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Homelands and diasporas

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العنوان Homelands and diasporas : Greeks, Jews and their migrations / edited by Minna Rozen.
مساهم Rozen, Minna
الناشر London : I.B. Tauris
تاريخ الإصدار 2008
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references (p. [333]-417) and index.
رقم الرف People of the book, people of the sea : mirror images of the soul / Minna Rozen -- Exile : the biblical perspectives / Bustenay Oded -- Between Greek colony and mother-city : some reflections / Panagiotis N. Doukelllis -- The Jewish Politeuma in Alexandria : a pattern of Jewish communal life in the Greco-Roman diaspora / Aryeh Kasher -- Collective expatriations of Greeks in the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries / Anastassia Papadia-Lala -- Reconstituting community : cultural differentiation and identity politics in Christian Orthodox communities during the late Ottoman era / Haris Exertzoglou -- The 'old' diaspora, the 'new' diaspora, and the Greek diaspora in the eighteenth through nineteenth centuries Vienna / Vasiliki Seirinidou -- Greek diaspora in southern Russia in the eighteenth through nineteenth centuries / Vassilis Kardasis -- Central and peripheral communities in the Greek diaspora : interlocal and local economic, political, and cultural networks in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Olga Katsiardi-Hering -- A land adored yet feared : the land of Israel in Jewish tradition / Aviezer Ravitzky -- Spain, Greece or Jerusalem? The yearning for the motherland in the poetry of Greek Jews / Shmuel Refael -- Breaks and continuities in German-Jewish identity / Yfaat Weiss -- The metamorphosis of pre-Dubnovian autonomism into diaspora Jewish nationalism / Marcos Silber -- Does money talk? The struggle between American Zionists and the Yishuv in the early 1940s / Zohar Segev -- Greek Orthodox Church networks in the Near East and the emergence of Arab nationalism (1899-1947) / Sotirios Roussos -- Center and diaspora in the struggle for human rights : the state of Israel and the Jewish 'desaparecidos' in Argentina during the military regime (1976-1983) / Efraim Zadoff -- Jewish diaspora and the privatization of Israeli society / Daniel Gutwein -- Diaspora, identity, and nation-building / Paschalis M. Kitromilides.
سلسلة International library of migration studies
الشكل 443 pages
25 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 990028937690205171

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