Batty, Michael
لتكبير النص لتصغير النص
מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- His Plan generation, 1974.
- His Microcomputer graphics, c1987:CIP t.p. (Michael Batty) data sheet (b. 1/11/45) pref. (Univ. of Wales Institute of Sci. and Techn.; signed: Welsh Saint Donats, Cowbridge, South Glamorgan)
- Fractal cities, c1994:t.p. (Michael Batty; Nat. Ctr. for Geographic Information and Analysis, St. Univ. of N.Y., Buffalo, N.Y.)
- GIS, spatial analysis, and modeling, 2005:ECIP (Michael Batty) data sheet (Batty, John Michael)
- The new science of cities, 2013:eCIP t.p. (Michael Batty) data view screen (professor of planning at University College London where he founded and directed the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), and visiting Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University)
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:
ميخائيل باتي (بالإنجليزية: Michael Batty) هو جغرافي بريطاني، ولد في 11 يناير 1945 في ليفربول في المملكة المتحدة.
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