Sant'Agata del Bianco (Italy)
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מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- Crucitti, P. Vocabolario e frasario mosorrofano-santagatino, 1988:p. 254 (Sant'Agata)
- Valente, G. Dizionario dei luoghi della Calabria, 1973(Sant'Agata del Bianco, comune of the province of Reggio di Calabria; almost completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1783; called also Sant'Agata di Crepacuore for having been a hamlet of present-day Samo, 1928-1946; given administrativeautonomy in 1946)
- Rohlfs, G. Dizionario toponomastico e onomastico della Calabria, 1974(Sant'Agata, ca. 1310 Castrum S. Agathe, ancient village between Reggio and Cardeto, Reggio di Calabria province; gave its name to the Sant'Agata River; dialect variant, Sant'Ajita)
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