Jacob's Well
Frank Mason Good 1839-1928
صورةالعنوان |
A Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well, Palestine (John iv 5-30) |
عنوان بديل |
The Life of Christ Through the Stereoscope |
رقم النظام |
A woman is sitting in a cave with several water jugs. |
تاريخ الإصدار |
1900 |
ملاحظات |
Quality: Good Stereoscopic cards are housed in a box which looks like two books the box is labeled "The Life of Christ Through the Stereoscope" and each of the "books" is marked either "Volume I" or "Volume II" and "Underwood & Underwood" the card is numbered at the bottom with its location (16) in the box the publisher's name and locations (New York, London, Toronto-Canada, and Ottawa-Kansas) are listed on the left side of the card "Works and Studios" for "Sun Sculpture" is printed on the right end of the card with their locations (Arlington and Westwood, New Jersey and Washington, D.C.) and the title and copyright date (1900) are printed at the bottom of the card a book entitled, "The Travel Lessons on the Life of Jesus" by William Byron Forbush (Second Edition, Revised published by Underwood & Underwood, 1905) accompanies the stereoscopic cards see 603UND/BB57 (Voyager # 324806). Verso: Printed: " You have come down a flight of stone steps into the little Chapel that has been built about the old well, in the valley between Mt. Ebal and Mt. Gerizim. [new paragraph] Here is a woman of Samaria, just drawing water! Indeed she is a real Sarmaritan woman from the very village of Iscar (Sychar of the Bible) that the woman came from whom Christ met-- the town where He was invited to stay and where he did stay two days (John IV, 40). You observe that she has brought her own rope, and her water-jar rests on the well-curb. I wonder whether the woman who came from Sychar to this well 1800 years ago was dressed in a striped gown and wore earrings and beads. The well has been cleaned out to a depth of seventy-five feet the debris might be dug out fifty feet further to make it as it was in ancient days. Look at that stone curb, what seams and corrugations centuries of water-drawing have worn! [new paragraph] You see this is a Greek Chapel, from the lamps and pictures under the roof. That curious arrangement at the left is for the purpose of lowering down into the well a coil of lighted magnesium wire, enabling the visitor to see the walls of the well and its water far below. Every traveller now receives a cup of water, cool and refreshing, from the depths. [new paragraph] There are forty streams flowing down the sides of Gerizim and Ebal, with more water close at hand than any other region in Palestine possesses. Why should anybody hew out a well through solid rock, 125 feet deep? Evidently there lived here a man who needed an abundant supply of water and who found the springs and streams already possessed by rivals. (Gen. XXXIII, 18-20.) [new paragragh] (See 'Travelling in the Holy Land by the Stereoscope,' with special keyed maps, locating each standpoint taken and identifying the landmarks.) [new paragraph] From Notes of Travel, No. 7, copyright 1904, by Underwood & Underwood." The title, "A Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well Palestine," is printed in six l |
رقم الإستدعاء لدى الوصي الحالي |
Lenkin Family Collection |
الشكل |
1 stereoscopic card : |
هذا جزء من |
Lenkin Family Collection המקור נמצא ב:Lenkin Family Collection |
اللغة |
الانكليزية |
رقم الرف |
ARC. 4* 2092 / 0029 Lenkin Family Collection |
مستوى التوصيف |
File Record |
الإعتمادات |
Lenkin Family Collection of Photography at the University of Pennsylvania Library, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel אוסף תצלומי משפחת לנקין, ספריית אוניברסיטת פנסילבניה, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית |
رقم النظام |
997009563176405171 |
عند كل استخدام، يجب تحديد المادة في النموذج التالي:
Lenkin Family Collection of Photography at the University of Pennsylvania Library, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel אוסף תצלומי משפחת לנקין, ספריית אוניברסיטת פנסילבניה, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית
תנאי השימוש:
يُسمح بالاستخدام لأيّ غرض كان
يُسمح بنسخ المادة لأي غرض واستخدامها لأي غرض.
لا حاجة للتوجّه إلى المكتبة الوطنية للحصول على إذن باستخدام المادة.
معلومات إضافية:
تخضع هذه المادة للملكيّة العامّة (Public Domain) ولا تسري عليها حقوق التأليف والنشر المتّبعة في دولة إسرائيل.
وجب الانتباه إلى أنّ قواعد حقوق التأليف والنشر قد تختلف من دولة إلى أخرى ولذلك، إذا كنت ترغب/ترغبين في استخدام المادة خارج دولة إسرائيل، عليك التحقق من قواعد حقوق التأليف والنشر حسب القانون الساري في الدولة المعنية.
إذا كنت تعتقد/ين أنّه قد وقع خطأ في المعطيات الواردة أعلاهُ، أو أنّك تعتقد/ين أنّ هناك انتهاكًا لحقوق التأليف والنشر بشأن هذه المادة، فيرجى التوجُّه إلينا من خلال الاستمارة التالية
أتعرفون المزيد عن هذا العنصر؟ وجدتم خطأ ما؟