Dislocated memories

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  • كتاب
العنوان Dislocated memories : Jews, music, and postwar German culture / edited by Tina Frühauf and Lily E. Hirsch
with an afterword by Philip V. Bohlman.
مساهم Frühauf, Tina
الناشر Oxford
New York : Oxford University Press
تاريخ الإصدار [2014
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references and index.
رقم الرف Part I : Perceptions of represence. A historiography of postwar writings on Jewish music during the 1930s and 1940s / Tina Frühauf -- "With an open mind and with respect" : Klezmer as a site of the Jewish fringe in Germany in the early twenty-first century / Joel E. Rubin -- Musical memories of Terezín in transnational perspective / Amy Lynn Wlodarski. Part II : Dislocated presence. "Vu ahin zol ikh gehn?" : Music culture of Jewish displaced persons / Bret Webb -- The Katset-Teater and the development of Yiddish theater in the DP Camp Bergen-Belsen / Sophie Fetthauer
translated by Lily E. Hirsch -- "Driven from their home" : Jewish displacement and musical memory in the 1948 movie Long is the road / Joshua S. Walden.
Part III : Politics of memory. Remembering the concentration camps : Aleksandr Kulisiewicz and his concerts of prisoners' songs in the Federal Republic of Germany / Barbara Milewski -- Eberhard Rebling, Lin Jaldati, and Yiddish music in East Germany, 1949-1962 / David Shneer -- Jewishness and Antifascism : Schoenberg's A survivor from Warsaw in East Germany, 1958 / Joy H. Calico. Part IV : Modes of commemoration. Where is the Holocaust in all this? : György Ligeti and the dialectics of life and work / Florian Scheding -- Represence of Jewishness in German music commemorating the Holocaust since the 1980s : three case studies / Sabine Feisst -- Germany's commemoration of the Jüdischer Kulturbund / Lily E. Hirsch -- Afterword / Philip V. Bohlman.
الشكل xvii, 302 pages : illustrations, music, portraits
25 cm.
اللغة الانكليزية
تأريخ حقوق الملكية الفكرية ©2014
رقم النظام 990036873270205171

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معلومات إضافية:

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