews Archive Minutes of Israeli Committee for Ethiopian Jews meetings, correspondence, copies of letters sent by the committee chairmen, administrative material, and various publications and newspaper clipping concerning the fight of Ethiopian Jews for Aliyah. Very small Hebrew
Kurt Wilhelm Collection Letters by Else Lasker-Schüler and S. Y. Agnon sent to rabbi Kurt Wilhelm since the mid-1930s, manuscripts of stories by Agnon, essays by Wilhelm on Schüler and Agnon and copies of letters. Very small Hebrew
Gary Wexler Collection Examples from some of the big advertising campaigns for non-profits and foundations, mainly in the United States and Israel, that were produced by Prof. Gary Wexler and his agency mainly between 1990 and the early 2000s. The material is mainly, but not exclusively, concerned with Jewish and Israeli issues. Very small English
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Belgium Printed matters of the community and of others jewish organisations of Belgium. Very small Dutch
Collection of Family Trees and Genealogical Diagrams Printed, typescripted and handwritten charts, in various techniques and forms, describing geneologies of Jewish families worldwide. Medium Multiple languages
Marian Gilbert Archive Mainly personal papers, photographs and documents relating to Dr. Marian Gilbert's (1908-1993) life during World War II and soon after. Very small German, Polish, French
Binem Heller archive Binem Heller (1908-1998), Jewish-Polish poet and editor in Yiddish. Small Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew
Gerszon Zipper Collection Official documents, letters and various notes concerning the support granted by Gerszon Zipper - who was among the leaders of the Zionist movement in Galicia - to the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem and other educational institutes in Palestine. Very small Hebrew, German, Polish
Elsa Brod Archive Elsa Brod (1883-1942), literarty translator. The archive also includes manuscripts of her translations and correspondence with her husband Max Brod. Very small German, Russian, Italian, French
Yehudah Gur-Grasovski Collection Yehudah Gur-Grasovski (1862-1950), pioneer of Hebrew education in Palestine, author of a Hebrew dictionary and prolific editor and writer. Very small Hebrew
Ziporah Horovitz Collection Ziporah Horovitz (1915-2006), among the founders of Kibbutz Mesilot, teacher and educator at the Kibbutz Movement and member of the pedagogical council of Beit She'an. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Ludwig Strauss Collection 50 (handwritten) letters from Arieh Ludwig Strauss to Ilana (Ola) Michaeli, 22 poems in print and in handwriting (in Hebrew and German, and four letters by Chava Cohen regarding Strauss's health condition. Very small Hebrew, German
Elieser Feuchtwanger Collection Elieser Feuchtwanger (1908-1972), among the first landscape and gardens architects in Eretz Israel and active member of the Haganah since the 1930s. Served in Jerusalem during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Moses Reicherson Collection Moses Reicherson (1827-1903), among the first figures of the Haskalah movement in Russia, linguist and author of Hebrew grammar books. Composed textbooks and translated world literature. Very small Hebrew
Abraham Mintz Collection Manuscripts of poetry translations from Hebrew to German, mostly of poems by Heinrich Heine, and original Hebrew epigrams; drafts for poems, letters and prose excerpts in Hebrew, handwritten by Abraham Mintz, Haskalah author in Vienna. Very small Hebrew
Isaac Blumstein Collection Isaac Blumstein (1897-1963), poet, newspaper editor and teacher. Very small Yiddish
Gutkin Family of Polotsk Archive 19th century documents of the Gutkin family of Polotsk, Vitebsk region, Belarus. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Louis Friedman Collection Correspondence of Louis Friedman, a textile industrialist from New York City, with newspaper editors, publishers and businessman. Most of this correspondence refers to efforts to compose a circular to advertise the English translation of Maimonides' The Guide to the Perplexed, by Michael Friedlaender. Very small English, Hebrew
Shmuel Helmond Archive Shmuel Helmond (1907-1941), Yiddish poet and educator, prominent figure in Yiddish literary circles in Ukraine before World War II. Very small Yiddish, Russian
Shlomo Cahanov Collection of Documents on Zionist Movements in Russia Various printed materials produced by Zionist organizations in Russia, and mostly in the capital city of Peterburg-Petrograd, around the Bolshevik revolution and afterwards. Most items in the collection are related to HeHalutz movement. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Dovid Tverdovski Collection Dovid Tverdovski (1906-1968), author and worker in Jewish settlements in South Russia and Ra'anana. Very small Yiddish
Yosef Paamoni Collection Typescripted documents in Russian concerning the imprisonment of 107 delegates and participants at the Zionist congress held in Moscow, in April 1919, among them Yosef Paamoni, as well as minutes and official resolutions of the center of the Zionist movement in Soviet Russia. Very small Russian, Hebrew
Zeev Wolf Laiter Archive Zeev Wolf Laiter (1902-1974), author of responsa books and Chidushim al HaShas, rabbi of "Machzekai Hadas" congregation in Pittsburgh for over 50 years. Very small Hebrew, English, Yiddish
Slutzkin Family Collection B&w photographs, mostly silver prints, including portraits of Berl Katznelson, his friends and family, from the estate of his sister-in-law Blume Slutzkin (née Miron), pioneer of the second Aliyah. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Dmitri Kalpakchieff Trial Collection Legal documents, and mainly a detailed protocol of a criminal trial which was held at the district course in Sofia in 1932, became a public trial concerning Antisemitism in Bulgaria and dealt extensively with the attitudes of state authorities and the public toawrds the Jews. Very small Bulgarian
Haim Halachmi Archive Haim Halachmi (1902-1979), one of the first film directors in Palestine, actor and theatre director. Small Hebrew, English, German, French, Russian, Yiddish, Arabic, Polish
Emil Pikovsky Collection 102 b&w photographic negatives, taken on Emil (1899-1984) and Miriam (1900-1984) Pikovsky's private camera during the early 1930s. The photographs depict mostly their hikes across the land of Israel. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Collection of British Socialist Ephemera Printed pamphlets, leaflets and issues of socialist and communist magazines and newspapers, published in Great Britain, mainly in London, at the turn of the twentieth century. These ephemera items were collected by Prof. Chimen Abramsky (1916-2010). Very small English
Rafael Weiser Archive Rafael Weiser (1944-2019), bibliographer, librarian and archivist, scholar of S.Y. Agnon's work. Weiser played an important role in developing the collections the National Library of Israel and in forming its image. Medium Hebrew
Nathan Fendrich Collection Around 600 color slides, b&w photographic negatives and silver prints, taken during the Yom Kippur War. All the images in the collection were taken by the Jewish-American photographer Nathan Fendrich, who accompanied the IDF during the war. Very small Hebrew
Benno Rothenberg Archive Prof. Benno Rothenberg (1914-2012), press photographer and archeologist. The archive includes a collection of photographs from the first decades after the establishment of the state of Israel; among others, battles of the War of Independence, the Israeli Declaration of Independence, the signing of the Declaration and photographs of archeologic expeditions in Israel. Large Hebrew, English
Gabriel Judah Lichtenfeld Collection Gabriel Judah Lichtenfeld (1811-1887), prominent figure of the Polish Haskalah movement, taught sciences and as part of his teaching, composed Hebrew textbooks. Very small Hebrew
Louis Saalschütz collection Louis Saalschütz (1935-1913), mathematician. Very small German
Collection of the Lemaan Zion Society of Frankfurt a. M 12 cashbooks from the years 1903-1914. Very small German
Rosenkranz & Schriftsetzer Printing Press and Publishing Company Collection Correspondence with various authors, single official documents and manuscripts of essays sent to the Rosenkranz and Schriftsetzer Printing Press in Vilnius, Lithuania, mostly in the 1890s. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Israel Friedlaender Collection of Documents to the History of Anti-Jewish Pogroms in the Ukraine A collection of typescripted copies of dozens of official documents concerning the situation of Ukrainian Jewry following the Anti-Jewish pogroms which took place during the civil war, and especially during 1918-1919. Very small Russian, English
Boris Carmi Archive Boris Carmi (1914-2002), press photographer. A collection of documentary photographs from the first decades after the establishment of the state of Israel. Carmi documented many events, among which are wars and military operations, different waves of Aliyah, Ma'abarot, Kibbutzim and Moshavim. Large Hebrew, English
Moshe Marlin Levin Archive Moshe Marlin Levin (1921-2016), photographer, journalist and author. The archive contains around 2000 historical color photographs, taken in Israel since the first days of its establishment and the early years of its existence, as well as photographs of later events, such as the Yom Kippur War and Sadat's visit in Israel. Medium Hebrew, English
Hermann Salomon Reckendorf Collection Hermann Salomon Reckendorf (1863-1924) orientalist, and the first translator of the Koran into Hebrew. Very small German, Hebrew
Joseph Zvi Stein Collection Manuscripts of articles and various texts by Dr. Joseph Zvi Stein. The texts involve a variety of topics, such as medicine, Zionism and Teritorialism, as well as education. Very small Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish
Ede Neumann Collection Rabbi Dr. Ede Neumann (1859-1919), orientalist, chief rabbi of Nagykanizsán, and prominent figure of Jewish public lives in Hungary. Very small German, Arabic
Abraham Jacob Brawer Collection Rabbi Dr. Abraham Jacob Brawer (1884-1975), taught at Jerusalem school of the Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden and later in Thessaloniki and Istanbul. He was among the people who laid the foundations for the research of Eretz Israel geography. Very small German, Hebrew, Polish
Collection of Documents Relating Prize Law During the Second World War Original documents, official publications and various printed matter. Very small German, English, French
Pinchos Elja Elbinger Collection Postcards in Polish, Yiddish and Hebrew, sent to Pinchos Elja Elbinger in Poland and later in Tel Aviv, and to his father, rabbi Yitzhak Meir Elbinger in Warsaw. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, Polish
Pepita Haezrahi Collection Drafts and manuscripts of essays by Pepita Haezrahi, newspaper clippings and publications on her thought and person, and several personal documents; material concerning translations of her books and their publication in Hebrew. Very small Hebrew, English
Moshe and Avital Dafna Archive Moshe Dafna (1884-1963), poet and educator. His grandson is Ehud Dafna, to whom he dedicated the song "Hudi Khamudi". Moshe's son was Avital Dafna (1916-1980), founding member of Kibbutz Maoz Haim, songwriter and kibbutz photographer. The archive also includes manuscripts of poems for children and poems on daily lives at the kibbutz. Very small Hebrew
Avram Melnikoff Archive Avram Melnikoff (1892-1960), sculptor, created the Tel Hai Roaring Lion Monument, in memory of Trumpeldor and the seven other Jews who were killed in the Battle of Tel Hai. Small Hebrew, English
Netti Boleslav Archive Netti Boleslav (1923-1981), German-writing Israeli poet. Very small German, Czech
Meir Bineth Archive Meir (Max) Bineth (1917-1954), lieutenant colonel in the Israeli Intelligence who operated in Egypt, where he was captured as a result of the "Lavon Affair". The archive contains diaries and correspondence related to Bineth's activity. Small Hebrew, German, English
Tamar Bornstein-Lazar Archive Tamar Bornstein-Lazar (1927-2020), Israeli children's author, published humorous books on the adventures of the monkeys Kofiko and Chipopo. Small Hebrew
Israel Berama Archive Israel Berama (1956-1984), author and literary critic. Very small Hebrew
Walter Grab Archive Walter Grab (1919-2000), Israeli historian in the field of democratic movements in 19th century Germany, founder of the Minerva Center for German History at the Tel Aviv University. Small German, Hebrew, English
Ruth Koppel Archive Ruth Koppel (died in the late 1960s), artist, specialized in painting wildflowers and other plants in the Land of Israel. Immigrated from Germany in the 1930s and illustrated the first flora books on plants of the land, which was published in 1938, and other flora books. Very small Hebrew
Printed Materials Collection about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Posters, broadsides, brochures, newspaper ads and other printed matertial related the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, since the 1960s. Medium Hebrew
Naomi Feinbrun Archive Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan (1900-1995), professor of Botany at the Hebrew University, among the first members of the department of botany at the Hebrew University, took part in the publication of the first Israeli flora book and in determining the Hebrew names of its plants. Very small Hebrew, English, Russian
Dancho Arnon Archive Dancho (Dan) Arnon (1935-), photographer, journalist, tour guide and lecturer. The archive includes photographs taken by Arnon on various holidays and rituals, which took place in Israel among various religious communities. Medium Hebrew
Itzhak Shalev Archive Itzhak Shalev (1919-1992), poet, writer and essayist. Small Hebrew
Joseph Baruch Sermoneta archive Prof. Joseph Baruch Sermoneta (1924-1992), founder of the department of Italian language and literature at the Hebrew University, head of the Institute of Languages and Literatures and lecturer at the department of Jewish thought. Large Hebrew, Italian
Yehezkel Kornhendler archive Yehezkel Kornhendler (1899-1984), Yiddish author. Very small Yiddish
Yehuda Aryeh Klausner archive Dr. Yehuda Aryeh Klausner (1910-1970), librarian and scholar of Hebrew literature, father of the author Amos Oz. Small Hebrew
Ernest David Klein archive Ernest David Klein (1899-1983), linguist, author and rabbi. Very small Hebrew, English
Zvi Kanael archive Zvi Kanael, publisher and bookseller, father of the archeologist and coin specialist Baruch Kanael. Small Hebrew, German, English, French
Rosa and Karl Cohn Collection 23 essays in handwriting and in print on Zionism, as well as printed copies of letters to the Dutch consul in Palestine. Very small German, Dutch, French
Aaron Avraham Katzav archive Aaron Avraham Katzav (1916-2000), Yiddish author in the Soviet Union and in Israel. Very small Yiddish
Aaron Krolenbaum archive Aaron Krolenbaum (1909-1987), translator and editor, translated the New Testament from Greek into Yiddish. Official translator of the United Kingdom's government and monarchy. Converted Jew and Esperantist, immigrated to the UK in 1930. Very small Multiple languages
Victor A. Salkind Collection Dr. Victor (Avigdor) Salkind (1900-1986), Israeli collector, hydraulic engineer and scientist, among the founders of the Dead Sea Works and first members of the Israeli foreign service. Small Multiple languages
Yehuda Cohen Archive Yehuda Cohen (1861-1935), author, poet, translated poetry and literature from German to Hebrew. Very small Hebrew
Getzel Kressel collection Getzel Kressel (1911-1986), pioneer of Eretz Israel bibiliography in the modern period and documenter of early Hebrew press. Researched and published work on the history of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. Small Hebrew
Alfred Montefiore Hyamson Collection Manuscript for Alfred Montefiore Hyamson's (1875-1954) book "History of the Jews in England". Very small English
Aharon Rozmarin archive Aharon Rozmarin (1896-1977), Yiddish poet and essayist. Very small Yiddish
Shalom Rosenfeld archive Shalom Rosenfeld (1914-2008), publicist, journalist, author and editor. Among the founders of the newspaper Maariv. Large Multiple languages
Eliezer Rivlin archive Eliezer Rivlin (1899-1942), scholar of the history of Jewish settlement in Jerusalem and public activist. Very small Hebrew
Avraham Rein Archive Avraham Rein (1913-1997), ultra-orthdox activist, among the leaders of Agudat Yisrael and of the ultra-orthodox public in Petach Tikva. Small Hebrew
Judith Shador archive Judith Shador (1928-), Israeli painter and papercutting artist. The archive contains a collection of her drawings. Very small Hebrew
Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner Collection Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner (1871-1935), bacteriologist and doctor, the second woman in Prussia appointed as professor and the first woman in Berlin. Very small German
Lipa Schwager collection Eliezer Lipa Schwager (1882-1961), founded the bookstore "Dovev Siftei Yeshanim", that specialized in ancient Hebrew books and published detailed catalogues. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Shmuel Schulsinger archive Shmuel Schulsinger (1908-1997), founded and managed, together with his brother, a Hebrew printing house and Hebrew book publishing house in New York. Small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Menachem Zevi Cadar Archive Menachem Zevi Cadar (1925-2011), professor of Hebrew linguistics, researched mostly Old Testament Hebrew. The archive contains his personal diary from the time of the siege on Jerusalem in 1947. Small Hebrew
Zvi and Lea Schwarz archive Zvi and Lea Schwarz, editors of "Shriftn", Yiddish journal of philosophy and culture, which appeared in Argentina. Very small Yiddish, Spanish
Samuel Lublinski Collection Samuel Lublinski (1868-1910), journalist and author, supported Zionism. Very small German
Jefim Schirmann collection Prof. Jefim Schirmann (1904-1981), scholar of medieval literature. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Woodcuts from Ancient Books Collection of clippings of wood cuts from ancient German books, among them bibles, chronicles and others. Very small German
Miriam Markel-Mozessohn Archive Miriam Markel-Mozessohn (1837-1921), among the first women writers in Hebrew, corresponded with many contemporary Haskalah writers, including Abraham Mapu and Judah Leib Gordon. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Esperanto Printed Matter Collection Various printed materials in Esperanto, most of which were published for the World Esperanto Congresses. Very small Esperanto, French, German
Morris M. Thaler collection Manuscripts of literary work by Dr. Morris M. Thaler (1869-1921). Very small English, German, Hebrew
Collection of newspaper cuttings on WWI in Palestine Six volumes of newspaper clippings from the Belgian, French and English press on WWI in Palestine, collected by Shmuel Tolkowsky (1886-1965), agronomist. Very small English, French
Collection of copies of letters from Sholem-Aleykhem House in Tel Aviv Sholem-Aleykhem (1859-1916), pseudonym of Yiddish author Sholem Rabinovitch, one of the greatest Jewish writers of the late 19th century and early 20th century. The collection contains xerox copies from Sholem-Aleykhem's archive. Small Yiddish, Hebrew
Collection of Greeting Telegrams to the Minsk Zionist Congress Hundreds of greeting letters and telegrams sent to the Minsk Zionist Congress delegates from across Russia and other countries, upon the opening of the first legal Zionist congress in the Russian Empire, in September 4, 1902. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Alexander Amdur Archive Dr. Alexander Amdur (Amdursky) (1902-1970), advocate, active member of the General Zionists party, and was elected as its representative to the city council of Jerusalem. Medium Hebrew
Orthodox Religious Publications Collection Publications on religious matters (Halakha, Jewish thought, folklore), published and distributed in Israel by individuals, organizations and institutions, mostly as part of events, celebrations and conferences. Small Hebrew
Chone Shmeruk archive Chone Shmeruk (1921-1997), scholar of Yiddish literature and culture at the Hebrew University. Large Yiddish
Collection of Russian Official Documents relating the Zionism in Russia Single files of the Russian prime minister's, Pyotr Stolypin, office in the late Russian Empire period, and from the Kiev district governoräs office, concerning the Zionist movement in Russia and the national awakening of Russian Jewry. Very small Russian, German
Collection of publications on Beilis affair Issues of the liberal daily newspaper in Russian, Киевская мысль, of 1913, which include daily reports on the events taking place in the courthouse in Kiev during the trial against Menachem Mendel Beilis. Very small Russian, German
Levi Yitzhak Schneersohn archive Levi Yitzhak Schneersohn (1888-1975), member of the Nili underground organization. Medium Hebrew
Collection of the Jaffa riots inquiry commission Interrogation protocols, summaries and reports prepared by advocate Dr. Mordechai Eliash, commissioned by the Zionist administration in Palestine as part of a public inquiry into the Jaffa Riots of 1921. Very small English, Hebrew
Collection of the Jewish special commission for inquiring the status of the Western Wall Correspondence, reports, memoranda, copies of official documents, newspaper clippings in Arabic and other material accumulated by the Jewish special commission for inquiring the status of the Western Wall during 1930, and especially by its chairman, Prof. David Yellin. Very small Hebrew, Arabic
French posters from the First World War Collection 15 posters printed and circulated by national institutions and organizations in France during the First World War. Very small French
Malkiel Zvi Tenenbaum Collection Rabbi Malkiel Zvi Tenenbaum (1847-1910), rabbi of the Łomża community, among the leaders of the union of rabbis in the Russian Empire. Very small Russian, Hebrew
Redcliffe Nathan Salaman Collection Redcliffe Nathan Salaman (1874-1955), prominent botanist. Very small English, German
Moshe Joseph Schneider archive Moshe Joseph Schneider, Yiddish author and folklore scholar. Very small Yiddish
Claude Reignier Conder Collection Claude Reignier Conder (1848-1910), British soldier in the Royal Engineer Corps, explorer and antiquarian. He was appointed head of the Palestine Exploration Fund's survey of Western Palestine in the years 1872-1874. The collection includes a scrapbook documenting Conder's time in Palestine. Very small English, Hebrew
Collection of Economic Archives for the Near East Various publications collected by Dr. Alfred Bonne as part of the Economic Archives for the Near East. Its aim was collecting information on the economy of Palestine and its surrounding countries of the Middle East, and conducting statistical research based on this data. Very small English, Hebrew, French
Eliezer Dov Shapira archive Prof. Eliezer Dov (Bernard) Shapira (1880-1967), scholar of medieval poetry and Hebrew scriptures, librarian and editor. Discovered and organized 4000 fragments of the Cairo Geniza. Was assistant for Max Nordau and Alexander Marmorek. Very small Hebrew, French
Collection of interviews with young newcomers in Israel Handwritten notes from dozens of personal interviews conducted with young newcomers in Israel, mostly from the Middle East and North Africa, in the Beit Shemesh absorpion camp and in Musrara neighborhood in Jerusalem. Most of the interviews were conducted in the years 1953-1954. Very small Hebrew
Shlomo Srebrek collection Shlomo Srebrek (1866-1944), publisher in Vilnius, Warsaw and Palestine. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Hayim Tadmor archive Prof. Hayim Tadmor (1923-2005), assyriologist, founder of the department of Assyriology at the Hebrew University. His most prominent research was his work on Tiglath-Pileser III, king of Assyria. Large Hebrew
Shulamit Tilayoff Collection Shulamit Tilayoff (1907-2003), founder of the Bukharan Women Organization in Israel, the Bukharan Women Volunteers Committee by the Maimonides Yeshiva and Beit Yosef in Tel Aviv, and published poems in various journals. Very small Hebrew
Peretz Tishby archive Peretz Tishby (1914-2001), head librarian at the Jewish National and University Library and director of Yeshiva University in New York. Very small Hebrew, English
Isaac Levitats Archive Isaac Levitats (1907-1985), historian, teacher and educator. Director of Jewish education council in various cities in the USA. Published articles on Jewish education and history, mostly on the history of Russian Jewry. Very small English
Pawel Barchan Archive Pawel Abramovitch Barchan (1876-1942), journalist, translator, collector and photographer. Very small Russian, German, French
Meir Lamed Collection Preparation material and various drafts for Meir Lamed's PhD thesis on German Jewry since the emancipation, various notes and indexes, drafts for articles written by Lamed for Encyclopaedia Judaica. Very small Hebrew, German
Yihya Moshe Abudi archive Rabbi Yihya Moshe Abudi (1844-1915), Iraqi-Jerusalemite SHaDaR and merchant who was active in the Far East. Very small Hebrew, Arabic
Elieser Polak collection Rabbi Elieser Polak (1822-1905), rabbi of the Budapest, Hungary, community. Very small Hebrew, German
