Introducing APEL

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The fact that learning accumulates and exists outside an education or training environment cannot be disputed. Yet traditionally, it is only institutional, certificated learning that carries any status. Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning systems seek to give positive credit for all learning, by placing it within a recognized accreditation framework. In the light of recent legislation, APEL systems offer the key towards more flexible and open delivery systems for further education. Maggie Challis offers a detailed, practical introduction to the skills and processes of implementing an A

العنوان Introducing APEL / Maggie Challis.
عنوان بديل Introducing Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
الطبعة 1st ed.
الناشر London
New York : Routledge
تاريخ الإصدار 1993
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references (p. [150]-15) and index.
رقم الرف Introducing APEL
List of figures and tables
Foreword to Introducing APEL
Foreword to the series
Chapter 1 The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning: a historical context
What is APEL?
Where can APEL be used?
What APEL is not
Why is APEL attractive to learners?
Why now?
APEL as part of the agenda for adult learners
Chapter 2 How does APEL work?
Initial guidance
Recognizing and identifying skills
Relating skills to criteria
Gathering evidence
Chapter 3 How can we make APEL happen?
Where to start?
Why are we considering introducing APEL?
In how much of our provision do we want to use APEL?
Who are the learners we wish to attract through APEL?
What groundwork needs to be done before we start?
Which staff do we need to involve within the institution?
With whom do we need to work outside the college?
How do we resource the service?
Monitoring and evaluation
Chapter 4 Conclusion
A pro forma checklist for action
Appendix 1 The creation and structure of National Vocational Qualifications
Appendix 2 Open College Networks
Appendix 3 National standards for assessment and verification References and further reading
سلسلة Further education
الشكل 1 online resource (xiii, 157 pages) : illustrations
اللغة الانكليزية
رقم النظام 997010708245105171

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