Z39.50 (Standard)

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מידע על הזהות:
תקן Z39.50
Z39.50 (Standard)
ANSI Z39.50 (Standard)
ANSI/NISO Z39.50 (Standard)
Client/server computing Standards
Computer network protocols
Information retrieval Standards
מזהים נוספים
Wikidata: Q135847
Library of congress: sh2004001162
מקורות מידע
  • Work cat.: Collection level description, c1999:p. 23 (Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections; specifies a conforming subset of Z39.50-1995 to address this area) p. 47 (Z39.50 Explain Service) p. 49 (ANSI Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections; ANSI Z39.50 Explain Service)
  • Information retrieval (Z39.50) : application service definition and protocol specification, c2003, via NISO home page, Apr. 12, 2004:PDF t.p. (ANSI/NISO Z39.50-2003 (revision of Z39.50-1995); This standard defines a client/server based service and protocol for Information Retrieval. It specifies procedures and formats for a client to search a database provided by a server, retrieve database records, and perform related information retrieval functions. The protocol addresses communication between information retrieval applications at the client and server; it does not address interaction between the client and the end-user. An American National Standard developed by the National Information Standards Organization. Approved November 27, 2002 by the American National Standards Institute) p. 1 (This standard, ANSI/NISO Z39.50-2003, Information Retrieval (Z39.50) Application Service Definition and Protocol Specification, defines an application protocol for search and retrieval of information in databases. This standard describes the Information Retrieval Application Service (section 3) and specifies the Information Retrieval Application Protocol (section 4). The service definition describes services that support capabilities within an application; the services are in turn supported by the Z39.50 protocol.)
  • Moen, W. The ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocol, via WWW, Apr. 12, 2004(ANSI/NISO Z39.50, the American National Standard for information retrieval. Z39.50 is a computer-to-computer communications protocol designed to support searching and retrieval of information -- full-text documents, bibliographic data, images, multimedia -- in a distributed network environment. Based on client/server architecture and operating over the Internet, the Z39.50 protocol is supporting an increasing number of applications.)
  • Online dictionary of library and information science, via WWW, Apr. 12, 2004(Z39.50: The OSI client-server protocol established as a standard by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), which allows computer users to query a remote information retrieval system using the software of their local system and receive results in the format of the local system.)
  • LC database, Apr. 12, 2004(titles: Up and running : implementing Z39.50; Z39.50 implementation experiences)
תקציר מויקיפדיה:

بروتوكول Z39.50 هو مجموعة من البروتوكولات لوصف وإنشاء الاتصال بين نظامين أو أكثر، وذلك بهدف إتاحة البحث وتبادل البيانات الببليوجرافية بين قواعد بيانات متماثلة وليست بالضرورة متطابقة. أي أن هذا البروتوكول لا يتطلب معرفة خصائص النظم المتصلة بها، بل يكفي أن يكون ذلك النظام يدعم البروتوكول Z39.50 فهذا البروتوكول يعتمد على تقنية الخادم والعميل في استرجاع المعلومات، وبشكل متزايد أصبح هذا البروتوكول شائعاًً للربط بين أنظمة المكتبات الآلية.

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