Telephone cards collection Telephone cards of Bezeq telecommunications company, and of companies from various countries: the Netherlands, Switzerland, Cyprus, Belgium. Very small Hebrew
Gemma Levine Collection of Photographs from Israel Gemma Levine (1939-), photographer, among the official photographers of the United Kingdom monarchy. The collection includes over 20,000 photographs of landscapes, portraits and various events, taken by Levine in Israel and in the Sinai Peninsula in the years 1978-1982. Small English
Abraham Mordechai Meisel Collection Abraham Mordechai Meisel (1867-1957), among the founders of the "Bund", the General Jewish Labour Union. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, Russian
Moshe Pearlman Archive Moshe Pearlman (1911-1986), journalist, author and diplomat. Among the founders of Israel's military and civil public diplomacy (Hasbara) apparatus, first IDF Spokesperson during the War of Independence, head of public diplomacy (Hasbara) at the Prime Minister's Office. Very small English, Hebrew
Collection of documents relating to the Schwarzbord Trial Personal documentation of Scholom Schwartzbard from the period of his trial following his assasination of Symon Petliura. Very small French, Russian, Yiddish
Abraham Gergel Archive Abraham Gergel, poet. Very small German, Russian, Yiddish
Aharon Michael Brachyahu archive Aharon Michael Brachyahu (1867-1949), secretary of the Odessa Committee of Hovevei Zion, publicist, secretary at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design and teacher, among the first settlers of Beit HaKerem neighborhood in Jerusalem. Small Hebrew, German
Sholem Wasilevsky Collection of Sholem Aleichem Ephemera Sholem Wasilevsky (1904-1982), journalist, editor and researcher of Yiddish theatre in the US, collector and supporter of Yiddish culture. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Collection of Anti-Fascist Publications Clippings from newspapers and magazines, concerning Nazi crimes during World War II and various anti-Nazi and anti-fascist publications, including an exhibition catalogue: "Niemals Vergessen! Antifaschistische Ausstellung", issued in Vienna in 1946; caricatures of Nazi leaders on postcards and from magazines; notes in English, written in pencil, probably by the creator of this collection, Dr. Johanna Waldemar. Very small German, English
Constantin Brunner Collection Constantin Brunner (1862-1937), pseudonym of the German-Jewish philosopher and author Aryeh Yehuda Wertheimer. Very small German
Collection of disengagement publications Posters, broadsides, brochures, newspaper ads and other printed material related the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, since the 1960s. Small Hebrew
Zalman Shneour Collection Zalman (Zalkind) Shneour (1886-1959), one the greatest Hebrew poets of the revival generation, Yiddish writer and intellectual. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Walther Samuel Baer Archive Mainly drafts, typed and handwritten manuscripts (in German) by Walther S. Baer (1894-1966) for his monumental research about the ancient origins of Judaism: "Krateologie (Herrschaftslehre)", which was never published. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Albert Schweitzer Collection Various publications about Albert Schweitzer; articles from German, English and Hebrew newspapers and magazines, concerning Albert Schweitzer; copies of Albert Schweitzer's letters to Anna Wildikann; few photographs of Albert Schweitzer. Very small German, English, French
Collection of Caricatures from Yiddish Newspapers in America Newspaper clippings including cartoons related to the condition of the Jews and the State of Israel, extracted from Yiddish newspapers printed in the US. Small Yiddish
Ludwig Schorr Archive Ludwig Schorr (1918-12963), architect. Very small Polish, Hebrew
Henry Pereira Mendes Collection Typescripts of the English translation of the Torah (Pentateuch) by Rabbi Henry Pereira Mendes' (1857-1937), rabbi of the Sephardic community in Manchester. In 1877 rabbi Pereira Mendes immigrated to the US and became rabbi of the Shearith Israel congregation of New York. Very small German, English, French
Marcel Marcian Collection Marcel Marcian (pseudonym of Moritz Marcus) (1914-2007), Jewish writer and chief librarian of the Bucharest Jewish Community Library. Very small Romanian, Hebrew
Yael Nadav Collection Yael Nadav (1929-2009), scholar of Kabbalah and Sabbateans. Very small Hebrew
Alter Kacyzne Collection Alter Kacyzne (1885-1941), Yiddish poet, author and playwright in Poland, who was also active as a stills photographer and cinematographer. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Ignac Goldziher Collection Ignac Goldziher (1850-1921), one of the greatest orientalists and among the scholars who laid the foundations for the discipline. Very small Arabic, German, English
Ephraim Eliezer Sachs Collection Ephraim Eliezer Sachs (1858-1944), orchardist, served as president of the local council of Rehovot. Very small Hebrew
Jean Loewenson Archive Jean Hans Loewenson (Yohanan Lavi) (1898-1966), author, journalist and translator, wrote mainly in French. Very small French
Mordechai Rabinson Collection Mordechai Rabinson (1877-1953), published stories and feuilletons in the Yiddish press, director of the B'nai B'rith Library in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Luise Rachel Herrmann archive Luise Rachel Hermann (1894-1982), pianist and Hebrew teacher. After her immigration to Palestine in 1939, assisted Samuel Hugo Bergmann in his academic work and served as his secretary. Very small German, Hebrew, Czech
Josef Brociner Archive Josef B. Brociner (1848-1918), leader of Iaşi and Galaţi Jewry, essayist and historian, among the first Hovevei Zion in Romania. Very small Romanian
David Grossman Archive David Grossman (1954-), among the most prominent and influential Israeli authors. Very large Hebrew
Yaakov Barha Collection Yaakov Barha (1926-), journalist and artist, active in the Association of Jews of Turkish Origin in Israel. Very small Turkish, Hebrew
Austrian Emergency Currency Collection Approximately 200 emergency banknotes issued by several Austrian and German towns and cities during post-WWI years. Very small German
Collection of documents from the Chief Rabbinate Office of Port-Lyautey, Morocco Official documented produced bz the rabbinical court by the Chief Rabbinate Office of Port-Lyautey, Morocco, one of the oldest communities in northern Morocco. Very small French, Hebrew
Isidore Budick Collection Isidore Budick (1909-1988), Jewish-American scholar, sociologist and librarian. Very small English, Hebrew
Archimède Mamou collection Archimède Mamou (1911-?), born in Tunisia and was a correspondent of Italian newspapers in Switzerland. Immigrated to Israel in 1965. Very small French
Moritz Chamizer Library and collections card index Dr. Moritz Chamizer (1847-1917), Jewish-German orientalist, director of the oriental department at the Drugulin printing and publishing house in Leipzig, Germany, and collector of books, inscriptions and artistic manuscripts. Very small Hebrew, German
Movement for Greater Israel Collection The Movement for Greater Israel was an ideological, non-partisan movement, founded after the Six Days War by a group of intellectuals, lead by Nathan Alterman, Moshe Shamir and Zvi Shiloah. Very small Hebrew
Yirmiyahu Zvi Gordon Archive Yirmiyahu Zvi Gordon (1907-1984), copyeditor and editor of books produced by various publishers before and after the establishment of the State of Israel. Very small Hebrew
Carl Rathjens Collection Carl Rathjens (1887-?), scholar of Yemen and Yemenite Jewry. The collection includes letters and photographs related to his research. Very small German
Elias Schwarzfeld Archive Eliahu (Elias) Schwarzfeld (1855-1915), Jewish-Romanian public figure, journalist, translator and editor of Jewish journals, social activist, historian and author (some of his work appeared under the pseudonym Edmond Sincerus). Small Romanian, French
Markus Deutsch Wolfshaut collection Excerpts from sermons and Halaka innovations, sale deed, Purim song and postcards from Abraham Schwadron to Markus Deutsch. Very small Hebrew
Collection of German Aerial Photographs of Palestine from World War I Aerial photographs of Palestine from World War I, including original silver prints printed from glass negatives taken by German aircrafts, mostly in the second half of 1917 and early 1918. Medium Hebrew
Walt Whitman Collection Walter "Walt" Whitman (1819 - 1892), American poet, journalist and humanist, one of the greatest American poets. The collection includes prints, booklets, photographs, autographs, and photocopies of materials related to Whitman. Very small English
Arie Ben David archive Arie Ben David (1904-1979), the archive contains correspondence regarding his book on Talmudic economy and notes on his family tree. Very small Hebrew, German
Shmuel Schecharia archive Shmuel Schecharia (1909-1978), journalist. Yiddish press correspondent in Israel and abroad. Small Yiddish
Zehava Ginzburg Collection Postcards sent to Zehava Ginzburg in Palestine by friends and family from various cities in Europe (mostly in Russia, Latvia, Germany and Italy), as well as from various places in the Middle East. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Joseph Troyansky collection Letters from Joseph Troyansky (Ukraine) to his sons in the years 1922-1938 and various notes. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Eliyahu Tecklin Archive Eliyahu Tecklin, scholar of the Hebrew scriptures. Very small Hebrew
Gerald Tauber Archive Gerald E. Tauber (1922-1989), professor of physics at Tel Aviv University. Very small English, German
Yitzhak Samonov collection Yitzhak Samonov (1888-1950), jurist, came from a well-known of rabbis (his grandfather was the rabbi Chaim Berlin). Secretary of the committee of Jerusalem's Jewry and president of the Jerusalem office of B'nai B'rith. After the establishment of the State of Israel he was appointed the state attorney's assistant. Very small Hebrew
Edmund Silberner archive Prof. Edmund Silberner (1910-1985), economist, among the first professors at the department of economics at the Hebrew University. Very small Hebrew
Wilbush family collection Correspondence of the Wilbush family, pioneers of industry and manufacture. Nahum Wilbush (1879-1971) was a mechanical engineer, member of the Zionist survey expedition to Uganda and founder of "Shemen" factory. Very small Hebrew
Freimann Family Archive Israel Meir Freimann (1832-1884), rabbi of Filehne and Ostrowo communities in Poland, prepared an edition and author an interpretation for the midrashic book "We-Hizhir". Very small German, Hebrew
Moshe Greenberg Archive Prof. Moshe Greenberg (1928-2010), prominent 20th century scholar of the Hebrew Scriptures, composed scientific interpretations for several books of the Old Testament. Small English, Hebrew
Shaltiel Family Archive Documents related to the Shaltiel family history. Small English, French, Hebrew
David Petterson Collection David Petterson was a writer. Very small English
Isaiah Sonne Archive Isaiah Sonne (1887-1960), Hebrew historian and bibliographer, who is considered one of the major scholars of Jewish manuscripts and of the history of Italian Jewry. Medium Italian, Hebrew, English
Jenö Schück Collection Rabbi Jenö Schück (1965-1967), chief orthodox rabbi of Budapest (1965-1967), and Jewish history expert . Very small Hungarian
Nehemya Allony archive Prof. Nehemya Allony (1906-1983), essayist and scholar of medieval Hebrew literature, language and poetry, founder and director of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts. Medium Hebrew
Louis Loewe Collection Dr. Eliezer Halevi (1809-1889), Moses Montefiore's secretary. The collection contains 59 letters by communities and rabbis from across Europe, which were sent to Halevi during Montefiore's visit in Russia in 1846. Very small Hebrew
Nehemia Levtzion Archive Prof. Nehemia Levtzion (1935-2003), orientalist, dean faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University and chairman of the Planning and Budgeting Committee at the Council for Higher Education. Specialized in research of Islam in Africa. Large English, Hebrew
Collection of letters to Shaul Hone Kook Shaul Kook (1879-1955), businessman, public activist and scholar of Jewish studies, brother of HaRaAYaH Kook. Very small Hebrew
Chaim Kahlenberg Collection Chaim Kahlenberg (1908-2000), graduate of the rabbinical school in Paris, served as military rabbi in the French army and later as rabbi of various communities in French and Belgian cities, after WWII. Very small Hebrew
Samuel Landauer Archive Prof. Samuel Landauer (1846-1937), German-Jewish orientalist and librarian. Very small German, Hebrew, Arabic
Julius Jarcho Collection Dr. Julius Jarcho (1882-1963), gynaecologist and obstetrician in New York. Medium English
Collection of Jewish Romanian Intellectuals' Private Papers Parts of personal archives of central figures in the cultural lives of Romanian Jewry, mostly from the period between the two World Wars, including Moses Schwarzfeld, Aristide Blank, Avram Steuerman-Rodion, Benno Brănişteanu and Adolf Stern. Very small Romanian, German, Yiddish
Oskar Baum Collection Oskar Baum (1883-1941), author, musician and critic who was bling since his youth and became part of the Prague Circle. The collection contains almost exclusively letters sent to him. Very small German
Ruth Klinger Collection Ruth Klinger (1906-1989), actress and cabaret artist, Arnold Zweig's secretary in Palestine, and an Israeli diplomat. Very small German, Czech
Simon Nissim Collection of prints and postcards from Japan The collection was created by Simon Nissim, a British businessman who was born to a wealthy family of Jewish merchants of Babylonian origin, and embarked on journeys to the Far East during the 1930s. Very small Japanese, English
Johann Jacoby Collection Johann Jacoby (1805-1877), German-Jewish physician, democrat and supporter of Jewish emancipation, member of the the Social Democratic Party. Very small German
Collection of Pressed Flower Albums from Palestine Pressed flowers and plants album which were often kept as souvenirs, mostly for pilgrims and tourists in Palestine, from the last quarter of the 19th century and up to the mid 20th century. Very small Hebrew, English
Palestine Plantation Co. Ltd. "Agudath Netaim" Collection Agudath Netaim was founded in 1905 as a stock company. Its aim was the encouragement of Jewish-Zionist agricultureal settlement in Palestine under Ottoman rule. It was liquidated in 1933 as a result of debt and public criticism. Very small Hebrew
Ludwig Lewisohn Collection Ludwig Lewisohn (1819-1901), chief rabbi of Stockholm in the years 1859-1883, and author of a number of books on Jewish history and tradition. Very small German, Latin, Swedish
Ezrah Fininberg collection Ezrah Fininberg (1899-1946), poet and Teritorialist activist, a decisive figure in the field of official Soviet art and an active member of the proletarian poets circles. Very small Yiddish
Sidney M. Edelstein Autographs and Documents Collection Sidney M. Edelstein (1912-1994), chemist and historian of sciences. Medium Multiple languages
Gush Shalom Archive Archive of the Israeli peace movement, which was founded in 1993 in order to influence Israeli public opinion and lead the way to peace and reconciliation with the Palestinian people as they establish a Palestinian state alongside the Israeli state. Large Hebrew
Moshe Tzinovitz Archive Moshe Tzinovitz (1905-1987), wrote documentary and biographical texts on yeshivas in Europe, on communities and figures in the rabbinical-Lithuanian sphere and on Rebbes in Hasidic society. Small Hebrew, English
Raphael Patai Collection Prof. Raphael Patai (1910-1996), ethnologist, ethnographer, scholar of folklore, author and journalist, and the first person to receive a doctoral degree from the Hebrew University. He lived in Hungary, Israel and the US. Very small Hebrew
Jozef Israëls collection Jozef Israëls (1824-1911), Jewish-Dutch painter, who was considered one of the greatest European painters of the 19th century. Very small Dutch
Napoleon and his Time Handwritten and printed documents, letters and orders concerning Napoleon, the wars of France in his time, in particular the military actions around the Mediterranean Sea, and the Congress of Vienna. The collection is part of Abraham Shalom Yahuda's (1877 - 1951) estate, scholar of Jewish history and Arab culture, active Zionist, author and publicist. Small French, English
London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews Collection The London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews is a long-standing Jewish missionary organization. The collection includes periodicals, letters and publications from the various branches of the movement worldwide and notes written by Jacob Wahrman. Very small English
Orme Clarke Letter Collection The collection comprises 36 letters written in 1918 by Orme Bigland Clarke (1880-1949) to his wife in England, during his British army service in Egypt and Palestine in WWI. Clarke established the judicial system in pre-mandatory and mandatory Palestine.  Very small English
Movement for Torah Judaism Archive The Movement for Torah Judaism was founded in 1966 by Prof. Ephraim Elimelech Urbach. The movement worked for religious renewal within the framework of halacha, mainly in a national (Israeli) context. Very small Hebrew
Jacob Leib Talmon collection Prof. Jacob Talmon (1916-1980), historian, studied the modern period. Small Hebrew, English
Max Schwabe archive Prof. Moshe (Max) Schwabe (1889-1956), philologist and scholar of Greek and Roman inscriptions, served as operating president of the Hebrew University in the 1930s. Very small Hebrew
Yeshivat Torat Hayyim (Jerusalem) archive Yeshivat Torat Hayyim was founded in Jerusalem in 1886 by rabbi Yitzhak Vinograd. The archive includes letters from donors (1920-1940), certificates, notepads, card index and announcements. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Prozdor (periodical) archive The periodical "Prozdor", which dealt with topics of Jewish faith, was founded and edited by Yitzhak Zimmermann, with the help of Samuel Hugo Bergman, Joseph Emmanuel and Dov Sadan. The periodical appeared for six years (1962-1968). Small Hebrew
The Palestine institute of folklore and ethnology archive Correspondence documenting the development of the Palestine Institute of Folklore and Ethnology and its periodical "Edut", as well as its founding director Dr. Raphael Patai in the years 1944-1947. Small Hebrew, English
JDL archive The Jewish Defense League (JDL) was a radical right wing movement, founded in the USA in 1968 by rabbi Meir Kahane. The archive includes publications and video tapes, as well as material on the Kach movement. Medium Hebrew, English
Pinhas Rutenberg Collection Pinhas Rutenberg (1878-1942), Russian revolutionary, engineer, founder of the Palestine Electric Corporation and a leader of the Jewish settlement during the British Mandate. Medium Russian, Hebrew, English
Cooperative Society of Winegrowers "Cormei Hatikvah" Collection Yehoshua Stampfer, who was among the founders of Petach Tikva, founded with Dov Yemini the Cooperative Society of Winegrowers "Cormei Hatikvah", which manufactured and marketed wine in Palestine and abroad. The archive contains kashrut certifications and requests from British Jews for wine supply by "Cormei Hatikvah". Very small Hebrew, English
Gush Emunim collection Gush Emunim is a religious national movement established after the Yom Kippur War and worked towards Jewish resettlement in Judea and Samaria, the Gaza Strip and the Golan. Very small Hebrew
Collection of essays written by students of teacher training college in Jaffa Essays written by students of the Levinsky teacher training college in Jaffa. The first Israeli academic institution for teacher training, Seminar Levinsky, was founded in 1913 by members of Hovevei Zion. Very small Hebrew
Museum of the printing arts (Safad) Collection The Museum of the Printing Arts (Safad) was founded in 1954 in Jerusalem. Among secondary literature on printing, its collections include private libraries, sculptures, museum artifacts and a collection of ex libris labels and printer's marks. Very large Hebrew
Communist party in Israel archive The Communist Party in Israel was founded in 1919 as "Hebrew Socialist Workers Party", which later became PKP (Palestinishe komunistishe partey). Large Multiple languages
Collection of documents on the foundation of Mizrachi movement Documents related mainly to Rabbi Samuel Mohilever (1824-1898), one of the founders of the Hovevei Zion movement and a forefather of Religious Zionism. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Collection of publications of pre-state underground organisations Announcements, circulars, brochures, booklets and newspapers in Hebrew and other languages issued by the Etzel, Lehi and Haganah. Very small Multiple languages
Ex Libris collection Around 2500 ex libris labels which belonged to various personalities. Medium Multiple languages
Mekize Nirdamim Society Archive The Mekize Nirdamim Society was founded in Germany in 1862 by Eliezer Lipmann Silbermann, editor of "Hamagid". Its activity resumed in 1933, and among its leaders were Hayim Nahman Bialik, S. Y. Agnon, Ephraim Elimelech Urbach, Gerschom Scholem, Israel Ta-Shma and others. Very small Hebrew
Collection of the Institute of Asian and African studies Founded in 1926, the School of Oriental Studies was among the first institutes in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The collection contains personal and professional archival material of some of the School's members, as well as German-Jewish scholars who were connected to them. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, Arabic, German
Yoseph Chazanovitz collection Yoseph Chazanovitz (1844-1919), Jewish-Zionist physician and bibliophile, one of the founders of "Midrash Abarbanel". Very small Hebrew, German, Russian, Yiddish
Collection of documents from the Joint Distribution Committee's offices in Warsaw and Kovno Lists from various community institutions in Poland such as orphanages, synagogues etc, as well as statistical surveys and financial balance sheets of various communities. Very small Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew, English
Collection of the General Jewish Orphanage "Beth Chinuch Jettomim" Copies of letters regarding fund collecting. Most letters were addressed to rabbi Jacob S. Katzin, envoy of General Jewish Orphanage "Beth Chinuch Jettomim" Very small Hebrew
Weimar Republic Ephemera Collection Approximately 500 pamphlets and posters of several political parties from election campains in the time of the Weimar Republic, as well as special issues of newspapers from the same period. Very small German
Коллекция документов Министерство Еврейских Справ У. Н. Р Various documents, among which are applications by Jewish to the Ukrainian authorities regarding internal and financial affairs, damages caused by pogroms, as well as regarding an autonomous Jewish regime in Ukraine. Very small Yiddish, Russian
Collection of documents from the student adminisration of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem A selection of certificates from personal files of students and applicants for studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, mostly from the Faculty of Humanities, as well as a large account book of the Finance Division, documenting all scholarships and awards granted to the university's students in the years 1925-1942. Medium Hebrew
Collection of the Verband Ost-juedischer Studentenvereinein in West-Europa Certificates, announcements, letters and protocolls of the Verband Ost-juedischer Studentenvereinein in West-Europa. Very small Yiddish, German, Russian
Collection of documents relating to the history of Yemenite Jews in pre-state Israel Letters and deeds sent from Yemenite Jewry to immigrants from Yemen in Palestine (1907-1948), mostly from the cities Aden, Sanaa, Sbayra and Rada'a, as well as various documents and letters of the Jerusalem Yemenite Kollel (1910-1930). Most of the documents are copies from the archive of Shalom Yosef Alshich. Very small Hebrew, Arabic
Архив Русской Духовной Миссий в Иерусалиме Correspondence and various documents of the Russian Orthodox Spiritual Delegation, from the late 19th century and early 20th century. Those certificates are mostly concerning matters of the Russian pilgrims and the activity of the Church at the Russian Compound in Jerusalem. Very small Russian
Archive of the Centre for Documentation of East European Jewry The Centre for Documentation of East European Jewry began its activity in 1953, upon the initiative of Shaul Avigur. The archive contains academic researches on Eastern European Jewry, questionnaires, copies of various documents and materials from archives in Eastern Europe concerning Jews and Judaism during the period of the Soviet regime. Large Multiple languages
Safed collection Various documents, claim preclusions, account books, correspondence, literary excerpts and archival material related to kollels, yeshivas, charity societies and institutions in the city of Safed. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of documents from the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem Documents concerning the Old Yishuv in Jerusalem: neighborhoods, public institutions and rabbinical institutions. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of letters sent to Jaffa rabbis Letters sent to the "Sha'arei Tora" Yeshiva in Jaffa (1890-1948), the city's rabbis and other rabbis, such as rabbi Dov Katz, rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog and rabbi Shmuel Salant. Very small Hebrew
