Syma torotoro
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Library of congress:
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: Linck, E. Gene flow and models of avian speciation in tropical mountains, 2019:abstr. (New Guinea kingfisher species, Syma torotoro) p. 5 (Yellow-billed Kingfisher)
- Avibase - the world bird database, via WWW, Apr. 24, 2020(Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Syma torotoro. Other synonyms: Lesser Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Lowland Kingfisher, Yellow billed Kingfisher, Halcyon torotoro)
- Birds of the world, via Cornell Lab of Ornithology website, Apr. 24, 2020(Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Syma torotoro)
- ITIS, Apr. 24, 2020(Syma torotoro - Yellow-billed Kingfisher)
- IUCN red list of threatened species, via WWW, Apr. 24, 2020(Yellow-billed Kingfisher, Syma torotoro)