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Reading the Bible in ancient traditions and modern editions

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العنوان Reading the Bible in ancient traditions and modern editions : studies in memory of Peter W. Flint / edited by Andrew B. Perrin, Kyung S. Baek, and Daniel K. Falk.
مساهم Perrin, Andrew B. (editor)
Baek, Kyung S. (editor)
Falk, Daniel K. (editor)
Flint, Peter W. (honouree)
الناشر Atlanta, GA : SBL Press
تاريخ الإصدار [2017]
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references and index.
رقم الرف Part 1. Hebrew scriptures in ancient traditions and modern editions. 1.1. Forms of scripture in antiquity. Variant editions of biblical books revealed by the Qumran Scrolls / Eugene Ulrich -- The origins, development, and characteristics of the ancient translations of the Hebrew scriptures / Emanuel Tov -- Scribal practice and the pony in the manure pile / Martin G. Abegg Jr. -- The emergence of the Samaritan Pentateuch / Timothy H. Lim -- The content and order of books in Ethiopic Old Testament manuscripts / Steve Delamarter -- 1.2. Modern critical editions of ancient scriptures and textual criticism. Toward a critical edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch : reflections on issues and methods / Gary N. Knoppers -- The Hebrew University Bible Project / Michael Segal -- Exercising [Logismos] : the delineation of recensional activity in Greek 4 Maccabees / Robert J.V. Hiebert -- The epistemology of textual criticism / Ronald S. Hendel -- The changing landscape of editing ancient Jewish texts / Sarianna Metso, James M. Tucker -- The text of the Book of Jeremiah according to Barkhi Nafshi and the rule of benedictions / Armin Lange -- A text-critical study of Hapax Legomena in Isaiah MT and the Qumran Isaiah Scrolls / Donald W. Parry -- A commentary on Greek Leviticus 19:1-10 / Diek Büchner --
Part 2. Recontextualizing scripture in early Jewish and Christian writings. 2.1. Dead Sea Scrolls. Torah as narrative and wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls / John J. Collins -- Further thoughts on Isaac in the scrolls from the Qumran caves / George J. Brooke -- Self-glorification hymn(s) and the usage of scripture in the context of war : a study of [spr hthlym] in 4QMª (4Q491), Fragment 17 / Kipp Davis -- The textual forms of Aramaic Levi document at Qumran / Andrew B. Perrin -- Translating and rewriting in the Genesis Apocryphon / John Screnock -- Another look at 1QHodayotb (1Q35) / Eileen M. Schuller -- "I thank you, O Lord ... in the bereavement of my soul" : lament reshaped in a thanksgiving Psalm (1QHª 10:33-11:5) / Dorothy M. Peters -- Willing heart and broken spirit : Psalm 51 in the Dead Sea Scrolls / Daniel K. Falk -- 2.2. Hebrew Bible, Hellenistic Judaism, and New Testament. Imitation as necessity : Isaiah in light of Amos's prophetic tradition / Ryan N. Roberts -- The fourth-year planting in Jubilees 7 / James C. VanderKam -- Of echoes of the Jewish scriptures and adaptations of livestock inventories in the Testament of Job / Robert A. Kugler -- Did Josephus know his Bible when he wrote the Jewish War? Elisha at Jerico in J.W. 4.459-465 / Steve Mason -- The reputation of Jesus in light of Qumran's tradition of David as prophet / Craig A. Evans -- Prophecy and divination in the Gospel of Matthew : the use of dream-visions and fulfillment quotations / Kyung S. Baek -- A comprehensive chronological bibliography of Peter W. Flint.
سلسلة Early Judaism And Its Literature
Number 47
الشكل xxx, 715 pages
24 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
تأريخ حقوق الملكية الفكرية ©2017
رقم النظام 990044110190205171

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