Collection of documents on Yesud ha-Maʻalah Correspondence regarding the moshava Yesud ha-Maʻalah, several sale deeds, a deed of agreement and various bills of the moshava. Very small Hebrew
Collection of documents from Hebron Various agreements, correspondence on various requests, gift and sale deeds related to the Jews of Hebron, collected in the years 1830-1935. Very small Hebrew
Collection of documents about the founding of Hadera Documents from the founding period of the moshava Hadera, mostly concerning associations of Hadera settlers established in Vilnius, Riga and Kaunas. Very small Hebrew, French, Yiddish, Russian
Collection of Yehuda Leib Boymwol Avraham Rein (1913-1997), ultra-orthdox activist, among the leaders of Agudat Yisrael and of the ultra-orthodox public in Petach Tikva. Very small Yiddish
Collection of documents on Vilna (Vilnius) Ghetto Documents, announcements, weekly newspapers, correspondence, banknotes, paintings, handwritten testimonies, works of literature, articles and photographs from the Vilna (Vilnius) Ghetto, collected by the poet Abraham Sutzkever during the Holocaust. Very small Yiddish, German, Polish, Russian
Collection of documents on Volozhin community Various documents and letters related to the Volozhin community, its rabbis and yeshiva. Very small Hebrew
Collection of documents and letters from Gulpaigan Documents and letters related to a family of physicians from Gulpaigan, Iran, collected in the years 1895-1933. Very small Judeo-Persian, Persian
Lise Kaznelson-Weltsch archive Lise Kaznelson-Weltsch (1889-1974), close friend of Franz Kafka and the sister of Felix Weltsch. Very small German, Czech, English, Hebrew
Moshe Krone Archive Moshe Krone (1913-1993), author, journalist and thinker, among the founders of the National Religious Party (Mafdal), translated to Hebrew some of rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik's writings. Small Hebrew
Getzel Kressel archive Getzel Kressel (1911-1986), pioneer of Eretz Israel bibiliography in the modern period and historian. Very small Hebrew
Yitshak Isaac Halévy collection Yitshak Isaac Halévy (1847-1914), rabbi, activist and historian. Very small Hebrew, German, French
Michel Rabinovitch archive Michel Rabinovitch (1879-1948), active Zionist, author and journalist, founder of "Darom", bookshop and publishing house, in Jerusalem. Medium Hebrew
Moshe Razieli-Rozental archive Moshe Razieli-Rozental (1892-1971), teacher, poet, author and linguist. Wrote many poems in Yiddish, several plays and humoristic feuilletons. Very small Yiddish, Russian, Polish
Isaac Rivkind archive Isaac Rivkind (1895-1968), folklore scholar, historian and bibliographer, was active on behalf of the Mizrachi organization and served as a librarian at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) in New York. Medium Hebrew, Yiddish
Dov Joseph Collection Dr. Dov (Bernard) Joseph (1899-1980), minister in the Israeli governments, Knesset member and earlier, one of the most prominent Jewish lawyers in Palestine during the British Mandate and the martial law in Jerusalem period during the War of Independence. He was famous for his role as Minister of Rationing and Supply during the Austerity Period. Very small Hebrew, English
Zalman Shazar collection Zalman Shazar research work on the Sabbateans, in his handwriting and in typescript, and some of the letters regarding this work and the publication of the Hebrew translation for "Beshraybung". Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Usiel Oskar Schmelz archive Prof. Usiel Oskar Schmelz (1918-1995), professor of statistics and demography at the Institute of Contemporary Judaism at the Hebrew University, and director of the department of demographic statistics at the Central Bureau of Statistics. Very small Hebrew, German
Yoel Giulio Racah archives Prof. Yoel Giulio Racah (1909-1965), physicist, served as rector of the Hebrew Unicersity in the years 1961-1965. Medium Hebrew, English, Italian
Elly Gross Archive Elly Gross (1921-2014), graphic designer, painter and sculptor. The archive includes sketches and original layouts for hundreds of book covers and commercial logos designed by her, correspondence with various personas and institutions and material concerning instruction of the Hebrew alphabet. Large Hebrew, German, English
Yeshaayahu Shpiegel archive Yeshayahu Shpigl (1906-1990), Yiddish author, essayist and critic. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Alexander Sperber collection Prof. Alexander Sperber (1897-1970), scholar of the early version of the Hebrew Bible, its translations to Aramaic and pre-Masoretic grammar. Very small Hebrew, English
David Tidhar archive David Tidhar (1897-1970), police officer, private investigator and scholar of the history of the Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel. His most famous work is the Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel. Large Hebrew, English
Yoseph Brill archive Yoseph Brill (Iyov) (1839-1919), Hebrew journalist and author. Very small Hebrew
Yeshayahu Nissan Hacohen Goldberg Collection Letters sent to Yeshayahu Nissan Hacohen Goldberg (1858-1927) by Hebrew and Yiddish writers and editors of periodicals and newspapers. Very small Hebrew
Feivel Ginzburg archive Feivel Ginzburg (1897-1982), refusenik, activist on behalf of Soviet Jewry. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Jacob Glanz archive Jacob Glanz (1902-1982), Yoddish poet and author. Medium Yiddish
Joel Gak archive Joel Gak (1913-1979), engineer, Yiddish writer and essayist. Very small Yiddish
Avraham yitzhack Gruschko Collection Avraham Yitzhack Gruschko (1880-1938), rabbi in Pinsk. Very small Hebrew
Israel Dorion archive Dr. Israel Dorion (1908-1992), pioneer of nutritional medicine and veganism in Israel and inventor of Enan Bread. Very small Hebrew, German
Dosh Archive Kariel Gardosh ("Dosh") (1921-2000), cartoon artist, illstrator and graphic editor. Worked for the weekly magazine "HaOlam HaZeh" and "Maariv" newspaper. Large Hebrew, English
Ben Zion Dinur collection Prof. Ben Zion Dinur (1884-1973), one of the major Jewish historians of the 20th century, professor of Jewish history at the Hebrew University and Israeli minister of education and culture. Medium Hebrew, English
Irme Drucker archive Irme (Yirmiyahu) Drucker (1906-1982), Yiddish author and scholar of folklore. Very small Yiddish
Baruch Hager archive Baruch Hager (1898-1985), Yiddish author, essayist and journalist in Romania and France. Small Yiddish
Ovadia Hadaya archive Rabbi Ovadia Hadaya (1890-1969), rabbi of Sephardic and Mizrahi communities. Member of the chief rabbinate in Petach Tikva. Very small Hebrew
Shaul Hochberg collection Shaul Hochberg (1870-1942), Yiddish author, journalist and editor in Poland. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Hersch Harth archive Hersch Harth (1897-?), Yiddish playwright and director. Small Yiddish
Yitzhak Isaac Halevi Herzog collection Collection of responsa and psakim of rabbi Yitzhak Isaac Halevi Herzog, who served as chief rabbi of Israel and president of the Great Rabbinical Court. Earlier he served as chief rabbi of Ireland. Very small Hebrew
Meir Wunder archive Rabbi Meir Wunder (1934-), librarian and author. Director of Panevėžys Yeshiva Library in Bnei Brak, founder of the Center for Religious Libraries and senior librarian at the National Library of Israel. Medium Hebrew
Eisig Silberschlag archive Eisig Silberschlag (1903-1988), poet, author and scholar of Hebrew and general literature. Very small Hebrew
Rafael Seligmann archive Rafael Seligmann (1875-1943), thinker and essayist. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Habshush family archive Historical-literary-commercial archive of the Habshush family of Yemen, as well as an archive of the "Ezrat Ahim" society, which provided aid to Yemenite Jewry. Medium Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew
Avraham Chen archive Dov Neuman (1919-1990), Yiddish poet and painter. Very small Hebrew, German, French, Russian
Rafael Chasman archive Rafael Chasman (1894-1972), author and journalist, among the founders of the newspaper "HaTzofe". Small Hebrew
Meir Hartiner archive Meir Hartiner (1880-1972), author and editor, wrote in Hebrew and in Yiddish. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Meir Charatz archive Meir Charatz (1912-1993), Yiddish author and poet. Medium Yiddish
Rephael Tur archive Rephael Tur, actor, broadcaster at "Radio Jerusalem", chairman of the students' union at the Hebrew University in the 1930s. Very small Hebrew, German
Dov Tkacz collection Dov Tkacz (1889-1974), Chabad rabbi, served as a rabbi in Lublin, Poland. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Avraham Wolf Jasni archive Avraham Wolf Jasni (1892-1968), Yiddish journalist, essayist and amateur historian of the Holocaut. Very small Yiddish
Abraham Yaari collection Abraham Yaari (1899-1966), bibliographer and scholar of the history of Hebrew books, historian of Palestine and of Oriental Jewry. The collection includes card indexes on the history of Jewish settlement in Palestine and the history of Hebrew printing. Small Hebrew
Gimpel Mordechai Jaffe Rabbi Gimpel Mordechai Jaffe (1820-1891), rabbi and Talmid Chacham, pioneer of "Hibbat Zion". Very small Hebrew
Amalia Kahana-Carmon archive Amalia Kahana-Carmon (1926-2019), Israeli author. Large Hebrew
Benjamin Levinson collection Material from Benjamin Levinson's advertising agency in Jerusalem, 1923-1947. Including correspondence with clients and circulars from the Eretz Israel Union of Advertising. Very small Hebrew, English
Mordechai Litvin archive Mordechai Litvin (1903-1993), translator and literary and theatre critic. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, French
Isaac Lamdan collection Isaac Lamdan (1899-1954), poet, translator and editor. The collection contains approximately 2000 xerox copies of letters sent to Lamdan in the years 1944-1954, while he was editor of the journal "Gilionot", Very small Hebrew
Aryeh Leo Motzkin archive Prof. Aryeh Leo Motzkin (1934-2006), scholar of humanities and Jewish thought. Large Hebrew, Yiddish
Yitzchak Boon Bukshpan collection Unpublished drafts for stories by Yitzchak Boon Bukshpan, in typescript and in handwriting. Small Hebrew
Yaakov Meron archive Prof. Yaakov Meron (1939-2008), professor of Islamic law, served as Arab states law consultant at the Ministry of Justice. Very small Hebrew, English
Chen Melech Merchavia collection Chen Melech Merchavia (1910-2003), editor, essayist, thinker, active revisionist and historian of the Revisionist Movement, served as secretary of the Gymnasia Rehavia in Jerusalem. The collection contains newspaper clippings on the history of Białystok and its Jewish institutions and public figures. Large Hebrew
Jonathan Frankel Collection Prof. Jonathan Frankel (1935-2008), historian and professor of Russian studies and Jewish history at the Hebrew University. Large English
Oskar Grusenberg Collection Oskar Israel Grusenberg (1886-1940), one of the greatest Jewish jurists, mostly known as defender of various Jewish personalities in blood libel trials in Russia, such as the Beilis trial. Very small Multiple languages
Moshe Haim Vinograd Archive Rabbi Moshe Haim Vinograd, among the directors of Toras Chaim yeshiva in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew
Max Joseph Collection Max Joseph (1868-1950), served as rabbi. The collection contains 56 booklets of comments from his Tanach research. Very small German
Moshe Novomeiskii archive Moshe Novomeiskii (1873-1961), founding director of Palestine Potash Limited, initiator and founder of Dead Sea Works. Small Hebrew
Sigmar Ginsburg Archive Sigmar Ginsburg (1892-1956), writer and philosopher. Very small German
Jacob Robinson Collection Jacob Robinson (1889-1977), Jurist, diplomat and historian. Legal adviser to Jewish Agency and later to Israel mission to UN. Very small German, English, Russian, Polish
Paul Kraus Collection Prof. Paul Kraus (1904-1944), orientalist and historian, professor of Semitic languages at Cairo University. Very small French, Hebrew, Arabic
Erich Stern Archive Erich Stern (1899-1959), psychologist, physician and educator. Small Hebrew
Dov Neuman archive Dov Neuman (1919-1990), Yiddish poet and painter. Very small Yiddish
Nelly Ptashkina Archive Nelly Ptashkina (1903-1920), Russian diarist. Very small Russian
Jacob Nacht archive Rabbi Jacob Nacht (1872-1959), scholar of Jewish folklore. Very small Hebrew, German
Joseph Horovitz Archive Prof. Joseph Horovitz (1874-1931), pofessor of oriental studies at the Frankfurt am Main University Small German, Arabic
William Hall Collection Materials on the Eichmann trial collected by William Hall, priest. Small English
Crescenzo Del Monte Archive Crescenzo Del Monte (1868-1935), Jewish-Italian poet, published poetry in Judaeo-Romanesco dialect. Small Italian
Mordecai Kirshblum Collection Prints of photographs, mostly b&w, taken in the years 1900-1936 and documenting various events in which rabbi Mordecai Kirshblum participated as part of his roles in the Mizrachi movement, the Jewish Agency and other Zionist institutes, as well as drafts and sermons by rabbi Kirshblum. Small Hebrew, English
Moshe Segal-Rosenbach collection Programs and ads for singing events, newspaper clippings, booklets of Yiddish poems and letters by Moshe Segal-Rosenbach, cantor and singer, who performed in singing events with poems translated by him from Hebrew into Yiddish. Very small Yiddish
Yaakov Meir Segalowitch archive Rabbi Yaakov Meir Segalowitch (1879-1943), editor and publisher of the periodical "Measef Drushi", served as rabbi for verious communities in Russia, as well as in Danzig, Brussels and New York. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Zeev Smilansky archive Zeev Smilansky (1873-1944), author and journalist, editor at "Hapoel Hatzair", director of the statistics department at the Tel Aviv Municipality and father of the author S. Yizhar. Very small Hebrew
Immanuel Velikovsky Archive Immanuel Velikovsky (1895-1979), Jewish physician, psychoanlalist, historian and author active in Russia, Palestine and the USA. Large English, German, Hebrew
Rahamim Hai Hawita Ben Hanina HaCohen archive Rabbi Rahamim Hai Hawita Ben Hanina HaCohen (1901-1959), rabbinical court scribe in Djerba, melamed, jurist and Av Beit Din in Djerba. Small Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, French
Heinz Steinitz Archive Prof. Heinz Steinitz (1909-1971), professor of marine zoology at the Hebrew University. Medium Multiple languages
Kurt Mayer Archive Uriel (Kurt) Mayer (1913-1985), German-Jewish poet. Very small German
Dovid & Regina Sfard archive Dovid Sfard (1905-1981), Yiddish author, journalist and cultural activist, in particular in the field of Jewish cultural lives in Poland as editor of the publishing house "Yidish-bukh". Very small Yiddish
Benjamin Fondane Collection Benjamin Fondane (Wechsler) (1898-1944), Romanian-French writer, director and translator. Very small French, Romanian
Richard Walzer Archive Richard Rudolf Walzer (1900-1975), scholar of Greek and Arabic philosophy. Large Hebrew
Avraham Moshe Fuks archive Avraham Moshe Fuks (1890-1974), Yiddish writer, member of the Bund party in Galicia. Medium Yiddish
Elisha Porat archive Elisha Porat (1938-2013), poet, writer and essayist. Very small Hebrew
Leon Roth Archive Prof. Leon Roth (1896-1963), professor of philosohpy in the Uk and later at the Hebrew University. Very small English, Hebrew
Otto Nathan Archive Dr. Otto Nathan (1893-1987), economist, a close friend of Albert Einstein and executor of his will. Large English, German
Helene Bloch Archive Dr. Helene Bloch-Freudenheim (1867-?), physician practicing in Berlin. She was married to Joseph Bloch, the influential social-democratic publicist. Very small German, French
Maurice Beck Hexter Collection Maurice Beck Hexter (1891-1990), American social worker, active in Jewish social organizations. Small Hebrew
Dennis Silk Archive Dennis Silk (1928-1988), poet, playwright, editor and translator. Medium English
Levi Family of Zurich Archive Correspondence and documents of the Levi family of Zurich. Very small Multiple languages
Ingeborg Sulzberger-Löwenheim Archive Ingeborg Sulzberger-Löwenheim, German physician who emigrated to Israel. Very small German, English
Sassoon Family Archive Documents of the Sassoon family, a wealthy family of merchants from Baghdad. Very large English, Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew, French
Harry Greif Archive Harry Greif (?-1991), poet who wrote in German, and scholar in the fields of literature and philosophy. Very small German
Willi Handl Archive Willi Handl (1872-1920), journalist, writer and theatre critic. The archive also includes diaries of his brother, Zigmund Handl. Very small German
Max Jacobs Archive Very small English
Wilhelm Schlesinger Archive Wilhelm (Guglielmo) Schlesinger, German rabbi, later became the chief rabbi of Argentina. Medium Spanish, German
Ida Fink Archive Ida Fink (1921-2011), writer in Polish and Holocaust survivor. Medium Polish, German, English, Hebrew
Mircea Gorun Archive Mircea Gorun (1922-2000), Jewish poet, wrote in Romanian. Small Romanian
Heinz Pflaum archive Heinz Pflaum (1900-1962), professor of Romance linguistics and Renaissance history at the Hebrew University. Medium Multiple languages
Shmuel Tsesler archive Shmuel Tsesler (1904-1987), Yiddish poet. Small Yiddish
Yoram Tsafrir archive Yoram Tsafrir (1938-2015), prominent Israeli archaeologist and scholar of historical geography of Palestine. Medium Hebrew, English
Shamay Pinsky Archive Shamay Pinsky (1882-1941), journalist, poet and active Zionist. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Meir Martin Plessner Archive Meir Martin Plessner (1900-1973), orientalist, professor at the Hebrew University. Medium German, Hebrew, English, Arabic
Wolf-Südfeld Family Archive Letters from Max Nordau and personal documents concerning him. Very small German
Collection of legal documents of the Sephardi community in Cairo 17 deeds in Hebrew of Sephardic community members in Cairo from 1626-1787. Most of them are sale deeds of real estate, and few are claim preclusions. All descriptions of deeds include the names of the people mentioned in the deeds. Very small Hebrew
Gershon Shaked Archive Gershon Shaked (1929-2006), professor of Hebrew literature at the Hebrew University, literary critic, essayist, scholar and author. Large Hebrew, English, German
David Yellin Collection David Yellin (1864-1941), pioneer of Hebrew education in Palestine and scholar of the history of Palestine. The collection contains correspondence on the Samaritans in Palestine. Very small Hebrew, Arabic, German, English
Jeonathan Prato archive Jeonathan Prato (1913-2006), lawyer and diplomat at the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Very small Hebrew, English, Italian, Spanish
David Amiran archive Prof. David Amiran (1910-2003), geographer and scholar of Palestine, founder og the department of geography at the Hebrew University. In addition to notes from Amiran's research works, the archive contains 5 professional notebooks of his wife, archeologist Ruth Amiran. Small Hebrew, German, English
Emanuel Harussi Archive Emanuel Harussi (1903-1979), poet, songwriter, among the founders of the satricial theatre "Hamatate", translator and children's author. Medium Hebrew, Russian
Avigdor Arikha Archive Avigdor Arikha (1929-2010), painter. Very small Hebrew, English, Spanish
Kitty Steinschneider Archive Kitty Steinschneider immigrated to Palestine in the early 1930s, and worked as a translator and in various government ministries. Medium German, English, Hebrew
Else Lasker-Schüler Archive Else Lasker-Schüler (1869-1945), German-born Jewish poet who wrote in German. Large German, English, Hebrew
Alfred Dreyfus archive Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), Jewish officer in the French army who was falsely accused of treason. Very small French, English
Shmuel Huppert Archive Shmuel Huppert (1936-2006), literary editor, director of the literary segment on Israeli radio and essayist. Medium Hebrew, English, German, Polish
Haim Guri Archive Haim Guri (1923-2018), songwriter, poet, author, translator, filmmaker and journalist. Large Hebrew, English, Arabic, Yiddish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French
Yehoshua Arieli Archive Yehoshua Arieli (1916-2002), historian, studies American history. Medium English, German, Hebrew
Wilhelm Jerusalem archive Wilhelm Jerusalem (1854-1923), philosopher, educator and psychologist. Very small German
Shevah Eden Archive Dr. Shevah Aizenbod-Eden (1914-2015), educator, manager of the Curriculum Division at the Ministry of Education in Israel, chairman of the pedagogical secretariat. Very small Hebrew, English, German, Polish
Abraham B. Yehoshua Archive Abraham B. Yehoshua (1936-), author, playwright, publicist, thinker and literary scholar. Very large Multiple languages
Eugen Relgis Archive Eugen Relgis (1895-1987), Romanian-Jewish author and journalist. Large Romanian, Spanish, English, German
Haim Be'er Archive Haim Be'er (1945-), writer, poer, editor and journalist. Very large Hebrew, English, German
Abraham Shalom Yahuda Archive Abraham Shalom Yahuda (1877-1951), orientalist, publicist and manuscript collector. Large English, German, Hebrew, Spanish, Judeo-Arabic
Martin Buber archive Martin Buber (1878-1965), Jewish philosopher and scholar of Hasidism. Very large Hebrew, English, German, French
Albert Ehrenstein Archive Albert Ehrenstein (1886-1950), Jewish-Austrian writer and poet. Medium German
Joseph Buloff Archive Joseph Buloff (1899-1985), actor and director of Yiddish and American stage and cinema. Small Yiddish, English
Helena Kagan Collection Helena Kagan (1889-1978), one of the first pediatricians in Israel. Very small Hebrew, Russian, English
Paul Engelmann Archive Paul Engelmann (1891-1965), architect. Outstanding student of Adolf Loos, friend and partner of Ludwig Wittgenstein Medium German, Hebrew
Gustave Kahn archive Gustave Kahn (1859-1936), outstanding poet of the Symbolist movement, author, art critic and editor of the Menorah, French Zionist periodical. Very small French
Ahad Ha'am Archive Ahad Ha'am (Asher Ginsberg) (1856-1927), Hebrew author, publicist and thinker, among the leaders of Himmat Zion and the founder of cultural Zionism Large Hebrew, Russian, English, Yiddish
Richard Beer-Hofmann Archive Richard Beer-Hofmann (1866-1945), Austrian-Jewish writer and poet. Very small German
Julius Itzhak Guttmann Collection Julius Itzhak Guttmann (1881-1950), Jewish-Israeli thinker and theologist. Very small German, Hebrew
Hermann Burchardt Archive Hermann Burchardt (1857-1909), German-Jewish orientalist and photographer. Small German, Arabic, Persian, French
Rudolf Fuchs Collection Rudolf Fuchs (1890-1942), poet and dramatist who wrote in German. He was acquainted with the "Prague Circle" Very small German
Walter Benjamin Collection Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), philosopher and cultural critic, associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. Small German
Nathan Yalin-Mor Archive Nathan (Friedman) Yalin-Mor (1913-1979), Lehi leader, journalist, editor, author, politician and thinker. Large Hebrew, English, Yiddish
Israel Folklore Society (Yeda Am) Archive Israel Folklore Society (Yeda Am) was founded in 1942 by Yom-Tov Lewinski and Nahum Slouschz. Its aim was collecting and preserving folklore traditions of Jewish communities in Palestine and worldwide. Very large Hebrew, Yiddish
Itzik Manger Archive Itzik Manger (1901-1969), among the greatest Yiddish poets, playwrights and authors in the 20th century. Large Multiple languages
Stanley Batkin Archive A collection of photographic portraits of Israeli fine artists, taken by Stanley Batkin (1914-2015). Very small Hebrew
Max Grunwald Archive Meir (Max) Grunwald (1871-1953), German rabbi, historian and folklorist. The archive also includes Grunwald's autograph collection. Medium German, English
Shmuel Yosef Agnon Archive Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1887-1970), Hebrew writer, Nobel prize laureate in 1966. Very large Hebrew, Yiddish, English, German
Jossel Birstein Archive Jossel Birstein (1920-2003), author and poet. Large Multiple languages
Abraham Sutzkever Archive Abraham Sutzkever (1913-2010), Yiddish poet and writer. Was invloved in cultural life at the Vilna Ghetto, and later joined the partisans who operated as part of the Red Cross. Large Multiple languages
Melech Ravitch Archive Melech Ravitch (1893-1976), Yiddish poet, writer, essayist and thinker. Very large Multiple languages
Michael Weichert Archive Michael Weichert (1890-1967), playwright and director, wrote on Yiddish theatre. Major contributor to Jewish life at the Warsaw Ghetto. Medium Yiddish, Polish, Hebrew
Philipp Bloch Archive Philipp Bloch (1841-1923), founding leader of the Vereinigung der liberalen Rabbiner Deutschlands and among the founders of the Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden in Berlin. Very small German, Hebrew
