Barry, Gene
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מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- Herman, J. George Hearn, Gene Barry in La cage aux folles [SR] p1983.
- IMDb, June 15, 2006(Gene Barry; b. June 14, 1919, New York, N.Y.; birth name: Eugene Klass)
- New York times WWW site, Dec. 11, 2009(Gene Barry; b. Eugene Klass, June 14, 1919, New York; d. Wednesday [Dec. 9, 2009], Woodland Hills, Calif., aged 90; portrayed debonair lawmen on television but whose career of more than 60 years ranged from song and dance on Broadway to science fiction)
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:
جين باري (بالإنجليزية: Gene Barry)؛ (14 يونيو 1919 - 9 ديسمبر 2009)، ممثل أمريكي.
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