The Gypsy caravan

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العنوان The Gypsy caravan : from real Roma to imaginary gypsies in Western music and film / David Malvinni.
الطبعة 1st ed.
الناشر New York : Routledge
تاريخ الإصدار 2004
ملاحظات Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph
Discography: p. 217-220.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-260) and index.
رقم الرف The relative neglect of Gypsy music : nationalism, interest, and advocacy in musicology -- Alms, virgins, and Feuerzeichen : literature's place in configuring gypsiness -- A nineteenth-century tale of two others : Gypsy improvisation and the exotic remainder -- Nomads and the Rhizome : becoming Gypsy -- Brahms's Hungarian dance no. 5 and the dynamics of exaggeration -- The poetics of gypsiness in Liszt's Hungarian rhapsodies -- Gypsies and vol'nost' in Russian music : Aleko -- Gypsy Pleroma : Janacek's Diary of one who disappeared -- The specter of Bartok : from Hungarian musicology to the folk-music revival -- Gypsiness in film music : spectacle and act -- O lunga drom : the digital migration of Gypsy music.
سلسلة Current research in ethnomusicology
الشكل xiv, 270 p. : ill.
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 997010708176405171

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