Uri Zvi Greenberg Archive Uri Zvi Greenberg (1896-1981), one of the greatest Yiddish and Hebrew poets. Very large Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Yaakov Yakir Archive Yaakov Yakir (1908-1980), Yiddish author and essayist. Very small Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew
Salomon Buber Archive Salomon Buber (1827-1906), economist and banker, among the leaders of the Jewish community in Lviv. Published critical and corrected editions of Midrashim and prominent texts of medieval Jewish scholars, and composed biographical research work on the history of Polish Jewry. His grandson was Martin Buber. Medium Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Peter Altenberg Collection Peter Altenberg (1859-1919), impressionist poet and writer, played an important role in the "Jung-Wien" society. Very small German
Moshe Ya'aqov Ben Gavriel Archive Moshe Ya'aqov Ben Gavriel (1891-1965), journalist and author who wrote in German. Medium Multiple languages
Abraham Adolf Fraenkel Archive Abraham Halevi Fraenkel (1891-1965), mathematician. First dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Hebrew University. Large Hebrew, German, English
David Daiches Collection David Daiches (1912-2005), Scottish literary historian of Jewish heritage. Very small English
Meir Mohar Archive Meir Mohar (1888-1967), poet, translator and educator. Father of the poet Jehiel Mohar (Mar) and gradfather of the songwriter Eli Mohar. Very small Hebrew, German
Adolf Büchler archive Adolf Büchler (1867-1939), rabbi and scholar of Jewish Studies. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Archive of Gershom Gerhard Scholem Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), scholar of Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism, historian and thinker. Director of the Judaica department at the National Library of Israel, and president of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Large Hebrew, English, German
Mordechai ben Yehuda Cohen mi- Tripoly Archive Mordechai Cohen, scholar, researcher and rabbi in Tripoli and Benghazi in the years 1897-1926. Very small Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew
Jacob Eduard Polak Archive Jacob Eduard Polak (1818-1891), Austrian physician of Jewish heritage, practiced and taught medicine in Persia and published his work in German and in Persian. Very small German, Persian, Russian
Eva Abramovitch Archive Eva Abramovitch (1863-1940?), daughter of Mendele Mocher Sforim. She was a physician who developed a treatment for tuberculosis. Very small Yiddish, Russian, French
Leib Olitzki Archive Leib Olitzki (1894-1975), Yiddish writer, poet, children's author and translator. Small Yiddish, Hebrew
Franz Ollendorff Archive Prof. Franz Ullendorf (1900-1981). Physicist, founder of the Technion's Electrical Engineering faculty. Very small Hebrew, English
Yehuda Zrachia Azulai Archive Yehuda Zrachia Azulai (?-1871), born in Marrakesh and immigrated to Jerusalem in 1812. In 1814 set out to Turkey and Italy on his own behalf. In 1830 Jerusalem's envoy to Morocco. In 1836-1839 set out to Constantinople, and from there to Italy on his own behalf. Very small Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, Italian, English, Hebrew
Adolf Neubauer archive Adolf Neubauer (1832-1907), orientalist, author, bibliographer and librarian at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Very small English, French, German, Hebrew
Nisan Shtein-Goldstein Archive Rabbi Dr. Nisan Shtein-Goldstein (1879-1933), rabbi in Galicia. Very small Hebrew, German
Markus Brann Archive Markus Brann (1849-1920), rabbi and historian. Medium German
Elimelech Israelit Archive Elimelech Israelit (1851-1939), served as chairman of the Be'er Tuvia (Qastina) moshava committee, and represented the settlers before the Zionist leadership. Very small Hebrew, German, Spanish, Ladino
Akibah Ernst Simon Archive Ernst Akiva Simon (1899-1988), professor of philosophy and education at the Hebrew University, cofounder of Brit Shalom. Large German, Hebrew
Elia Mordechai Eisenstein Archive Elia Mordechai Eisenstein (1867-1956), head of Beit Vaad HaKolel in Jerusalem. Served as treasurer of Vaad Kol HaKolelim in Jerusalem, secretary of Central Committee Knesseth Israel, and for several years secretary of rabbi Shmuel Salant. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Simha Assaf Archive Simha Assaf (1889-1953), Israeli rabbi and historian. Served as rector of the Hebrew University and Supreme Court judge. Published extensive research work in Jewish Studies, among others, on the period of the Geonim, the rabbinic literature and Hebrew law. Very small Hebrew
Maximilian J. Herzberger Archive Maximilian J. Herzberger (1899-1899), published many books and articles in the field of optics, which were considered groundbreaking. Very small German, English
Victor Aptowitzer Archive Victor Aptowitzer (1871-1942), rabbinic and talmudic scholar. Very small German, Hebrew
Hary M. Lewis archive Manuscripts, drawings and photographs. Very small German
Photograph Collection Negative and prints in various techniques, photo and postcards albums, also including photograps of private individuals, photographers and institutions from the 19th until the 21st century. Large Hebrew
Solomon Liptzin Archive Solomon (Sol) Liptzin (1901-1995), scholar and critic of German and Yiddish literature in the USA and in Israel. Medium English, German, Yiddish
Zalman Epstein Archive Zalman Epstein (1860-1936), publicist and critic in HaMelitz, HaKol, HaTsfira and HaBoker Or. His public activity involved Hebrew education. Envoy to the Zionist Congress in Vienna. Very small Hebrew
Joseph Schlossberg archive Joseph Schlossberg (1875-1971), Social Labor labor leader in the garment industry, journalist in Yiddish and English, and Zionist activist in the US. Very small English
Abraham Kahana Archive Abraham Kahana (1874-1946), his academic masterpiece was the publication of a comprehensive critical exegesis for the Old Testament, and the publication of the Jewish apocrypha in Hebrew translation and including exegesis. Large Hebrew, Russian, English, German
Meyer Levin archive Meyer Levin (1905-1981), American writer, playwright and journalist on Jewish themes. Very small English
Walter Clay Lowdermilk archive Walter Clay Lowdermilk (1888-1974), US soil conservationist. Author of "Palestine: Land of Promise" (1944). Very small English
Abraham Robinson archive Abraham Robinson (1918-1974), mathematician and aerodynamics researcher. Very small English, Hebrew, German
Sir Moses Montefiore archive Sir Moses Haim Montefiore (1784-1885), Jewish British philanthropist. Small English
Archive of Jacob Nahum Epstein Jacob Nahum Epstein (1878-1952), among the first teachers at the Hebrew University, founder of the Institute of Jewish Studies and first editor of the periodical "Tarbiz". Published extensive research work in Talmud linguistics, Talmud, Geonim and medieval literature, Rishonim exegesis etc. Large Hebrew, English, German
Marek Scherlag Archive Dr. Haim Mordechai (Marek) Scherlag (1878-1962), active Zionist in Vienna. Immigrated to Palestine in September 1939. The archive consists of 83 letters sent to Marek Scherlag by various persons, between 1900 and 1938. Very small German
Heinrich Ehrentreu Archive Heinrich Ehrentreu (1854-1927), orthodox rabbi and author. Served as maggid at the Ohel Yaakov synagogue in Munich, where he developed the community's religious institutes for 42 years. Small German, Hebrew
Marcus Ehrenpreis Archive Marcus Ehrenpreis (1869-1951), chief rabbi of Sweden, publicist and literary critic in Hebrew, Swedish and other languages. Small Hebrew, German, Swedish
Leon Scheinhaus Archive Leon Scheinhaus (1865-1935), published hundreds of articles, some in Hebrew, in journals such as HaMagid, HaMelitz and others, as well as in German. Scheinhaus was a friend of the poet Mordecai Zevi Manne and the author Abraham Mapu, and took part in publishing their work. Very small Hebrew, German
Eliezer Yitzhak Ilannae Archive Eliezer Yitzhak Scheinboim (Ilannae) (1855-1929), pioneer of original philosophical thought in modern Hebrew literature. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Escha Else Bergmann Archive Escha Else Bergmann (née Burchhardt) (1896-1978) was active in Brith Shalom. She was first married to Gershom Scholem, and later to Samuel Hugo Bergmann. Very small German
National Library Archive The National Library was founded by the Jerusalem office of "B'nai B'rith", which in 1892 opened a first Hebrew public library under the name "the Midrash Abarbanel Library". Large Hebrew, English, German, Russian
Rakah Family Archive The Rakah family was among the most distinguished families in the Jewish community of Tripoli, Libya. Very small Hebrew, Italian, French
Nathan Rotenstreich Archive Prof. Nathan Rotenstreich (1914-1993), dean of the humanities faculty and rector of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, one of the first members of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Israel Ben Shem Collection Dr. Israel Ben Shem (Shamban) (1904-1987), scholar of Hebrew scriptures. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, Romanian
Meshulam Rath Archive Rabbi Meshulam Rath (1875-1962), chief rabbi of the Shotz and Chernivtsi communities. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Stefan Zweig Collection Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), Austrian writer. The Library's portion of his estate was received as a gift from Zweig before he left Austria. Medium German, French
Samuel Hugo Bergmann Archive Samuel Hugo Bergmann (1883-1975), among the founders of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, the Jewish National and University Library and the first National Library's director in the years 1920-1935. Among the leaders of "Brith Shalom". Published many books and research work on philosophy. Very large Hebrew, German
Max Zweig Archive Max Zweig (1892-1992), dramatist. Very small German
Jehuda Louis Weinberg Archive Jehuda Louis Weinberg (1883-1960), lawyer, Zionist, journalist, poet, dramatist and translator (Hebrew-German). Very small German
Felix Weltsch Archive Felix Weltsch (1884-1964), librarian, philosopher, author, editor, publisher and journalist. Zionist leader in Bohemia. Was associated with the "Prague Circle", and later worked at the National Library in Jerusalem on leading positions. Medium Multiple languages
Joseph Wahl Archive Joseph Wahl (1899-1968), German Zionist and Jewish community activist. Very small German
Haim Avraham Gagin Archive Rabbi Haim Avraham Gagin (1787-1883), in 1841 appointed for Rishon LeZion (Sephardi chief rabbi of the Land of Israel). Was the first to receive an official letter of appointment from the Sultan. Very small Hebrew, German, French, Ladino
Gotthold Weil Archive Gotthold Weil (1882-1960), orientalist and philologist. Professor of Semitic languages at Frankfurt University in 1931-1934. Director of the Jewish National and University Library in 1935-1946. Small English, Arabic, Turkish, German
Mikhail Osipovich and Maria Zetlin Archive Mikhail Zetlin (1882-1945), writer, poet, translator and publisher, and Maria Zetlin (1882-1976). Both were political activists and art collectors. Very small Russian, German, English
Broadsides and posters collection Broadsides and posters published by various institutions: Zionist, governmental and state institutions, political parties, movements and organizations, religious and cultural institutions, cities, settlements and communities, societies and unions, corporations. Very large Multiple languages
Eliahu Guttmacher Archive Eliahu Guttmacher (1796-1874), rabbi, among the harbingers of Zionism. He and rabbi Kalischer issued a call for settlement in the Land of Israel and founded the Association for the Colonisation of Palestine. Small Yiddish, Hebrew, Polish, German
Asher Grunis Archive Rabbi Asher Grunis (1877-1937), chief rabbi of the Wilczyn and Cardiff communities, where he established the infrastructure for Jewish education and keeping kashrut regulations. Very small English, Hebrew, Yiddish
Yitzhak Livni Archive Yitzhak Livni (1934-2017), editor of the magazines BaMahane and BaMahane Nahal, commander of Galei Tzahal radio, CEO of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and chairman of Channel 2 News Company. Medium Hebrew
Harry Friedenwald Archive Notes and correspondence about Friedenwald's book, images and prints collection on the history of Jewish medicine. Small English, Hebrew
A collection of interviews in the Bedouin society in the Negev and in Sinai Clinton Bailey (1937-), orienatlist and scholar of Bedouin culture in the Negev and in Sinai. The collection contains recorded interviews conducted by Clinton Bailey with Bedouins in the Negev and Sinai area. Medium Arabic, English
Louis Lewin Collection Louis Lewin (1850-1929), German-Jewish physician, toxicologist and pharmacologist. Very small German
Augusto Levi Archive Augusto Yoel Levi (1888-1975), jurist, was active in the Zionist movement in Italy. Immigrated to Palestine in 1938. Professor of law at the University of Tel Aviv and the Hebrew University, and chairman of the Manufacturers Association of Israel. Very small Italian, Hebrew
Saul Tchernichowsky Archive$h[archival material].$f1909-2013 The Saul Tchernichowsky archive is in the posession of Gnazim Archive in Tel Aviv. Following the 70th anniversary of Tchernichowsky's death, his archive was photocopied by the National Library. Small Hebrew, German, French, English, Russian, Yiddish
Shlomo Gold Collection Letters, certificates, documents, study material and maps from the estate of Shlomo Gold, a soldier of HaHagana and the IDF who fought in Safed during the War of Independence. Very small Hebrew, English
Collection of American Autograph Albums and Photographs Eight private autograph albums from the United States. In addition, there are seven b&w prints of photographs, as well as three picture postcards, all from the late 19th and early 20th century. Very small English
Shmuel Moreh Archive Prof. Shmuel Moreh (1932-2017), orientalist, major scholar of Arabic culture and and chairman of the Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq. Large Hebrew, Arabic
COVID-19 Jewish Ephemera Collection Digital ephemera from Israel and from Jewish communities, institutions and organisations in 23 countries worldwide. The collection documents daily life in the Jewish world during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in 2020 and responses to it. Large Multiple languages
Mordechai Warzagier Collection 153 letters in Hebrew, Polish and Yiddish, which were sent to Mordechai Warzagier by family and friends, mostly in Poland, in the years 1933-1941, and letters sent by Warzagier from Palestine to his fiancé in Poland. Very small Hebrew, Polish, Yiddish
Collection of Letters by Joseph Molitor Joseph Molitor (1855-1924), Catholic priest and professor at the Theological Institute in Colombus, Ohio. Molitor spent two years in Palestine in the early 20th century, and became acquainted with the Jewish community in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew
Mortin Joseph Plotnik Collection Mortin Joseph Plotnik (1903-1994), conducted economical-social research in several universities and research institutes in the United States. The collection contains correspondence with his family in the 1920s and 1930s. Very small Yiddish
Arthur Ruppin Collection Print version of the 12 volume diaries of Arthur Ruppin (1876-1943), sociologist and Zionist thinker. The collection also includes printed copies of Ruppin's letters to the Jewish aid committee in Damascus and from Dizengoff to Ruppin, as well as certificates of donations for planted trees by the KKL. Very small German, English
Simon Avseyewitz Neuhausen Collection Simon Avseyewitz Neuhausen (1872-1943), prominent activist in the Zionist movement in the Vitebsk area. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Zvi Woyslawski Archive Dr. Zvi Woyslawski (1889-1957), secretary of Dvir publishing house in Berlin and took part in other literary activites. In 1934 immigrated to Palestine, where he was active as writer, editor and translator. Very small Hebrew, German
Prints and Drawings Collection Prints in various techniques (etching, engraving, lithography etc.) of landscapes, structures and historical events. A large portion of the collection contains prints depicting synagogues and customs of Jewish diaspora. Medium Hebrew
Society for the Support of Agricultural Workers and Craftsmen in Syria and Palestine Collection Ten volumes of protocols in Russian, among others of the "Odessa Committee" - Society for the Support of Agricultural Workers and Craftsmen in Syria and Palestine / Small Russian
Semyon Shimshon Rosenbaum Archive Semyon Shimshon Rosenbaum (1860-1934), chief organizer of the Minsk Conference (1902), the general assembly of Zionist movements members in Russia, head of the Zionist Organization in Lithuania and the Jewish community's official representative. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English, Russian
Abram Krol Collection Abram Krol (1919-2001), artist whose work consisted of engraving, woodcuts, copper, reliefs etc. Very small Hebrew, English
Yiddish Writers and Journalists Club in Palestine Archive The Yiddish Writers and Journalists Club in Palestine was founded in Tel Aviv in late 1928, as an a-political organization of Yiddish writers in Palestine. In practice, the club presented a united front of authors and journalists against the forces that strove to diminish and exclude Yiddish culture and language. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Arieh Chorshy collection Arieh Chorshy (1911-2014), Israeli poet and writer. Medium Hebrew
Bilu collection Newspapers clippings and documents related to Menashe Meirowitz (1860-1949), among the Bilu pioneers, the first settlers in Rishon LeZion and founders of Gedera. Very small Hebrew
Avichanan Hillel collection Avichanan Hillel (1897-1978), took part in the activity of the satirical theatre HaKumkum, edited entertainment shows at HaMatate theatre, wrote skits, translated songs from various languages and librettos for operas and operettas. Very small Hebrew
Brith Schalom collection An organization founded in Jerusalem in 1925 by Arthur Ruppin, Rabbi Binyamin and a group of Jewish intellectuals, most of which were German immigrants. Its aim was to pave the road to an understanding between Jews and Arabs, towards a common solution for the future of Palestine. The organization supported the concept of a bi-national state in Palestine. Very small Hebrew, English
Ben Ezer (Raab) family collection Esther Raab (1894-1981), poet, daughter of Yehuda Raab, who was among the first settlers in Petach Tikva. Very small Hebrew
Reports of visits to the Temple area, Jerusalem Photocopies of Asher Selig Kaufman's 211 reports on his visits to the Temple area in Jerusalem in the years 1975-2004. Very small English, Hebrew
Rebecca Affachiner Collection Rebecca Affachiner (1884-1966), social worker. In 1934 she emigrated to Palestine and devoted the rest of her life to social welfare. Very small English
Austrian Decrees and Laws Collection 32 Austrian decrees and laws for the Austrian Crown lands, for Galicia, for the Archduchy Lower Austria, and for Vienna. The decrees refer to matters of religion, trade, gold and silver, coins, taxes, military service, and to a fire in Langenlois and the damages caused by it (1846). Very small German
David Leib Baum collection Rabbi David Leib Baum (1865-1918), Av Beth Din of Novo mesto (then Austria-Hungary). Very small Hebrew, German, Hungarian
Collection of Documents to the History of Motza - Qalunya Documents concerning mostly the purchasing of lands during the 1890s, and concerning the relationship between the settlers of Motza and the Jerusalem office of B'nai B'rith. Very small Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic
Daniel Ben Baruch archive Daniel Ben Baruch (1893-1973), wrote pamphlets with the aim of proving that world peace is impossible without the construction of the Third Temple. Very small Hebrew, Latin, English
Mordechai Herling Collection Original and photographic documentation concerning the Aliyah of Mordechai Herling and his wife, Rachel Lehrman Herling, during WWII. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Haim Mizrahi Collection to the History of Reviosionist Zionism in Greece Various documents from the activity of the Reviosionist movement in the Balkan states, in Saloniki, Greece, and in the island of Corfu. Very small Hebrew
Moishe Glaser Collection Moishe Glaser (1892-1984), Yiddish author. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
ha-Agudda lizkhuyyot ha-ezrah be-Yisrael collection Since its founding in 1972, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel is working towards the protection and promotion of human rights, in areas in which these rights are violated by or on behalf of Israeli authorities. The collection contains protocols of the association's board meetings, as well as various public statements. Very small Hebrew
Miriam Gold Kowadlo Collection Miriam Gold Kowadlo (1910-1967) arrived at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at the end of WWII. Served as a teacher in the DP camps. Very small Polish, German, English
Julius Hoffmann Collection Julius Hoffmann (1885-1972), hotel owner and head of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants in Lower Saxony. The collection consists of personal documents from the Hoffmann family archive; documents relating to the Nazi persecutions of the Hoffmann family and various items which were collected by Julius Hoffmann during his stay in Ferramonti camp, Italy. In addition, there are some documents and materials related to brother in law, Gustav Hergershausen, who was arrested in the ghetto of Theresienstadt. Very small German, Czech, Italian
Shemaryahu Talmon Collection Shemaryahu Talmon (1920-2010), among the greatest scholars of the Hebrew scriptures. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Morris Berg Collection Morris (Moe) Berg (1923-1972), American baseball player and spy during WWII. Very small English
Collection of documents relating to the history of Jewish culture in the Soviet Republic of Lithuania Soviet newspaper clippings from the Soviet Union and other countries of the Communist Bloc, including reviews on Jewish theatre and music performances in Vilnius and other cities in Lithuania, mostly in the 1950s and 1960s, as well as programs of theatre and music performances. Very small Lithuanian, Yiddish, English
Pinchas Turberg Collection Pinchas Turberg (1875-1952), editor of the magazine "Di yidishe velt". Very small Hebrew
Solomon Ettinger Archive Solomon Ettinger (1802-1856), one of the greatest Yiddish authors of the early 19th century. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Manlio Campagnano Collection Manlio Campagnano (1912-2002) was a chemist and also conducted research on the history of the Jews in the Italian region of Emilia Romagna. The collection also includes documents of his sister Elda (1910-2004), secretary of the Jewish communities of Milano and Bologna Very small Italian
Baruch Schochetmann Collection Baruch Schochetmann (1856-1890), worked at the Jewish National and University Library, and was one of the editors of the bibliographic quarterly Kiryat Sefer. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Norbert Weldler Collection Various ephemeral items of the Zionist Organization in Germany, which were collected by the Zionist activist Norbert Weldler (1884-1961), as well as handwritten notes, probably taken by Weldler, during WWI. Very small German
Yekutiel Kagan Archive Rabbi Yekutiel Kagan (1882-1933), served as rabbi and shochet of the Jewish community in Harbin, China. Very small Hebrew, Chinese, Russian
Oneg Shabbat (Ohel Shem) Society Archive The Oneg Shabbat (Ohel Shem) Society was founded by a group intellectuals and public figures in Tel Aviv, lead by the poet Hayim Nahman Bialik. The society's aim was to hold cultural events for the general public on Saturdays and holidays, as part of a pluralistic and cultural Jewish perception. Very small Hebrew
Varia Collection Various objects of historical significance, individual printed items and various documents, which were collected at the National Library since its foundation. Large No linguistic content
Zwi Herbert Weglein Archive 122 letters to Zwi Weglein from family members and friends, written in Fürth, Gunzenhausen and Halberstadt, referring to private matters and to their Aliyah plans. Very small German
Siegfried Brandler Collection Siegfried Brandler was a writer and literary translator who lived in London. Very small Hebrew, English
Mira Rothenberg Archive Mira Rothenberg (1924-2006), scholar of French literature and linguistics. Medium Hebrew, French, English
Collection of Assembly of Representatives elections campaign ephemera Publications of electoral lists which campaigned for the Assembly of Representatives elections. Very small Hebrew
German Private Letters Collection 57 handwritten letters of private contents, written in Copenhagen, Berlin, Aachen, Leipzig, Colmar, Brooklyn, Friedrichsroda and Essen. Some of the letters were written by soldiers to their families during World War I. Very small German
Chayym Zeldis Collection Chayym Zeldis (1927-2008), author and poet. Very small English
Verona Jewish Community Collection Letters and official documents from the offices of the Jewish community of Verona, Italy and documents which relate to the "Opera Pia Carolina Calabi", an institute which was part of that community. Very small Italian
