Hoving, Lucas
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מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- Dancer's notes, c1969 (a.e.)t.p. (Lucas Hoving)
- Burgering, J.J. Lucas Hoving, c1995:p. 1 (b. 9/5/1912, Groningen, Netherlands; real name, Lucas Philippus Hovinga) p. 167 (became Amer. citizen in 1946)
- Koegler, H. Concise Oxford dict. of ballet, 1987(Hoving, Lukas; Dutch-Amer. dancer, choreographer, and teacher)
- José Limón, three modern dance classics [VR] c1999:container (Lucas Hoving, dancer in The moor's pavane)
- Los Angeles times, Jan. 6, 2000, in Lexis-Nexis, Feb. 23, 2001:(Lucas Hoving, modern dance performer, choreographer, and teacher; d. Jan. 5, 2000 in San Francisco)