Shlomo Dickman Archive Shlomo Dickman (1917-1965) translated many Greek and Roman classics into Hebrew. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Torah Libraries Center under the Association of Israeli Librarians Protocols, correspondence, reports, publications and various documents related to the activity of librarians in religious libraries within the Israeli Association of Librarians. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe Between the World Wars Approximately 3000 publications related to Jewish lives in Poland between the World Wars, collected from Jewish communities and organizations in 92 cities and towns in Poland, as well as in the Baltic states (mostly Lithuania and Latvia). Medium Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Nikos Kazantzakis Collection Photographs of Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) and some of his monuments in Crete; letters and postcards from Elaine Kazantzkis to Rachel Lipstein Minc; a few articles and fragments of essays on Kazantzkis; photo-copies of Nikos Kazantzakis' letters to Rachel Minc Lipstein from the years 1946-1956. Very small French
Collection of Documents relating to the History of the American Colony near Jaffa Official documents and correspondence between the American State Department and the American vice-consulate in Jaffa, concerning the American settlement near Jaffa. Very small English
Israel Finkelscherer Collection Rabbi Israel Finkelscherer (1866-1942), served as rabbi and director of the girls gymnasium in Munich. In June 1942 he was deported with his family to the Theresienstadt Ghetto, where he died shortly after. Very small Hebrew
Michael Wilensky Collection Michael Wilensky (1877-1955), published dozens of articles as well as books on the language of the Jewish medieval sages. Very small Hebrew
Congres International des Bibliophiles Collection Items printed in special editions for bibliophiles, including medals, participant folder containing programs, postcards and pins. The congress took place in Krakow, Poland, July 1973. Very small Polish, French
Collection of Decorative Plates Seven decorative plates, produced for various events, from different places worldwide. Small Hebrew
Jacob Robinson Collection Jacob Robinson (1889-1977), one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Lithuania. After escaping to New York in 1940, he was active in Jewish institutions in the United States. Very small English
Jacob Ramberg Collection Jacob Ramberg (1855-1925), supporter of cultural projects in Hebrew. He composed a comprehensive Hebrew dictionary, of which only three volumes were published. The collection contains a full card index of the dictionary. Small Hebrew
Shalom H. Zahler - Shalmon Collection Shalom H. Zahler - Shalmon (1913-1992), educator in ultra-orthodox schools in New York. One of his famous essays was his attack on the Zionist Organization's institutes and their approach towards the Holocaust. Very small Hebrew, English
Collection of Yekutiel Listmangof Letters Eleven letters in Hebrew sent by rabbi Yekutiel Listmangof from the city of Nevel in Russia to his friend Menachem Mendel Laine in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew
Dora Kogan collection Dr. Dora Kogan (1923-1993), art historian and exhibitions curator in the Soviet Union. The collection contains six exercise books of Hebrew and English in her handwriting, a book of addresses and photographs of paintings. Very small Russian, English
Süssmann Muntner Collection Süssmann Muntner (1897-1973, physician, researched the history of medicine. Very small German
Ha-poel ha-zair collection HaPoel HaZair was a Zionist labor party founded in 1905 upon the initiative of former members of Zeire Zion. The party advocated for implementing Zionism by means of a Hebrew society of workers, was active in fields such as employment, culture, health and settlement, and took part in forming the General Organization of Workers in Israel. Very small Hebrew
Collection of parties publications Broadsides, posters, invitations, brochures and other publications by parties and small political movements from before and after the establishment of the State of Israel. Medium Hebrew
Viennese Political Ephemera Collection 60 flyers, unused stickers and broadsides of Austrian political parties in Vienna, mainly produced for May 1st, 1933. Some of the materials show antisemitic texts and illustrations. Very small German
General Zionists collection Broadsides and publications of the General Zionists Association in Palestine. Very small Hebrew
Shira Carmon Autographs Collection Reply letters from Knesset members sent in response to Shira Carmon's inquiries. Among the responders are Rehavam Ze'evi, Zevulun Hammer, Yehoshua Matza, Michael Eitan, Tzachi Hanegbi, Yitzchak Levi, Elyakim Haetzni, Yitzhak Mordechai. Very small Hebrew
Tickets collection Items of various sorts - travel tickets; tickets for performances, concerts, theatre, cinema, religious and partisan events, museums, balls; tickets for reserved seats at synagogues; lottery tickets. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Yom Kippur War publications Broadsides, posters, "Dapei Krav", brochures for soldiers, postcards, maps and propaganda material. Most of the items were published by the IDF. The collection also includes publications by individuals and movements from the postwar period. Very small Hebrew
Revisionist Zionists collection Posters and publications of the Revisionist Zionists Union in Palestine, Brit HaTzionim HaRevizionistim and other related organizations. Medium Hebrew
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Czechoslovakia Printed matter - leaflets, invitations - of Czech Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small Hebrew
Tenuat ha-Herut collection Tenuat ha-Herut is a party founded by former Etzel members. It was active since the establishment of the state of Israel and continued to implement the Revisionist movement's ideology. The collection contains posters and publications of Tenuat ha-Herut and the Likud party. Very small Hebrew
Yitzchak Brot archive Yitzchak Brot (1910-?), author and journalist. Member of Yiddish press editorials in Israel. Small Yiddish
Israel Labour party collection The Israel Labour party was founded in 1930 as a union of HaPoel HaTzair and Ahdut HaAvoda, and stood at the center of political activity at the Jewish settlement and later the Jewish state. . Medium Multiple languages
Pnina Maizlish archive Dr. Pnina Maizlish took part in lazing the foundation to the study of the Mizrachi movement in Poland, and established the Religious Zionism Archive at Bar-Ilan University. Very small Hebrew
Yehoash collection Yehoash was the pseudonym of Shlomo Blumgarten, Yiddish poet and author; linguist and translator of the Old Testament into Yiddish. Very small Yiddish, English
Uzbekistan Jewish community Documents, letters, Pinkasim, amulets, Ketubahs and manuscript fragments of the Bukharan community in Uzbekistan, as well as photocopies of documents from the Museum of Bukharan Jewry in Samarkand. Very small Russian, Hebrew, Judeo-Persian
Drafts Collection for Central Asian Jewry Research Drafts for an essays volume of historians from various countries, including Prof. Michael Zand of the Hebrew University, on the subject of Central Asian Jewry. Very small Russian
Zionist Congresses collection Propaganda material for World Zionist Congresses elections, entry tickets for congress sessions, publications printed by the congress election committees and other congress related publications. Very small Hebrew
Max von Wilmersdörffer Collection Max von Wilmersdörffer (1824-1903), Bavarian knight, well-known numismatist and an official of the Jewish community of Munich. Very small German
Heilbronn, Levi & Scholem Families Collection Personal documents, letters, photographs, medals, and family trees of the family's branches. In addition, there are some materials on the printing business of Siegfried Scholem in Berlin and on Gerhard (Gershom) Scholem. Very small German, Hebrew
Naphtali Menazeah Colletion Naphtali Menazeah (1886-1969), physician. Aside from his medical practice, he wrote articles, mostly on Hebrew language, as well as memoires. Very small Hebrew
David Frischmann Collection David Frishman (1859-1922), one of the greatest Hebrew authors and translators of the revival period. The collection contains newspaper and magazine clippings of articles about Frishman, copies of letters and archival material, correspondence and several photogographs. Very small Hebrew
Abraham Joseph Stybel Collection Abraham Joseph Stybel (1885-1946), founder of Stybel publishing house and literary periodicals. The collection contains letters related to the publishing house's activity. Very small Hebrew
Siegfried Mekler Collection Siegfried Mekler (1852-1912), researcher in the field of the ancient Greek tragedy. The collection includes four autograph letters to Mekler. Very small German, English, French
Collection of Hebrew Writers' Letters Letters by various Hebrew writers, mostly from the early 20th century. Small Hebrew
Erich Brauer Collection Erich Brauer (1895-1942), anthropologist. The collection includes five original diaries, a typed transcript of them, and photocopies of texts and of a drawing by Brauer. Very small German, Hebrew
Paul Landau Collection Paul Landau (1880-1951), journalist and writer. The collection also includes a war diary from World War I, medals and decorations. Very small German
United Workers' party (Mapam) collection The United Workers' party (Mapam) was founded in 1948 as a union of Hashomer Hatzair Workers Party and HaTnua LeAhdut HaAvoda Poale Zion. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of Jewish Posters from Latvia Posters printed and distributed by Jewish organizations in Latvia, in the capital Riga and in the cities of Dvinsk, Liepāja, Jelgava and Ludza, between the World Wars. Very small Latin, Yiddish
Collection of Ephemera from Israel's Tenth Anniversary Exhibition Publications produced on the occasion of Israel's Tenth Anniversary Exhibition, which was presented on June 5th-August 21st 1958 at Binyenei HaUma, Jerusalem. Very small Multiple languages
Poale Ziyyon collection Poale Zion was a Zionist socialist party founded in 1906 in Jaffa, upon which were later founded Mifleget Poalei Eretz Yisrael (Mapai) and Mifleget HaPoalim HaMeuhedet (Mapam). Small Multiple languages
Collection of ephemera regarding charitable donations Posters, letters, brochures and other ephemera, printed and distributed by communities and charity institutions in Israel and abroad, in order to raise donations for their work and for the needy. Medium Multiple languages
Anita Shapira Archive Anita Shapira (1940-), Israeli historian. Her research work involves Zionism, the history of Jewish settlement in Palestine and the state of Israel. Published biographies of Berl Katznelson, Yigal Allon and Yosef Haim Brenner. Large Hebrew
Gavriel Moked Collection Letters and postcards sent by authors, poets, literary critics and various Israeli figure to Gavriel Moked, mostly related to the journal "Achshav" edited by him, from the 1960s and until the late 20th century. Small Hebrew
Collection of Six Day War publications Broadsides, posters, "Dapei Krav", brochures for soldiers, propaganda material. Most of the items were published by the IDF. Very small Hebrew
Prague Jewish and Zionist Ephemera Collection Ephemera of several Jewish and Zionist organisations in Prague. Very small German, Czech, Hebrew
Jewish Community "Adass Yisroel" Berlin Collection Printed matters, statutes and invitations to events of the community. Very small German, Hebrew
Collection of photographs from the Kfar Habad weekly Prints of photographs used by the Kfar Habad weekly editorial. Most photographs in this collection were printed in the magazine, mainly in the years 1983-1984. Very small Hebrew
Bookmarks collection Hundreds of items from Israel and worldwide, printed by public institutions, commercial organizations and private persons. Small Hebrew
Collection of Habad ephemera Posters, broadsides, circulars, letters, envelopes, greeting cards, propaganda brochures, invitation and other items, which were produced and distributed by Habad institutions in Israel, the United States and other countries. Medium Hebrew, English
Claudio Segré Collection Claudio G. Segrè (1937-1995), a specialist in the history of Italian fascism. Very small English
Collection of publishers ephemera Hundreds of items reflecting publishing houses' activity in Palestine and in the state of Israel. The collection also includes items related to the publication of newspapers and journals by publishing houses abroad. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Palestine Ramblers' Club The Palestine Ramblers' Club was founded in Jerusalem in 1927 and became a national society. Its aim was to deepen the knowledge on the land, by means of hiking trips combined with exploration of the different places and sites from every aspect. Very small Hebrew
Collection of publications of the Israeli ultra-orthodox community Brochures, booklets, broadsides and publications, which were collected over the years by the Israeli ultra-orthodox community, and include references to developments and public discussions within ultra-orthodox society. Small Hebrew
Erwin Hirsch Archive Erwin Hirsch (1900-1975), children and youth psychologist. The archive includes booklets by Henriette Dreyfuss (late 19th century), a handwritten cookbook notes taken by Hirsch during his practice as psychologist (closed to the public), a diary, and a volume dedicated to Hirsch by Markus Reiner, including letters and offprints on psychoanalysis. Very small German, Hebrew, English
Collection of ephemera of Israeli students organisations Publications of Israeli students organisations which reflect their activity in universities and other higher education institutions in Israel. Very small Hebrew
Bernhard and Levin Families' Collection Family documents and handwritten letters. Very small German, Hebrew
Joint Distribution Committee Vienna Collection Printed protocols of various committees that were active mostly in Vienna after WWI. Very small German
Collection of the First Lebanon War publications Publications and archival material from the time of the First Lebanon War, created by political parties, governmental institutions, civil society organizations and protest groups. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Torah scroll cases from Damascus Seven Torah scroll cases, two of which are small and meant for children. The cases are decorated with thin metal strips. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Torah scroll cases from Israel Three Torah scroll cases from Mevaseret Zion, made of wood and ceramics. Very small Hebrew
Nissan Rosenberg Collection Nissan Rosenberg (1894-1974), joined the "Zion" batallion of the Jewish Legions. Was one of Joseph Trumpeldor and Zeev Zeev Jabotinsky's associates. The collection contains six letters sent to him. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Collection of Israeli Communist Parties publications Publications and archival material of Israeli Communist Parties, including the Israeli Communist Party (Maki), the Palestine Communist Party (PKP), the Hebrew Communists and Rakach. Small Hebrew
Collection of Documents from the Jewish Community of Frankfurt a.M Drafts and copies of letters by leaders of the Jewish Community in Frankfurt a.M. to leading figures and lobbyists in Germany and the Netherlands concerning taxation of the Jews, responsa, deeds etc. Very small Hebrew, German
Collection of Agudat Israel publications Publications of the Agudat Israel association, also including material of the Agudat Israel global association, propaganda material of election campaigns with the political party, material of the Poalei Agudat Yisrael union and of the Zeire Poalei Agudat Yisrael association. Very small Hebrew
Paul Herrmann Collection Paul Herrmann (1866-1930), German researcher in the field of German and Scandinavian philology and mythology. Very small German
Max Eitingon Collection Max Eitingon (1881-1943), psychoanalist. The collection consists of brochures and newspaper clippings, mainly from the Russian and German press, which deal with different aspects of the social revolutionary and communist activities in Russia and other countries during the first quarter of the 20th century. Very small Russian, German, English
Shmuel Hauser Collection Shmuel Hauser (1912-1973), Al HaMishmar correspondent in Haifa and member of the United Workers Party (Mapam). Very small Hebrew
French Jewry Collection Printed matter - posters, broasides, invitations - of French Jewish communities, institutions and organisations - from the first half of the twentieth century. Most of the items are from Paris. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, French
Collection on the Maimonide's Jubilee Printed matter in honor of Maimonide's 800th Jubilee in 1935, in Palestine, Córdoba (Spain) and Egypt. Very small Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic
Moisey Ghitzis Collection Moisey Ghitzis (1894-?), Yiddish author. Very small English
Collection of printed matter on the Spanish Civil War Propagnda material distributed by the ministry of Information of the Catalonian government during the Spanish Civil War. The collection also includes items on bombings in Madrid. Very small Catalan, Spanish, French
Collection of Election Propaganda from Germany Broadsides from election campaigns in Germany, mostly from 11-19th of January, 1919. The content of the broadsides is antisemitic propaganda. Very small German
Moshe Kantarovitz collection Photocopies of documents on the foundation of neighborhoods in Jerusalem: Batei Mahase, Givat Shaul, Beit Yisrael HaChadasha, Knesset, Sha'arei Hesed, Shevet Achim, Zichron Tuvia, Sha'arei Tsedek and Ohel Shlomo, Mishkenot, South Mea Shearim, and a Kushan from Shimon HaTzadik - Sheikh Jarrah. Very small Hebrew, Spanish
Collection of Jerusalem Municipality printed matter Printed matter of the Jerusalem Municipality, mostly on events produced by the municipality and the municipality's activity. The collection also includes Very small Hebrew
Collection of Mission printed matter Printed matter of various organizations which worked towards disseminating Christianity among Jews in the Land of Israel and worldwide. Most of the items are from the United States, Germany and Israel. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Collection of Mafdal publications Publications of the National Religious Party (Mafdal), including publications of its factions in the early 1970s. Very small Hebrew
Jules Gero Collection Posters from France between the years 1972-1988. Small French
Collection of documents on 1929 pogroms Broadsides, brochures, newspapers, photographs and archival documents concerning the pogroms which took place in Palestine in august 1929, mainly in Hebron, Jaffa and Jerusalem. Medium Hebrew, English, Arabic
Collection of printed matter about the history ot theatre Programs of theatre perfomances from the United States and Europe in the 1920s, as well as programs of dance performances in London in 1936 and 1956, and a 1801 poster in German. Very small English
Collection of printed matter about Abraham Lincoln Brochures, phamplets, leaflets, catalogues, facsmilia of letters, clippings and other printed matter about Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). Very small English
Collection of document on the history of the Civil Guard in Tel Aviv Circulars, reports, letters, notes, documenting the National Guard's activity in Tel aviv in the years 1939-1942. The collection also includes reports on bombings in Tel Aviv during WWII. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Wardenship Diplomas Wardenship diplomas, honorary wardenship diplomas and other certificates given by Yeshivas, charity institutions and various schools in Jerusalem and in other places. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Collection of printed matter on Yitzhak Rabin murder Newspapers, advertisments, broadsides, brochures and publications, which were produced following the murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Tel Aviv, 4.11.1995. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Charity Boxes Charity boxes for various institutions, Kapparot charity boxes. Very small Hebrew
Collection of the Jewish Sephardic Committee in Jerusalem The Jewish Sephardic Committee in Jerusalem was the official institution in charge of the legal and constitutional matters of Sephardic Jews during the period of the Ottoman rule. Very small Hebrew
Markus Gottfried collection Markus Gottfried (1870-1963), essayist and poet. Small Hebrew
Margarethe Sobelsohn Autographs Collection Autographs and signed portrait photographs of 14 actors and opera singers of Viennese theaters and operas. Very small German
Calendars collection Calendars produced by religious and public institutions, communities and commercial organizations in Israel and abroad. Large Multiple languages
Hayim Hefer Archive Hayim Hefer (1925-2012), songwriter, translator, journalist and screenwriter. Among the prominent creators of the 1948 and its documenter. Initator and founder of the Hamam theatre, and played an active role in founding the Palmach Museum. Large Hebrew
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in the United Kingdom Printed matter - posters, broadsides, invitations, circulars - of Anglo-Jewish communities, institutions and organisations, mainly from the first half of the twentieth century. Very small English, Yiddish
Dutch Jewry Collection Printed matter of Jewish communities, institutions and organisations, from the Netherlands. Very small Dutch
Collection of Ephemera published by OZE Society for Safeguarding the Health of the Jews OZE (Society for Safeguarding the Health of the Jews) was founded in 1912 in Saint Petersburg by a group of Jewish physicians. Its aim was educating the Jewish public on maintaining hygene and preventing diseases. Very small Yiddish
Volunteers [Shurat Hamitnadvim] Collection Moshe Gurion (1897-1992) was a social activist as part of Shurat Hamitnadvim, a non-partisan movement founded in 1952 with the aim of fighting government curruption and social injustice in Israel. Very small Hebrew
Italian Jewry Collection Printed matter of Italian Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small Italian
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Switzerland Printed matter of Swiss Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small German
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Austria Printed matter of Austrian Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small German
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Germany Printed matter of German Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small German
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in U.S.A Printed matter of American (=United States of America) Jewish communities, institutions, organisations and people. The collection also includes printed matter of anti-zionist organisations. Medium English
Collection of Photographs of the Zionist Organization of America Staff 25 original silver prints from b&w photographs, taken at the Zionist Organization of America offices in New York in November 1918. Very small English
Collection de la Confédération Universelle des Juifs Sephardim Printed matter - circulars, appeals, bullettins, reports. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of Ephemera from Jewish Communities in Canada Printed matter of Canadian Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small English
Jewish Technical College of Vilna Collection Various printed matter produced by the Jewish Technical Institute of Vilnius and term papers written by its students. Very small Yiddish
Miriam Freund Rosenthal - Vava Chagall Collection 25 letters and postcards in French, sent to Miriam Freund-Rosenthal (1906-1999), president of Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, from 1956 until 1960, by Marc Chagall's wife, Valentina (Vava) Brodsky-Chagall (1905-1993) Very small English, French
Argentine Jewry Collection Printed matter of Argentine Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small English
South African Jewry Collection Printed matter of South African Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small English
Salonika Jewry Collection Printed matter of Salonika Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small Greek
Jews of Bessarabia collection Various printed matter on the history of Jews in Bessarabia (currently in the territories of independent Moldova and Ukraine) mostly under Russian rule, in the years 1878-1917. Very small Russian
Moshe Gil Archive Moshe Gil (1921-2014), historian. Studied the Jewish population under the Islamic domination. His research work involved the Geniza, history of Palestine and history of Islam. Very small Hebrew, Arabic
Moshe Weinfeld Archive Moshe Weinfeld (1925-2009), scholar of Hebrew scriptures and scrolls of the Essenes. Medium Hebrew, English
Ruth Bondy Archive Ruth Bondy (1923-2017), journalist, member of the newspaper "Davar" who published hundreds of articles, interviews, personal columns and features. Author of biographies and books about Czech Jewry. Among the founders and directors of Beit Terezin. Large Hebrew, German, English
Postcards Collection Postcards with images of Jewish lives in the land of Israel or worldwide. Medium Hebrew
Bernhard Magnusson Collection Bernhard Magnusson (1806-1871), physician and newspaper editor of the Altonaer Mercur. He acted for the emancipation of the Jews in Germany. Very small German, Latin
Arthur Kronthal Collection Arthur Kronthal (1859-1938), local historian and business man in Poznań. Very small German
Devorah Omer Archive Devorah Omer (Mosenzon) (1932-2013), children and youth author. Began her writing career at "Davar Liyladim" with her popular column "Dapei Tamar". Mostly known for her biographies, which were adapted for adolescent readership, Large Hebrew
Family Letters collection from Central Europe Family letters sent from Romania, Poland and Odessa to Palestine. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, Polish
Gdud Maginei Ha'Safa Ha'Ivrit Collection The Battalion for the Defence of the Language was an organization founded by Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium graduates and students and was active within the Jewish population during the British Mandate. Its aim was imposing the Hebrew language and abolishing other languages, and predominantly Yiddish. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Culture and Entertainment publications Publications by producers and event planners, operators of clubs and cultural institutions, cultural associations, municipal advertising and signpostiong departments, poster hangers and distributors, donors, collectors and artists. Very small Hebrew
Alice Holz Collection Alice Holz (1895-1993), photographer. In 1935-1940 worked with Alfred Bernheim, then started working as an independent portrait photographer. Very small Hebrew
Collection of I.D.F. publications Various publications of the IDF. Very small Hebrew
Miller, Sh. collection Sh. (Shaye) Miller (1895-?), Yiddish writer, editor and translator. Very small Yiddish
Eduard Kraus Collection Eduard Kraus (1838-1926), physician. Studied in Prague and Vienna, and practiced in Leipnik and Vienna. The collection also includes items related to Hermann Nothnagel, who was also a physician. Very small German, Latin, Czech
Newspapers and Maps Collection from Special events in the History of the State of Israel Publications and maps related to the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, the declaration of the State of Israel, wars involving Israel and Sadat's visit, as perserved in Emanuel Harussi's archive. Very small Hebrew
Collection of printed matter on Chaim Arlozorow murder Newspapers, death notices and posters following the Haim Arlosoroff murder in Tel Aviv, 1933. Very small Hebrew
Shimshon Midbari Collection Shimshon Midbari (1905-1994), teacher of the Old Testament and participant in editing the Russian translation of the Old Testament. Very small Hebrew
Joshua Efron Collection Prof. Joshua Efron (1919-2011), professor of Jewish history at Tel Aviv University, whose research pertains to Jewish society during the Second Temple period and Early Christianity. The major part of the collection consists of 35 letters from Prof. Yitzhak Baer to Joshua Efron. Very small Hebrew
Eliyahu Mordcai Valkovski Archive Rabbi Eliyahu Mordcai Valkovski (1873-1962), member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, and member of the Supreme Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem. Edited a new edition of Babylonian Talmud. Medium Hebrew
Daniel Goldschmidt Archive Dr. Daniel Goldschmidt (1895-1972), Jewish librarian and scholar, studied prayer and Piyyut and published critical editions of siddurim and machzorim. Very small Hebrew
Heinrich Finkelstein Collection Heinrich Finkelstein (1865-1942), Germa- Jewish pediatrician. Very small German, Spanish
Alexander Ganan Photographs Collection Archive of the photographer-artist Alexander Ganan's photography studio, which operated in Jerusalem since 1933 and up to the mid 1960s. Medium Hebrew
Lehrer-Bildungsanstalt zu Jerusalem Exams and essays by students of the Lehrer-Bildungsanstalt zu Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew, Arabic, German
Egyptian Jewry Collection Printed matter of Egyptian Jewish communities, institutions and organisations. Very small Arabic, Hebrew, French
Jewish Territorial Organization in Russia Collection The Jewish Territorial Organization in Russia (ITO) was founded in 1905, upon the rejection of the Uganda Scheme. The organization was a proponent of mass Jewish emigration outside the Russian borders, and Jewish settlement as a group in a separate region under autonomous rule. Very small Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew
Collection of Histadrut elections campaign ephemera Publications of electoral lists which campaigned in elections for the Histadrut's institutions, locally and nationally. Small Multiple languages
Collection of Means of Payment and Banknotes Means of payment and banknotes, including coupons, Halukka funds of the Old Yishuv, food stamps, banknotes from various countries etc. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of Hebrew Alphabet Tables Samples of Hebrew alphabet tables. The items were printed in Israel and abroad. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Libraries Ephemera Samples of book loan cards, library cards, various forms from community and public libraries in Israel and worldwide. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Collection of Moezet Yesha publications Moezet Yesha is a public NGO uniting all authorities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. It was formed in 1980, following the Jewish re-settlement after the Six Days War. Very small Hebrew
National Institutions Printed Materials Collections Printed matter of the Jewish National Fund, Keren Hayesod, the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency and other national institutions, in Israel and abroad. Small Hebrew
Haim Arlosoroff Project - Printed Materials Collection Printed matter distributed by the World Zionist Organization, especially the Prague office, as part of a fundraising for the settlement project founded in memory of Haim Arlosoroff after his murder. Very small Multiple languages
Elye Falkovitsh Archive Elye Falkovitsh (1898-1979), took part in setting the new Soviet version of Yiddish language and designed its characteristic orthography, syntax and style. Very small Yiddish, Russian
Azaria Alon Archive Azaria Alon (1918-2014), among the founders of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel and a prominent activist in matters of nature and landscapes preservation and traveling in Israel. The archive also includes transcripts of his radio talks in the program "Nof Artsenu". Medium Hebrew
Yigal Zur Collection Yigal Zur (1939-), agronomist, worked at the Ministry of Agriculture on matters of agricltural management and engineering, and later at the Jewish Agency on projects concerning, among others, the devlopment of the Jordan Valley. Very small Hebrew
Collection of photographs from the Morgen Freiheit daily Yiddish newspaper Morgen Freiheit was one of the three major daily Yiddish newspaper published in New York in the mid 20th century. It was officially an organ of the ewish communists in the United States. Very small Yiddish, English
Collection of Photographs and Newspaper Clippings about the Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Russia Photographic documentation of the the Anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia of 1903 and the wave of pogroms in Jewish communities across Russia which took place in October 1905, in the wake of the revolution. Very small Hebrew, Russian, German
Collection of printed matter concerning Polish Jewry after the Holocaust Broadsides, posters and newspaper clippings concerning Polish Jewry in the first years after WWII. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Joint Distribution Committee Documents from Ukraine and Poland Samples of forms and various printed matter related to the Joint Distribution Committee and other Jewish-American relief organizations active in the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Poland-Lithuania area after WWi, providing aid for the local Jewish communities. Very small Yiddish, Russian, English
Leonid Meyerson Collection Leonid Meyerson (1893-1941), journalist, was also active as translator of German literature into Russian, publisher and book distributor. Very small Russian
Wolf Zeev Rabinowitsch Collection Wolf Zeev Rabinowitsch (1900-1991), physician, also studied Lithuanian Hasidism. Corresponded with other scholars, such as Simon Dubnow and Martin Buber. Very small Hebrew, German
Avrom Weiss Collection Avrom Weiss (1898-1968), collector of printed matter and ex-libris labels in particular. Among the founders of the Museum of Printing Art, initially in Jerusalem and later in Safed. Very small Hebrew, English, Yiddish
Perez Smolenskin Archive Perez Smolenskin (1842-1885), established the journal HaShachar in Vienna, a prominent literary journal of the Haskalah period, joined the Hovevei Zion movement and wrote articles in which he advocated for the return to Zion. Author of novels and other books in Hebrew. Very small Hebrew, German
Samuel Joseph Fünn Archive Rabbi Samuel Joseph Fünn (1818-1890), head of the Hovevei Zion in Vilnius and participated in the organization's conferences. Author, translator and editor of many books, including "Knesset Israel" and "Kiryah Ne'emanah". Very small Hebrew, German, Russian
Joseph Massel Archive Joseph Massel (1850-1912), printer, publisher and bookseller, as well as Hebrew poet and translator. Was an active Zionist in Manchester. Very small English, Hebrew, Yiddish
Zebi Miliavsky Collection Zebi Miliavsky (1860-1922), published articles and literary works in the Hebrew newspapers HaMelitz, HaMagid and HaTsfira, as well as in Yiddish in "Der tog" in Peterburg. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Yisrael Maisel Archive Yisrael Maisel (1868-1951), active in the community committee in Kiev. Immigrated to Palestive in 1925. Member of the cemetery council in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Chevra kadisha treasurer and among the founders of "Yavneh" synagogue in Tel Aviv. Very small Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish
Moritz Lazarus Archive Moritz Lazarus (1824-1903), German philosopher and psychologist, who was a vocal opponent of antisemitism in his time. The file also includes the estate of Nahida Ruth Lazarus (1849-1928), his second wife. Medium German, Hebrew
Moses Hirsch Segal Archive Moses Hirsch Segal (1876-1968). Rabbi of Newcastle, Swansea, Bristol. Professor of bible and Semitic languages at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Very small English, Hebrew
Jacob Maimon Archive Jacob Wassermann (Maimon) (1902-1977), developed a Hebrew stenographic system. Served as a stenographer for the Yishuv institutes and Mapai. He was the first stenographer of the Israeli government and transcribed its meetings. Medium Hebrew, English, French
Leib Malach Archive Leib Malach is the pseudonym of Aryeh Leib Salzman (1894-1936), Yiddish author, poet and playwright. Wrote Yiddish texts for children, poems and ballads, adapted folktales and biographies. Medium Yiddish
Martin Schreiner Archive Martin (Márton) Mordechai Schreiner (1863-1926), rabbi, prominent scholar of Hebrew language and of Islamic literature, religion and society. Very small German, Hungarian
Löw Schwab Archive Löw Schwab (1794-1857), chief rabbi of Pest since 1836. Fostered magyarization towards emancipation. Supported Hungarian independence and moderate Jewish reform. Very small German, Hungarian
Samuel Salant Collection Samuel Salant (1815-1909), Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Jerusalem and among the leaders of the Old Yishuv. Founder of Etz Chaim Yeshiva, Bikur Cholim Hospital and the Central Committee Knesset Israel. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Yosef Falk Archive Yosef Falk (1889-1968), Yiddish poet, Hasidic storyteller and translator. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Max Schloessinger Archive Max Schloessinger (1877-1944), philologist and Zionist activist in Germany, the Netherlands and Palestine. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Rachel Boymvol Archive Rachel Boymvol (1913-2000), Yiddish author and poet in the Soviet Union. Very small Yiddish
Aryeh Leib Frumkin Archive Aryeh Leib Frumkin (1845-1916), served as rabbi of the community of Alksut, Lithuania, among the settlers in Petach Tikva. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Abraham Shalom Friedberg collection Abraham Shalom Friedberg (1838-1902), editor of the journals HaMelitz and HaTsfira and Eshkol Encyclopaedia. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Toviyya Friedman Archive Toviyya Friedman (1922-2011), Holocaust survivor, founder of Yad Vashem's Haifa office and founding director of the Institute of Documentation in Israel fo the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes. Small Hebrew, German, English
Yaakov Friedman Archive Yaakov Friedman (1910-1972), Yiddish poet. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Heszel Klepfisz Archive Heszel Klepfisz (1910-2004), rabbi, educator, journalist and author. Was active in Poland, UK, USA, Panama and Israel. Very small Spanish, Yiddish, Polish
Kokoschka-Kollek Collection Xerox copies of letters between Oskar Kokoshka (1886-1980), Austrian artist, poet and playwright, his wife Olda Kokoschka (1915-2004) and Teddy Kollek (1911-2007), mayor of Jerusalem. Very small German, English
Farkas Ladislaus archive Ladislaus Farkas (1904-1948), professor of physical chemistry, scientific advisor for Palestine Potash Limited, chairman of the Jewish Agency's central committee for the development of chemical industry in Palestine and founding member of the Scientific Council for Research and Development in Israel. Medium Hebrew, English, Hungarian
Ulrich Stutz Collection Ulrich Stutz (1868-1938), jurist. The collection includes manuscripts, publications, broadsheets on the Church in Germany in the forties and fifties of the nineteenth century and a few letters. Very small German
Lia Rosen Collection Lia Rosen (1893-1973), actress at the Vienna Burgtheater, Reinhardt Ensemble in Berlin, and taught at Vienna Volksbuehne. Founding member Immigrants Association of Bukovina in Israel. Very small German
Sigismond Rabinerson Collection Sigismond Rabinerson (1864-1924), manufacturer, Zionist. The collection includes photographs, obituaries, pamphlets and various other documents. Very small French, Polish
Georg Strauss collection Georg Strauss (1896-1975), German Jewish writer. Small German
Vera Schwarz collection Vera Alexandrovna Schwarz (1895-1966), Russian literary critic, publicist, sociologist and political activist. Very small Russian, English
Gerty Spies Collection Gerty Spies (née Gerturd Gumprich) (1897-1997), German writer. Deported to Terezin in 1942. Very small German
Aharon Zeitlin archive Aharon Zeitlin (1898-1973), son of Hillel Zeitlin, journalist and author. Published Yiddish and Hebrew poems, plays, essays and op-eds, and edited the journals Shvilim and HaTkufa. Large Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Roux House collection Mainly commercial correspondence (62 letters), between the house of the brothers Jean Baptiste Honorè Roux and Pierre Honorè Roux in Marseille and Jewish merchants in Livorno, Ancona, Venice. To this items were added 6 letters between others merchants in Turkey and 67 cheques and money transfers from Jewish merchants in Europe (some of this to the Roux House). Very small French, Italian, Spanish
Haim Behor Halevi Collection Haim Behor Halevi (1815-1905), notable figure of the Jewish community in Izmir, Turkey. Practiced medicine, took an interest in Astronomy and was considered a religious sage. Very small Hebrew, Ladino, Turkish
Yehoshua Rapoport archive.$h[archival material] Yehoshua Rapoport (1895-1971), literary critic and translator into Yiddish. Small Yiddish, English
Rudolf Kayser Archive Rudolf Kayser (1889-1964), German literary historian. The archive also includes material collected and created by his wife, Eva Kayser. Medium German, English
Mordecai Manuel Noah Collection Mordecai Manuel Noah (1785-1851), playwright, diplomat, journalist and utopian. Very small English
André Neher Archive André Neher (1914-1988), Jewish scholar and philosopher. Large Multiple languages
David Shmuel Pardo Archive David Shmuel Pardo (1792-1858), cantor, preacher and rabbi. Chief rabbi of Verona in the years 1824-1858. Very small Italian, Hebrew
Rukhl Fishman collection Rukhl Fishman (1935-1984), Yiddish poet. Very small Yiddish, English
Akiva Joseph Schlesinger Archive Rabbi Akiva Joseph Schlesinger (1838-1922), founder of societies for the benefit of Jewish settlement in Palestine, and among the first Jews to purchase land in Petach Tikva. Very small Hebrew
Shimon Kanz collection Shimon Kanz (1914-1990), Yiddish author and journalist. Literary editor of "Letste nayes", and edited Yizkor books. Small Yiddish
Gifhorn Jewish Community collection Correspondence and documents from the period between 1717-1871 concerning "Schutz" - protection and civil rights of the Jews in Gifhorn, Lower Saxony. Very small German
Umberto Cassuto Archive Umberto Cassuto (1883-1951), historian, scholar of Hebrew scriptures and semitic languages in Italy and in Palestine. Medium Hebrew, Italian, English
David Baumgardt collection David Baumgardt (1890-1963), philosopher. Very small German, English, French
Iosif Kotliar collection Iosif Kotliar (1908-1962), Yiddish poet. Very small Yiddish, Russian
Joseph Prager Collection Joseph Prager (1885-1982), neurologist, active in German Zionism. The collection includes correspondence, and documents about Franz Rosenzweig and the Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. Very small German
Jacob Frumkin Collection Jacob Frumkin (1879-1971), among the leaders of Russian Jewry in the 20th century. The collection includes a group of typescripts of letters, sent by Frumkin to some leaders of the Russian émigré, and a group of letters addressed to Frumkin. Very small Russian
Yehezkel Kaufmann archive Yehezkel Kaufmann (1889-1963), prominent scholar of the Hebrew scriptures and thinker. Large Hebrew, German, English
Joseph Klausner archive Joseph Klausner (1874-1958), lecturer on Hebrew literature and history of the Second Temple period, as well as editor of the Encyclopaedia Hebraica. Large Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Leo Koenig archive Leo Koenig (1889-1970), pseudonym of Leyb Yaffe, artist and writer in Hebrew and in Yiddish. Medium Multiple languages
Yeshayahu Pisarevsky Collection Yeshayahu Pisarevsky (1889-1974), one of the founders of the society "Et Livnot" in pre-WWI Kiev. Its goal was spreading the principles of Zionism among Jewish youth. Very small Hebrew
Ya'akov Naftali Herz Simchoni collection Ya'akov Naftali Herz Simchoni (1884-1926), historian and orientalist, wrote articles on Jewish studies. Very small Syriac, Modern, Hebrew
Yeshayahu Leibowitz archive Prof. Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994), scientist and thinker, professor of organic chemistry, biology and neurophysiology at the Hebrew University. Very large Hebrew, English, German
Israel Kaplan archive Israel Kaplan (1902-2003), historian and writer. Small Yiddish, Hebrew
Yehoshua Hana Ravnitzki Archive Yehoshua Hana Ravnitzki (1859-1944), edited Sefer HaAggadah with Hayim Nahman Bialik and other major Hebrew publications. Founded Dvir publishing house in 1922 with Bialik and Shmaryahu Levin. Medium Yiddish, Hebrew, German
Excerpts from sermons and Halakha innovations, sale deed, Purim song and postcards from Abraham Schwadron to Markus Deutsch Dr. Abraham Sharon (Schwadron) (1878-1957), chemist, thinker, publicist and collector of authographs and portraits. Large Hebrew, German, English
Mordecai Strigler Archive Mordecai Strigler (1921-1998), bi-lingual author (Yiddish and Hebrew), thinker, editor and essayist. Medium Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Joseph Opatoshu collection Joseph Opatoshu (1887-1954), pseudonym of Yosef Meir Opatowski, Yiddish writer and journalist. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, Spanish
Isaia Tishby archive Isaia Tishby (1908-1992), scholar of Musar literature, Kabbalah and Hasidism. Large Multiple languages
Michael Avi-Yonah Collection The collection contains preparatory notes by Prof. Michael Avi-Yonah for the Holyland model of the Second Temple, and preparatory notes for his book on Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Oskar Wolfsberg Oskar Wolfsberg (1893-1957), author, publicist, pioneer of the Mizrahi movement, physician and diplomat. Small Hebrew
Archive of Israel Laslo Utas Israel Laslo Utas (1887-1978), Jewish socialist and anarchist. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Shmuel Izban Shmuel Izban (1905-1995), Yiddish novelist. Large Hebrew
Archive of Eliahu Elath Eliahu Elath (1903-1990), Israeli ambassador in the USA and the UK, orientalist and president of the Hebrew University. Large Hebrew
Archive of Joseph Abileah Joseph Abileah (1915-1994), pacifist and musician based in Haifa. Fought for political cooperation with the Arab citizens of Israel. Large Hebrew
Archive of Avraham Haim Elhanani Avraham Haim Elhanani (1909-2009), journalist. Medium Hebrew
Archive of Meir Kantorowitz-Elioeiny Meir Kantorowitz-Elioeiny (1906-1908), scholar of the Hebrew scriptures and educator. Medium Hebrew
Collection of Eliyahu Elyashar Eliyahu Elyashar (1899-1991) was active in many Sephardi Jews organizations and member of the first Knesset. The archive includes a collection of documents concerning the history of Sephardi Yishuv in Jerusalem in the 19th century, Very small Hebrew
Archive of Yaakov Shaul Elyashar Yaakov Shaul Elyashar (1817-1906), member of the Rabbinical Court, and later the Rishon LeZion, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. Medium Multiple languages
Shmuel Almog Archive Shmuel Almog (1926-2008), historian, among the founders of the Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Hebrew University, actor, journalist, broadcaster and parliamentary correspondent at Kol Israel Radio and Galei Tzahal. Director of Kol Israel Radio in 1967, and first director general of the Israel Broadcasting Authority. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Paul Abraham Alsberg Paul Abraham Alsberg (1919-2006), state archivist, among the forefathers of modern archivism in Israel, professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Medium Hebrew
Archive of Ben-Zion Alkalai Ben-Zion Alkalai (1858-1913), rabbi and author, in 1874 settled in Tiberias and later in Hebron. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Malka Appelbaum Malka Appelbaum (1908-?), Yiddish journalist and poet. Very small Hebrew
Collection of Amzalak Family Documents, letters and family photographs of Joseph and Haim Amzalak, who were among the leading figures of the Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel of the 19th century, and material concerning James Amzalak. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of David Salomón Epstein David Salomón Epstein (1878-1938), the collection contains his literary and political writings and his articles on history and religion. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Josef Ehrlich Josef Ehrlich (1907-1982), Yiddish author. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Carl Ehrenstein Archive Carl Ehrenstein (1892-1971), Austrian-British-Jewish author, poet and translator of English and Danish literature. Medium German, English
Archive of Rafael Buber Rafael Buber (1900-1990), member of Geva kibbutz, son of Martin Buber. Medium Hebrew
Archive of Ilia Bockstein Ilia Bockstein (1937-1999), poet, painter, essayist and translator. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Isak Borissov Isak Borissov (1923-1972), Yiddish poet in the Soviet Union. Very small Hebrew
Shlomo Shpan Archive Shlomo Shpan (1898-1962), translator, essayist, creator and editor. Worked as teacher and supervisor of Hebrew high schools. Member of the Academy of the Hebrew Language. Medium Hebrew
Collection of documents from the Jewish communities in Morocco Deeds and claim preclusions, responsa, letter etc. Very small Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, Ladino
Archive of Abraham Bornstein Letters from Chaim Grade to Abraham Bornstein, correspondence between Bornstein as publisher and other people, as well as manuscripts by Yosef Rubinstein which were in Bornstein's posession. Small Yiddish, English
Archive of Carl Jacob Burckhardt Carl Jacob Burckhardt (1891-1974), writer and Swiss diplomat. President of the Red Cross in the years 1945-1948. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Jacques Burstein-Finer Jacques Burstein-Finer (1908-1998), Yiddish author and poet. Small Hebrew
Pinjas Bizberg archive Pinjas Bizberg (1898-1969), agronomist, Yiddish playwright and author. Hired as financial planner for the Baron Hirsch's Jewish Colonisation Association. Active in Mapai and the World Union of Poale Zion. Specialized in planning Jewish communal settlement. Very small Yiddish
Archive of David Simon Blondheim David Simon Blondheim (1884-1934), American professor of Romance languages. Very small Hebrew
Abraham Isaak Bleichrode Collection Rabbi Dr. Abraham Isaak Bleichrode (1867-1954), grand-grandson of Rabbi Akiva Eger, rabbi of Ahavat Reim community in Berlin and teacher. Gerschon Scholem was a well-known student of his. The collection contains only several letters sent to Rabbi Bleichrode and few materials on the Eger family. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Salomon Belis-Legis Salomon Belis-Legis (1908-?), Yiddish literary critic. Medium Hebrew
Archive of Jacob Beller Jacob Beller (1898-?), journalist and author. As of 1928 director of Keren Hayesod in Ontario, Canada. Very small Hebrew
Yuhanna Dawud Archive Yuhanna Dawud (1885-1969), born in Teheran, studied Islamic literature and art at Cambridge, purchased and developed a personal collection of works of art, manuscripts and rare printed matter. Small English, Arabic, Persian
Archive of Akiva Ben-Ezra Akiva Ben-Ezra (1897-1987), researcher, educator and writer. Wrote in Hebrew and in Yiddish. Small Hebrew
Jacob Ben Atar archive Jacob Ben Atar (1924-?), born in Morocco, founder of Hamaaravim, served as SHaDaR, grandfather of former president Yitzhak Navon. Very small Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish
Archive of Mordecai Ben-Ammi Mordecai Ben-Ammi (1854-1932), author and publicist, Hovevei Zion activist. Very small Hebrew
Meir Haim Bak Collection The collection contains letters and copies of letters by leaders of the Zionist movement in Europe regarding Meir Haim Bak's initiative of forming a central financial institute to assist the development of agricultural settlement in Palestine, in the late 1890s. Very small Hebrew
Archive of Gabriel Baer Gabriel Baer (1919-1982), professor of Islamic World history, published research work on the Arabs and the Middle East. The collection includes several notes in his handwriting. Very small Hebrew
Yosl Bergner Archive Yosl Bergner (1920-2017), painter, illustrator, stage and costume designer for the Israeli theatre. Medium Yiddish, English, German
Zalman Broches Archive Zalman Broches (1886-1977), Yiddish author and essayist. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Moshe David Gaon archive Moshe David Gaon (1889-1958), historian, scholar of Mizrahi Jews, bibliographer, educator, journalist and poet. Served as general secretary of the Sephardi community in Jerusalem. Large Ladino, Hebrew
S. Yizhar Archive Yizhar Smilansky (S. Yizhar) (1916-2006), prominent Hebrew novelist, literary scholar, publicist, educator and public figure. Large Hebrew, English
Yakov Goldberg autograph collection Yakov Goldberg (Zehavi) (1916-2003). The autographs collection is in alphabetical order, according to names of contemporary figures. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Saul Ginzburg archive Saul Ginzburg (1886-1940), historian of Russian Jewry, editor and literary critic, community activist and lawyer. Medium Yiddish, Russian
Herz Grossbard collection Herz Grossbard (1892-1994), Jewish actor. Very small Yiddish, English
Curt David Wormann archive Curt David Wormann (1900-1991), pioneer of Israeli librarianship, founded the school of librarianship in Jerusalem. Large Hebrew, English, German
Avraham Zak collection Avraham Zak (1891-1952), Yiddish writer, poet and journalist. Very small Yiddish
Menahem Zakalik collection Menahem Zakalik (1889-1980), Yiddish author. Very small Yiddish
Abraham Berliner Collection Abraham Berliner (1833-1915), prominent scholar of Wissenschaft des Judentums in Germany, major contributor to the study of the Hebrew Scriptures and to Jewish Studies through the publication of critical editions for manuscripts. Very small German, Hebrew, English
Drora Bat Galim Collection Drora Bat Galim (née Hilde Waller) (1913-2004), one of the founders of Kibbutz Ma'oz Hayyim. The collection contains some ingoing letters and postcards, as well as photographs with original signatures of famous personalities from her autographs collection. Very small German, French
Yizhak Zohar collection Yizhak Zohar (1906-1985), playwright in Yiddish and in Hebrew. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Richard Gottheil Archive Richard Gottheil (1862-1932), professor of Semitic studies at Columbia College. In addition, he supported the Zionist movement and published some writings on it. Very small English
Salomon Goldelman Archive Salomon I. Goldelman (1885-1974), researcher of Ukrainian and Russion Jewish history and of the Zionist movement. Very small Russian, German, Hebrew
Jesus de Galindez Suarez Archive Jesus de Galindez Suarez (1915-1956), Basque nationalist, writer, and professor for international law at Columbia University. Small Spanish, Basque, French
Charles George Gordon Collection Charles George Gordon (1833-1885), high-ranked British officer, who served i.a. in Russia, China ("China Gordon"), and Egypt. Very small English
Abraham Galanté Collection Abraham Galanté (1873-1961), Turkish-Jewish historian, philologist, and poltician. Small Multiple languages
Viktor Fischl Collection Viktor Fischl (1912- 2006), writer of Czech-Jewish origin. In 1939 he emigrated to London and in 1949 to Israel, where he became a diplomat. Very small German, Czech, English
Anton Hye von Glunek Archive Anton Hye von Glunek (1807- Vienna 1894), Austrian lawyer, who became professor for law at the University of Vienna in 1842. In 1867 he was appointed Minister of Justice. Small German
Frieda Hebel Archive Frieda Hebel (1904-?), writer, poet and journalist, who published mostly in German. Large German, Hebrew
Israel Iserl Toiber archive Israel Iserl Toiber (1823-1903), rabbinical judge and Maggid in Galanta, published books on Maimonides and Israel Isserlein. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Leo Van Jung Collection Leo Van Jung (1866-1939), mathematician, musician, art critic and Zionist. The collection includes a number of autographs (letters and postcards) of important writers of the "Fin de Siècle" period in Vienna Very small German
Gyula Zilzer Archive Gyula Zilzer (Budapest 1898 - New York 1969), painter, printmaker, illustrator and graphic artist, who also worked in Hollywood as production and stage designer for movies. Many of his graphics from the early 1930s depict the horror of Hitler and his National Socialist Party in Germany. Small English, Hungarian, German
Irma Singer Archive Irma Singer (1898-1989), children's author. Very small German, Hebrew, Czech
David and Miriam Bueschel David Bueschel (1895-1960) and Miriam Bueschel, parents of the composer Ben-Zion Orgad. David Bueschel was co-owner of the Migdalor cinema in Tel Aviv. Very small Multiple languages
Siegmund Kaznelson Archive Siegmund Kaznelson (1893-1959), Zionist editor and publisher, director of the "Jüdischer Verlag" in Berlin, and founded "The Jewish Publishing House Ltd." in Jerusalem Small Multiple languages
Julian Lehmann Archive Julian Lehmann (1886-1943), German-Jewish journalist. Very small German, English
Melech Ciemn archive Melech Ciemn is the pseudonym of Meylekh Tshemnov, Yiddish author. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, German
Adolphe Lazareff Collection Adolphe Lazareff (1873-1944), Russian-born Jewish philosopher who lived in Paris. Very small French, Russian
Manya Lifschitz-Golden Archive Manya Lifschitz-Golden (1896-1973), researcher of Hebrew literature in medieval France. Very small French, Yiddish, English
Otto Lipmann Archive Otto Lipmann (1880-1933), German psychologist. Very small German
Emil Raas Collection Emil Raas (1910-1993), Jewish lawyer in Bern, friend and supporter of Else Lasker-Schüler during her stay in Switzerland and her advocate in visa issues. Very small German
Paul Yaakov Jacobi Archive Paul Yaakov Jacobi (1911-1997), born in Königsberg, served as legal advisor for the Jewish National Fund and director of the project for recovery of Jewish property in Europe. In his final years researched the history of Jewish families. The archive contains geneological lists of Jewish families. Large Multiple languages
Eugen Mayer Collection Eugen Mayer (1882-1967), the last syndic of the pre-war Jewish community in Frankfurt a. M., and close friend of the poet Karl Wolfskehl. Very small German
Dolf Michaelis Archive Dolf Michaelis (1906-1982), expert for economy and finances, a leader of German Zionism and one of the negotiators of the "Ha'avara" agreement between the Jewish Agency and Germany in the 1930s. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Ernst Müller Archive Ernst Müller (1880-1954), Zionist, researcher of Kabbalah and deputy director of the library of the Viennese Jewish community, before he eventually emigrated to Great Britain in 1939. Very small German, Hebrew
Paul Zweig Collection Paul Zweig (1903-1944), poet, brother of Max Zweig and a relative of Stefan Zweig. Very small German, Italian
Jacob Mann Collection Jacob Mann (1888-1940), rabbi, historian and professor at the Hebrew Union College. Scholar of the Genizah fragments. Very small English, Hebrew
Samuel Poznanski Archive Rabbi Samuel Abraham Poznanski (1884-1921), served as rabbi in Warsaw, wrote extensive research work on the Karaites and on Karaism. During WWI he played a major role in relief organizations for the benefit of Jews who were affected by the war. He also founded the Tachkemoni Rabbinical Seminary in Warsaw. Medium Multiple languages
Avraham Aryeh Akiva collection Avraham Aryeh Akiva (1882-?), wrote stories and novels in Yiddish and Hebrew, among the editors of the Massada General Encyclopedia and "Izrael" Encyclopedia, prominent scholar of the Jewish calendar and chronology and prolific translator of children's literature. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian
Robert Veith Archive Robert Veith (1893-1958?), poet and writer in German. Very small German, Hebrew, Croatian
Edmond Fleg Archive Edmond Fleg (1874-1963), poet and writer in French. Medium French, German
Walter Lindenthal Collection Walter Lindenthal (1896-1975), translator from Swedish into German. Very small German, Swedish
Simeon Lutski Archive Simeon Lutski was a Russian poet, railway engineer, and free mason. Very small Russian, French
Feiwel Shraga Margolin collection Feiwel Shraga Margolin (1870-1942), editorial secretary of "HaZman" in Vilnius, publisher and Hebrew literature enthusiast. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Otto Lobbenberg Collection A collection of autographs of German-Jewish musicians and composers, collected by Otto Lobbenberg (1894-1980). Very small German, English, French
Wilhelm Fliess Collection Wilhelm Fliess (1858-1928), famous physician, close friend of Sigmund Freud. He was president of the "Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften". Very small German, English
Fega Frisch Archive Fega Frisch (1878-1964), translator of Russian literature into German. She was married to the well-known journalist Ephraim Frisch. Very small German, Russian
Joseph Perles Collection Joseph Perles (1835-1894), rabbi of the Jewish community in Munich and a scholar of Jewish studies. Very small German, Hebrew, French
David José Pérez Archive David José Pérez was a professor in Brasil and also a translator into Portuguese. Very small Portuguese
Collection of documents from Tiberias Deeds, letters, documents concerning meshulachim, claim preclusions, Kosher certificates and agreements regarding book printing. Very small Hebrew, Arabic, French
Leopold Zunz Archive Leopold Zunz (1794-1886), German-Jewish scholar and pioneer in the field of the "Science of Judaism" (Wissenschaft des Judentums). Medium Multiple languages
Yerucham Fishel Merchavia archive Articles, essays and correspondence regarding the calendar, various materials concerning Białystok, the Hebrew theatre in Białystok, Hebrew education, Etzel and Lehi, Jerusalem in 1948 etc. Medium Hebrew, Polish, German
Lilia Kavey Archive Lilia Kavey (1889-1986), American active in the organization for bringing the Falasha (Ethiopian Jews) to Israel. Small English, German
Attal Robert collection of autographs Very small Hebrew, English, French
Israel Eldad archive Israel Eldad (1910-1996), Lehi leader, translated Friedrich Nietzsche's writings into Hebrew, prolific publicist and author of books on a variety of subjects, among others the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish history. Very small Hebrew
Efraim Elimelech Urbach archive Efraim Elimelech Urbach (1912-1991), researcher of Talmud and rabbinic literature. Small Hebrew
Eliyahu Refael Marciano collection Documents related to the history of the Marciano family, family correspondence, material concerning Halakhah, documents concerning meshulachim, deeds, psakim, testimonies and testaments of the various Jewish communities in Morocco, mostly in Debdou. Very small Hebrew
Leon Kolb Archive Leon Kolb (1890-1977) was a pharmacologist, professor at Stanford University and a collector of arts, prints, books and autographs. Very small Multiple languages
Boris Kon Archive Boris Kon (1899-1953), Jewish journalist in the Soviet Union. Very small Russian
Shmuel Werses archive Shmuel Werses (1915-2010), among the greatest scholars of Haskalah literature. Also studied modern Hebrew literature and the history of Jewish periodicals. Large Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Eva Kirschner Collection Letters from the Russian poet David Knout (1900-1955), his wife Ariane Knout (Skriabin) (1905-1944), and her daughter Betty to Eva Kirschner, as well as a number of Knout's books with personal dedications to Eva Kirschner. Very small Russian, French
Leopold Löwenstein Archive Leopold Löwenstein (1843-1923), rabbi and a scholar of German-Jewish history. Very small German, Hebrew, French
Krensky-Ehrenreich Family Collection Correspondence between the family members in the United States and their relatives in Germany and the Netherlands. Very small English, German
Eugen Ratner Collection Yohanan (Eugen) Ratner (1891-1965), architect, deputy Chief of the General Staff of the IDF, was responsible for designing the General Staff of the IDF and its roles. Small German, Hebrew, Russian
Arie Navon collection Arie Navon (1909-1996), painter, among the first cartoonist of the Yishuv, stage designer, comic strip artist and book illustrator. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Dov Sadan archive Prof. Dov Sadan (Stock) (1902-1989), literary scholar, author, translator, publicist and Knesset member. Very large Multiple languages
Samuel Sambursky archive Samuel Sambursky (1900-1990), professor of physics and natural sciences, member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Small Hebrew, English, German
Ives Schor Archive Ives Schor (1891-1974), and his father, prof. David Schor (1867-1942), laid the foundations for musical education in Eretz Israel, musicians and intellectuals. Large Russian, German, Hebrew
Solomon Isaac Scheinfeld Collection Solomon Isaac Scheinfeld (1860-1943), served rabbi of Beit Israel community, chief rabbi of the Milwaukee communities and vice president of the Zionist Organization of America. Author of many books on matters of Halakha. Very small English, Hebrew, Russian
Hermann Hirsch Schapira Collection Hermann Hirsch Schapira (1840-1898), professor of mathematics at Heidelberg University and prominent figure of the early Zionist movement. Very small French, German, Russian
Liturgical collection Prayers and blessings for everyday, for Sabbath and for special occasions, according to fixed or personal versions or versions attributed to well-known rabbis, as well as Piyutim and Zemirot. The items were printed in Israel and abroad since the early 20th century. Medium Hebrew
David Safran Archive David Safran (1915-1991), Romanian rabbi, historian and Zionist activist. Small Romanian, Hebrew, French
Max Shats-Anin Archive Max Shats-Anin (1885-1975), Jewish socialist in Latvia and the Soviet Union, who believed in a territorial solution for the Jewish people. Medium Russian, Yiddish
Invitations collection Invitations to private events (weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvah parties, Brit Milah ceremonies, Zeved Habat celebrations, birthdays) and public events, in Israel and abroad, since the 1880s. Large Hebrew
Collection of institutional publications Publications by public institutions which document the goals, activities and programs of a wide variety of bodies operating in many fields of cultural, political, social and religious lives in Palestine and in the State of Israel since the late 19th century and until today. Medium Hebrew
Collection of publications of organisations Publications by organizations and movements which document the goals, activities and programs of a wide variety of bodies operating in many fields of cultural, political, social and religious lives in Palestine and in the State of Israel since the late 19th century and until today. Medium Hebrew
Zvi Hirsch Masliansky Collection Zvi Hirsch Masliansky (1856-1943), maggid and one of the first Zionist preachers. Joined the Hibbat Zion movement in Russia and became vice president of the Zionist Organization of America. Small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Collection of local authorities publications Publications by local authorities in Palestine and in the State of Israel which document the goals, activities and programs of those authorities (municipalities, regional councils, local councils, settlements committees) since the late 19th century and until today. Medium Hebrew
Julius Hülsen Archive Julius Hülsen (1873-1931), architect, artist and historian, who was active in Darmstadt and Frankfurt a. M. Very small German
Science of Judaism Letter Collection Lletters written to various personalities linked to the "Wissenschaft des Judentums", mainly from Germany and Hungary in the 19th and 20th century Very small German, Hebrew, Hungarian
Collection of Dafna and Reuven Kaminer Broadsides, newspaper clippings, publications, invitations, internal reports, contact pages and periodicals of radical left-wing organizations in Israel in the years 1968-1994. Medium Hebrew, English, Arabic
Carl Frankenstein Collection Carl Frankenstein (1905-1990), professor of special education. Very small German
Franz Jona Fink Archive Franz Jona Fink (1906-1962), Marxist philosopher and publicist. Very small German, Hebrew, Spanish
Robert Frost collection Autographs of the American poet Robert Frost (1874-1963), dedicated prints, newspaper articles, and one framed drawing of Frost. Very small English
Charles David Spivak collection Charles David Spivak (1861-1927) was sent by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to Eastern European countries to examine the sanitary conditions of the Jews living there. Very small German, Hebrew, Polish
Sackler Harry collection Harry Sackler (1883-1974), bi-lingual (Hebrew and Yiddish) author and playwright and Yiddish journalist. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Yaacov Pilowsky archive Yaacov Pilowsky (1898-1969), Yiddish author and journalist. Small Yiddish
Zecharia Fishman collection Zecharia Fishman (1891-1926), brother of rabbi Yehuda Leib Maimon (Fishman) and Ada Maimon. Served as librarian of the Reform Rabinnical Seminary in Cincinnati. Designed an idea for a bio-bibliographic lexicon which would be structured upon methodical collection of every publication by each personality and every publication concerning each personality. Very small Hebrew
Walter Frankl Archive Walter Frankl (1906-1989), activist in the sports movement and wrote a number of books on gardening. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Naftali Bar Giora Bamberger Archive Naftali Bar Giora Bamberger (1919-2000), contributed a great deal to the Aliyah of Jews from India, Yemen and North Africa. Conducted historical research on German Jewry and on Jewish cemeteries. Small Multiple languages
Moshe Feldstein collection Moshe Feldstein (1855-1936), prominent Zionist activist in Poland and leader of Hovevei Zion. Very small Hebrew, German, Russian
Ze'ev Wilhelm Falk archive Ze'ev Wilhelm Falk (1923-1998), lawyer and law professor. Large Hebrew, English, German
Joseph Papiernikov collection Joseph Papiernikov (1899-1993), Yiddish writer and poet. Wrote lyrical and revolutionary poetry, stories and review articles on authors and memoires on Yiddish authors. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, French
Eliyahu Goldenberg collection Eliyahu Goldenberg (1909-1976), actor, director and Israeli broadcaster. Father of entertainter Dudu Topaz. Very small Hebrew, Polish
Joseph Perl archive Joseph Perl (1773-1839), prominent figure of the Haskalah movement in Galicia. Known for his activity against Hasidism in Galicia and for his satirical work. Small Multiple languages
Israel Zurba archive Israel Zurba (1879-1960), active member in various organizations which purchased lands in Eretz Israel. Among the founders of Bayit VeGan neighborhood in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew, English, Yiddish
Artur Landsberger Collection Manuscripts and letters by influential personalities describing their attitude to the assimilation of Jews in Germany. The letters and manuscripts were sent for the book "Judentaufen" (1912). Artur Landsberger (1876-1933) published a foreword for this book and cooperated with its editor Werner Sombart. Very small German
Baila Koteliansky collection Shmuel Koteliansky (1880-1955), mostly served as a middleman between authors and publishers and was business manager of the literary periodical The Adelphi. Baila Koteliansky was his mother. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Kutna Yoseph & Aharon collection Yoseph Kutna (1745-1829), rabinnical court judge in Pápa and rabbi of the Jewish community of Tata in Hungary. His son Aharon Kutna was rabbi in Tata. Very small Hebrew, German
Simha Kopstein collection Simha Kopstein was a rabbinical court judge in Pest. HIs son Mordechai Kopstein was a rabbi and Av Beit Din in Germany and Poland. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Haim Yizhak Korb Collection Haim Yizhak Korb (1872-1957), taught at the Ponevezh, Plungė and Žagarė Yeshivas. Very small Hebrew
Benjamin Klar collection Benjamin Klar (1901-1948), published research work on Hebrew language, medieval and modern poetry in Hebrew and in German. He was killed in the Hadassah medical convoy massacre. Very small Hebrew, Italian, German
Eliyahu Klatzkin archive Eliyahu Klatzkin (1852-1932), rabbi in Lublin and many other communities, and one of the major poskim of his generation. Father of Jakob Klatzkin. Very small Hebrew
Yekuthiel Aryeh Kamelhar archive Rabbi Yekuthiel Aryeh Kamelhar (1871-1937), author of literary and religious texts and a biography of Yechezkel Landau, chief rabbi of Prague. Small Hebrew
Moritz Daniel Oppenheim archive Moritz Oppenheim (1799-1882), German Jewish painter. Very small German, English, French
Moishe Nadir Archive Moishe Nadir (pseudonym of Itzhok Raiz) (1885-1943), Yiddish poet, editor, story writer, essayist and playwright. Large English, Yiddish
Isaac Goldkorn Archive Isaac Goldkorn (1911-1988), Yiddish poet and literary critic. Very small Yiddish, German, Hebrew
Leah Goldberg Collection Leah Goldberg (1911-1970), poet, writer and translator, literary scholar and one of the most influencing figures of her generation in desiging Hebrew culture. The collection includes letters and postacrds, as well as drawings and manuscripts. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Karl Thieme Archive Karl Thieme (1902-1963), historian, political scientist and theologian. The archive includes correspondence with Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Alfred Döblin and others. Very small German
Mark Turkov Archive Mark Turkow (1904-1983), journalist and writer in Yiddish and Spanish. Very small Yiddish
Ignacio Bauer y Landauer archive Dr. Ignacio Isaac Bauer Landauer (1891-1961), lawyer, scholar and businessman. The archive mainly consists of original and xeroxed historical documents collected by Bauer. Very small French, English, Spanish
Friedrich Thieberger archive Friedrich Thieberger (1888-1958), historian, Jewish scholar, writer and translator. He was Franz Kafka's Hebrew teacher and Jiří Langer's translator. Very small German
Ludwig Strauss archive Ludwig Strauss (1892-1953), literary scholar. Medium German
Yehuda Leib Gordon collection Yehuda Leib Gordon (1830-1892), Hebrew poet, among the central poets of the Haskalah period. The collection includes only letters sent to Gordon. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Hayim Yona Gurland collection Hayim Yona Gurland (1843-1890), rabbi and historian who studied the influnce of Islam on Maimonides as well as Hebrew manuscripts. Very small Hebrew, German, Russian
Noah Gilbord collection Noah Gilbord (1877-1961), served as member of the united committee of the Jewish National Fund in Rivne, was active in the Zionist movement in Poland and banker. Very small Russian, Polish, English
Hayim Gliksberg Archive Hayim Gliksberg (1904-1970), Israeli painter, among the founders of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Small Hebrew, English
Paula Buber archive Paula Buber (née Winkler) (1877-1958), author (uder the psedonym Georg Munk. She married Martin Buber and moved with him and their family to Jerusalem in 1938. Small German, English
Rachel Collection Elizabeth Rachel Felix (1821-1858), Jewish-French actress. Very small French
Julius Preuss Archive Julius Preuss (1861-1913), physician and scholar of rabbinic literature. Very small German
Arno Nadel Archive Arno Nadel (1878-1943), synagogue musician and musicologist, and German poet. Very small German
Shimon Yaakov Gliksberg Archive Rabbi Shimon Yaakov Gliksberg (1870-1950), sage, maggid and author, member of Hovevei Zion. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Gustav Landauer Archive Gustav Landauer (1870-1919), German anarchist thinker, pacifist, Shakespeare translator and scholar. Small German
Chaim Grade Archive Chaim Grade (1910-1982), Yiddish poet and writer, was part of the modernist Yiddish poets group "Yung vilne". Very small Yiddish, English
Hermann Minkowski Archive Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), German mathematician. Very small German
Mordechai Georgo Langer Collection Mordechai Georgo Langer (1894-1943), author, publicist and translator who write in Czech, German and Hebrew. Very small Hebrew
Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine archive Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine (1860-1930), bacteriologist and immunologist, developed a cholera vaccines and was active in Jewish affairs. Large English, Russian, French
Eugen Mittwoch Archive Eugen Mittwoch (1876-1942), founder of German Islamic studies, Talmudist and theologian. Very small German
Jacob Dineson collection Jacob Dineson (1856-1919), Yiddish author in Poland. Pioneer of the Yiddish sentimental novel. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Shmuel Gorr Archive Genealogical material collected by, Shmuel Gorr (1931-1988), collector and researcher of genealogical material. Medium English, Hebrew
Haim Dromi Collection Haim Dromi (1892-1962), teacher in Hebron and in Safed, was active in matters of education. The collection contains documents concerning education in Palestine, during the British Mandate, and ephemera from Palestine in the early 20th century. Very small Hebrew, Arabic
Robert von Lieben colletion Robert von Lieben (1878-1913), Austrian physicist. Very small German
Raphael Levy Archive Raphael Levy (1900- 1969), US scholar of French language and literature, especially Old French. Small French, English
Uriel Heyd Archive Uriel Heyd (1913-1968), orientalist, centered on the history and culture of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Immánuel Löw Archive Leopold Löw (1811-1875), reform rabbi, Jewish emancipationist and Hungarian nationalist. Very small German, Hungarian
Anna Maria Jokl Archive Anna Maria Jokl (1911-2001), writer, journalist, child psychoanalyst. Medium German, English, Hebrew
Otto Hoffman Archive Otto Hoffman (1898-1974), architect, head of the planning team for British police buildings in Palestine. Medium Hebrew, German
Israel Halpern Archive Israel Halpern (1910-1971), professor of Jewish history at the Hebrew University, historian of Polish Jewry, chairman of the Historical Society of Israel. Among the editors of the periodical "Zion" and academic advisor to Yad Vashem. Very small Hebrew, English, Yiddish
Siegfried Weitzmann archive Siegfried Weitzmann (1886-1960), German architect, secretary of Keren HaYessod in the years 1916-1918. In 1936 he moved to Eretz Israel, where he worked as a journalist for Jüdische Rundschau, Der Jude and der jüdische Student and sporadically as an architect. Very small German
Shmuel Yitzhack Hillman Archive Shmuel Yitzhack Hillman (1868-1953), chief rabbi of Glasgow, rabbi and Av Beit Din in London, among the most influential Eastern European rabbis on British Jewry, among the Hovevei Zion and HaMizrahi movements, founder and director of the Ohel Tora kollel in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew, English
Hayim Hirshenzon Archive Rabbi Hayim Hirshenzon (1857-1935), author of many books on all areas of Jewish wisdom. Member of Safa Brura, the first Hebrew-speaking society in Palestine founded by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. Very small Hebrew
Meyer Kayserling Archive Meyer Moritz Kayserling (1829-1905), rabbi and historian. Very small German
Adolph Jellinek Archive Adolph Jellinek (1821-1893), Austrian rabbi and scholar. Opponent of Jewish nationalism. Very small German
Henry Bela Zador archive Henry Bela (Heinrich) Zador (1905-?), novelist and industrialist. The archive contains material created after he moved to Eretz Israel in 1939. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Wilhelm Stiassny Archive Wilhelm Stiassny (1842-1910?), Austrian historicist architect. Founded the Society for Conservation and Preservation of Jewish Art and Historical Monuments. President of the Jewish Colonization Association in Vienna. Very small German
Mordecai Ben Hillel Ha-Cohen Archive Mordecai Ben Hillel Ha-Cohen (1856-1936), Hebrew author and Zinist activist, among the founders of Ahuzat Bait society, laid the foundation for the Hebrew Writers Association in Israel and for other cultural institutions in Palestine. Small Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian
Richard Koebner Archive Richard Koebner (1885-1958), professor at Breslau University for European history in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Period and among the founders of the history department at the Hebrew University. Very small German, Hebrew, English
Walter Calé Archive Walter Calé (1881-1904), poet. Very small German
Fritz Jellinek archive Fritz Jellinek (1892-1966), industrialist and writer, was active in Jewish matters. Brother of Oskar Jellinek, one of the leading novelists of the Prague Circle. Very small German, English
Adrian Verea Archive Adrian Verea (pseudonym of Max Vecsler) (1876-1944), Romanian Jewish poet and playwright, physician of the Iasi Opera. Very small Romanian, French
Karl Schwarz Archive Karl Schwarz (1885-1962), art historian. Founding director of the Jewish Museum in Berlin and founding director of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Medium German, Hebrew
Benzion Halper Archive Benzion Halper (1884-1924), scholar of Hebrew and Arabic linguistics and editor. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Shmuel Halkin Archive Shmuel Halkin (1897-1960), Yiddish poet in the Soviet Union. Wrote plays and poems on the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Very small Yiddish, Russian
David Elimelech Wolpe Archive David Elimelech Wolpe (1908-2006), Yiddish poet and essayist. Published poems, short fiction, essays and literary criticism in various journals. Small Yiddish, Hebrew
David Vinitzky collection David Vinitzky (1907-1987), secretary of the Tarbut society in Bessarabia, published many books and articles on Jewish life in the Soviet Union and primarily in Bessarabia. Very small Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew
Josef Popper-Lynkeus Archive Josef Popper (added the name Lynkeus as a pseudonym) (1838-1921), Jewish-Austrian philosopher, inventor and social reformer. Medium German
Meir Wiener Collection Meir Wiener (1893-1941), poet and literary critic in Hebrew, Yiddish, German and Russian. Very small Yiddish, English, Russian
Joseph George Weiss Archive Joseph George Weiss (1918-1969), scholar of Hasidism. Medium Hebrew, English, German
Nissan Waxman Archive Rabbi Nissan Waxman (1904-1982), member of the general council of Agudath Harabonim and the Rabbinical Council of America, and served as head secretary of the rabbinical court in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Very small Hebrew, English
Nathan Zabara Collection Nathan Zabara (1908-1975), Yiddish author. Very small Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew
Otto Warburg Archive Otto Warburg (1859-1938), botanist and third president of the World Zionist Organization. Medium German, English
Ludwig Philippson archive Ludwig Philippson (1811-1889), reform rabbi. Founding editor of Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, translator and interpretor of the Hebrew Scriptures, thinker and author. Very small German
Abraham Schwadron Collection Dr. Abraham Sharon (Schwadron) (1878-1957), chemist, thinker, publicist and collector of authographs and portraits. The collection contains portraits, handwriting samples and authographs by well-known Jewish persons of all fields, from various periods, mostly the 19th and 20th centuries. Very large Multiple languages
Menahem Zulay Collection Menahem Zulay (1901-1954), scholar of early Hebrew piyut. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Shaul Dov Zislin Archive Rabbi Shaul Dov Zislin (1881-1964), influencing figure of the Chabad hasidic movement in Israel, founder of the Tomchei Tmimim Chabad Yeshiva in Tel Aviv. Very small Hebrew
Aharon Amir Archive Aharon Amir (1923-2008), poet, writer, translator and public figure, leader of the Canaanite movement, editor of the Canaanites journal Aleph, founding editor of the journals Keshet and Keshet Hakhadasha. Medium Hebrew, English, French
Willy Wygodzinski Archive Willy Wygodzinski (1869-1921), German writer on economics and autograph collector. Very small German
Aron Alfred Wiener archive Aron Alfred Wiener (1895-1972), attorney, intellectual and author. Very small German
Avraham Leib Zissu Archive Avraham Leib Zissu (1888-1956), essayist and nevelist, among the founders of the Jewish Party of Romania, and the Romania office of the World Jewish Congress, was active in organizing Aliyah, rescuing Jews who fled Hungary and negotiating with Romanian government leaders on rescuing Romanian Jews. Small Hebrew, Romanian
Yaakov Meir Zalkind Collection Yaakov Meir Zalkind (1875-1937), Hebrew and Yiddish author, also published articles on the history of Jewish printing houses in Yiddish. The collection contains letters to Zalkind from 1920-1924, the period of his anarchist, anti-war and anti-Zionist activity in Lodon. Medium Multiple languages
Leon Zack Archive Leon Zack (pseudonym of Mikhail Russiansky) (1892-1980), poet, painter, sculptor, book illustrator and stage and costume designer for ballet. Very small Russian, French
Autonomous Orthodox Jewish Community (Budapest) Archive The community's administrative archive, containing personal and community documents and correspondence with government and municipal authorities, other Jewish communities, suppliers of goods and services and private individuals. Small Hungarian, German, Yiddish
Zeev Alexandrovich Collection Thousands of photographs taken by Ze'ev Aleksandrowicz in Palestine in the years 1932-1936, which document various sites in the country and life in the Yishuv in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Large Hebrew
Karl Baum Archive Correspondence and documents relating to Czechoslovakian Jewry during the Holocaust. Very small German, English, Czech
Senior Sachs Collection Senior Sachs (1815-1892), Hebrew scholar of the Haskalah movement in Eastern Europe and later Western Europe. Served as a link between the Hebrew Haskalah authors and scholars of Wissenschaft des Judentums. Very small German, Hebrew, French
Hirsch Perez Chajes Collection Hirsch Perez Chajes (1876-1927), rabbi of Triest, chief rabbi of Vienna and head of its Beth midrash, as well as scholar and Zionist leader. Very small German, English, Hebrew
Avraham Meir Ben Rafael Yazdi Collection Avraham Meir Ben Rafael Yazdi was head of the Yagdil Torah Yeshiva, and foundaer of the Yazdi community committee in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew, Judeo-Persian
Ze'ev Yavetz Archive Ze'ev Yavetz (1847-1924), writer and historian, pioneer of Hebrew education, active in the Hebrew Language Committee and in founding HaMizrahi movement in Russia. Very small Hebrew, German, French
Avraham Yehuda Chirurg Collection Avraham Yehuda Chirurg (1912-1948), Yiddish poet, painter and pioneer settler, killed in the War of Independence. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Jacob Wahrman Archive The archive contains the research files of Jacob Wahrman of the faculty of life science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, as well as a collection purchased by Wahrman of photographs of Palestine, mostly from the 19th century and the early 20th century. Very large Multiple languages
Hans Lewy Archive Hans Lewy (1901-1945), scholar of the Second Temple period and linguist. Small German, Hebrew, English
Avraham B. Yaffe collection Avraham B. Yaffe (1924-2008), journalist, author, editor and literary, radio and cinema critic, among the founders of the "Club of Advanced Culture" (later: Tzavta) with Avraham Shlonsky. Very small Hebrew, Romanian, French
Shaul Levi Archive Shaul Levi (1868-1935), pioneer of trade in Eretz Israel and among the founders of Tel Aviv and Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem. Very small Hebrew, German, English
Yehuda Leib Zirelson Archive Yehuda Leib Zirelson (1860-1941), served as rabbi of Kishinev, founding member of Agudat Yisrael, leader and representant of Russian and Romanian Jewry. Very small Hebrew, Russian, Romanian
Eliyahu Ze'ev Levin-Epstein Halevi Archive Eliyahu Ze'ev Levin-Epstein Halevi (1863-1932), among the founders of Rehovot and Carmel Winery. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Hermann Zondek Archive Letters, documents, photographs etc. of endocrinologist Hermann Zondek (1887-1979), his wife Gerda Zondek (1907-2003), endocrinologist and painter, his brother Bernhard Zondek (1891-1966), endocrinologist and gynecologist and of their families. Medium German, Hebrew
Yehuda ben Avraham Roth Archive Rabbi Dr. Yehuda ben Avraham Roth, served as rabbi and Av Beit Din of the Konitz community in Western Prussian. Very small Hebrew, German
Joshua Otto Leibowitz Archive Joshua Otto Leibowitz (1895-1993), historian of medicine and Hebrew scholar. Medium Hebrew, English, German
Nahum Nathan Zeitlin Archive Nahum Nathan Zeitlin (1854-1912), public activist in providing aid for Jewish education institutions in the United States and various charity institutions. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Historical documents collection Hundreds of documents representing communities, families and individuals of Jewish communities in Eretz Israel and worldwide. Small Multiple languages
Manfred Sturmann Archive Manfred Sturmann (1903-1989), German-language Israeli poet, writer and social worker, as well as literary executor of Else Lasker-Schüler. Medium German
Joseph Trumpeldor Collection Personal documents, newspaper clippings, individual letters and notes from Joseph Trumpeldor's estate, mostly from his time in London, in 1916-1918. Very small Russian, English
Heymann Steinthal Archive Heymann (Hermann Heyman) Steinthal (1823-1899), German philologist and philosopher. Student and editor of Wilhelm von Humboldt. Professor at the University of Berlin and at the Hochschule für die Wissenschaft von Judentums. Very small German
William Stern Archive William Stern (1871-1938), German psychologist and philosopher. Inventor of intelligence quotient (IQ). Small German, English
Moritz Stern Archive Moritz Stern (1864-1939), rabbi, historian and librarian. The archive also includes archives of Shalom Danziger and Meir Markus Lehmann. Very small German
Moriz Abraham Stern Archive Moriz Abraham Stern (1807-1894), German mathematician. In Judaism, a radical Reformer and follower of Spinoza. Very small German
Gerson Stern Archive Gerson Stern (1874-1956) German-language Israeli poet and novelist. Friend of Shalom Ben Chorin and Else Lasker-Schüler in Jerusalem. The archive also includes materials concerning his son Joel Stern (1920-1948), German-language poet. Very small German
Haim Liberman Archive Haim Liberman (1892-1991), bibliographer and scholar of Hasidism. Was secretary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and accompanied him on his journeys from Russia to Riga, to Warsaw, and during WWII from Warsaw to New York, which became the current center of the Chabad movement. Medium Yiddish, Hebrew, English
Judah Leo Landau Archive Judah Leo Landau (1866-1942), rabbi, poet, playwright, author and active Zionist. Served as chief rabbi of South African Jewry, president of the Historical Society of South Afrian Jewry and honorary president of the Zionist Federation in South Africa and the education committee in South Africa. Large Hebrew, English, Yiddish
Eliezer Steinbarg Archive Eliezer Steinbarg (1880-1932), author, poet, translator and educator. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew, Romanian
The Mendele project archive Single volumes of various editions of Mendele Mokher Sforim's (S. Y. Abramovich) work in Hebrew and in Yiddish, photocopies of Mandele's writings from various journals and newspapers and ongoing material related to the publication project of critical editions of Mendele's work. Large Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian
Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Archive Salomon Ludwig Steinheim (1789-1866), German physician, poet and philosopher. Follower of Kant and proponent of Jewish emancipation. Very small German
Ernst Sommer Collection Ernst Sommer (1888-1955), German-speaking author and Social Democrat activist in Karlovy Vary, Bohemia. Sommer was perhaps the first to describe gas murder and concentration camps in fiction. Very small German, Hebrew, Yiddish
Nathan Spiegel Archive Nathan Spiegel (1905-1995), scholar and professor of ancient Greek and Roman literature and culture. Very small Hebrew, Polish
Collection of documents on the foundation of Bat Yam Various documents on the founding history of "Bait Vegan" neighborhood, the settlement upon which the city of Bat Yam was built. Very small Hebrew, German
Collection of documents relating to the exiled Jewish community in Alexandria Documents related to the Jewish living in Palestine, mostly those those with a Russian citizenship, which were exiled to Alexandria by the Turkish authorities during WWI. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of divorce documents Divorce, single status and marriage annulment certificates of Jewish communities in Palestine, Europe and the USA. Some of them were issued following sham marriages for the purpose of Aliyah in the 1930s. Very small Hebrew, Polish, French
Collection of divorce contracts Divorce contracts from various places and periods, which were collected and purchased over the years. Very small Hebrew
Irwin T. and Shirley Holtzman collection of Israeli writers manuscripts Irwin Holtzman (1927-2010), book collector and bibliophile. Medium Hebrew, English
Collection of documents relating to the Old and the New Yishuv Letters, official certificates and various documents related to the founding stages of Jewish agricultural settlements in Palestine, including Petach Tikva. Some of the documents concern the relations between the settlers in Palestine and the Hovevei Zion societies in Russia and in other countries. Very small Hebrew, Russian
Collection of clippings and documents relating to the Jewish education in the U.S.A Printed matter, newspaper clippings and questionnaires for students on Torah portions. Very small Hebrew, English
Collection of documents relating to Hasidism Letters and documents related to the Chernobyl rebbes and community, as well as to the Chernobyl dynasty and Eretz Israel, and letters and documents related to Chernobyl Hasidism. Very small Hebrew
Collection of letters and documents in Ladino Correspondence from Thessaloniki, some from Sofia, as well as some deeds. Very small Ladino
Sheluhei Eretz-Israel collection of documents Letters and documents regarding missions of meshulachim, sent from Palestine to various places to collect funds. Very small Multiple languages
Halizah documents collection Halizah documents from various places in Europe, such as Italy, Gibraltar, France, the Netherlands, Germany and England. Very small Hebrew, German
Collection of poems for special occasions Manuscripts and printed matter, mostly in Hebrew, containing rhymed poems written for various occasions. Very small Hebrew
Mazkeret Moshe Montefiore central committee documents Documents of the provisory leadership office for the foundation of Mazkeret Moshe Montefiore. Very small Hebrew
Engagement contracts collection Deeds of tnai'm, engagement, matchmaking, dowries of Jewish communities in various countries, from the 18th century to the 20th century. Very small Hebrew
Scrolls of congratulation to the opening of the Hebrew University and to the establishment of her various buildings Scrolls of congratulation sent to the Hebrew University for the occasion of its opening in 1925, as well as foundation scrolls from the establishment of her various buildings. Medium Hebrew, English, Polish
The British Consulate in Jerusalem Collection Letters to the consulate, documents and lists of British subjects in different cities of Palestine (mostly on Jews), and on economic matters. Very small English
Collection of letters of the Pekidim and Amarcalim of Amsterdam Letters kept in the Pekidim and Amarcalim of Amsterdam archive and letters to Tsebi Hirsch Lehren and letters found in his posession, which were sent from various cities in Europe regarding collection of funds for the poor in Eretz Israel. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Collection of documents relating to the history of the Jews of Arad, Hungary Documents of the Arad community committee, Hevra Kadisha documents from Arad, personal correspondence and letters from various communities to the Arad community. Very small Hebrew, Hungarian
Collection of "Yahrzeit" tables "Yahrzeit" tables of the deceased from various charity institutions in Jerusalem and other places, such as Hungary, Germany and Poland, from the 19th and 20th centuries. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish
Torah sheets collection Weekly Torah portion sheets, synagogue sheets and other religious publications, printed regularly in Israel, moslty weekly, and locally distributed. Medium Hebrew
Vilna folklor collection Folders containing typescripted pages by Yitzkhok Mileikowsky, which contain collected phrases and stories from the lives of Vilnius Jews. Very small Yiddish, Hebrew
Associazione Pro Israele Archive Minutes of meetings, membership forms, correspondence, posters, invitations, flyers, programs and statutes, newspaper clippings, notes. Very small Italian, French, German
Willy Tonn Collection Willy Tonn (1902-1957), researcher of far east languages. Very small German
Mizrach Collection In Jewish homes, one used to hang on the eastern wall a framed plate with an embroidery or a colorful painting and the inscription "Mizrach", in order to mark the direction of prayer. The collection contains decorated plates with colorful paintings and verses, from various places and periods. Very small Hebrew, Yiddish, German
Micrography collection Portraits of biblical figures and Jewish and general historical figures, illustrations, paintings of holy sites and symbols, all composed of minuscule texts. Most of the texts are parts of the Old Testament and written in Hebrew letters, few of them also in Latin letters. Very small Hebrew, German, Yiddish
Collection of documents relating to the Fiume community Documents related to the building of the new synagogue of the Ashkenazi orthodox community of Fiume (Italy), 1922-1938. Very small Italian, German, Yiddish
Arthur Schnitzler Collection Arthur Schnitzler (1862-1931), leading Austrian author and playwright. Very small German, English
Collection of documents relating to jewish welfare organizations in Chernowitz Reports, balances, statutes, lists and photographs relating to Jewish welfare organizations in Chernowitz after WWI, mostly of those supported by the Joint Distribution Committee. Very small Yiddish, German
Autographs Collection of Emperors, Empresses, Kings, Queens, and Nobles Letters, decrees and documents signed and written by French Kings of the 16th until 19th centuries, of Russian emperors and empresses of the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as of other kings, queens and nobles from France, Russia, Poland, Great Britain, and Austria. Very small Multiple languages
Collection of amulets Various amulets created in various Jewish communities worldwide, in various sizes and forms. The two main fonds in the collection include paper, handwritten (in ink) and printed amulets, and various metal amulets, such as silver and alpacca. Very small Hebrew, Aramaic
Collection of "Shiviti" prints and manuscripts "Shiviti" are usually plates used in synagogues in certain Jewish communities for contemplation on God's name. The collection contains printed and handwritten "Shiviti", on paper and on parchment in various sizes. Very small Hebrew, English, German
Israeli theater programs Collection Theatre programs from Palestine and the State of Israel in Hebrew and in Yiddish. The collection also includes programs of orchestras which were active before and after the foundation of the state, and programs of military ensembles, dance companies and opera. Small Hebrew, Yiddish, English
Eliahu Meitus Collection Eliahu Meitus (1892-1977), writer and translator, mostly from Russian, Yiddish and French. Also published Yiddish poetry and prose. The collection contains several personal documents. Very small Hebrew, Russian, Romanian
Documents Collection of the Jewish Communities of Holleschau and Posen Minutes, contracts, letters, and letters to and from the community rabbi Wolf Feilchenfeld, as well as private documents of several families. Very small German, Hebrew
Brooklyn Jewish Center Archive Nine volumes of minutes (1918-1952), six volumes of newspaper clippings (1943-1952), a membership register (1922-1935) and a file with sermons. Very small English
Civil Status Certificates of the Grand Rabbinate of Alexandria Collection Remnants of the registry of civil status certificates of the Grand Rabbinate of Alexandria, mostly certificates of celibacy and marriage. Very small Multiple languages