Roman Republic (1798-1799)
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מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- Leggi relative alla costituzione della Repubblica Romana, 1798:t.p. (Republica Romana)
- Enc. Britannica, 1911:v. 15, p. 44 (French revolutionary troops arrive at Rome early 1798; "the Roman democrats proclaimed a republic on the 15th of February 1798")
- Archivio di Stato di Roma, via the WWW, Sept. 4, 2003(Repubblica Romana (1798-1799); "Proclamata il 15 febbraio 1798, la vita della Repubblica Romana fu breve e tormentata," marking the end of the temporal power of the pope)
- Repubblica Romana, via the WWW, Sept. 4, 2003(proclaimed Feb. 15, 1798 with the arrival of French troops, destroying the power of the pope; ended Sept. 29, 1799 when Napoleonic troops took Rome)
- LC online catalog(old hdg.: Roman Republic, 1798-1799)
- Britannica online, Aug. 17, 2004(Roman Republic; French: Republique romaine; Italian: Repubblica Romana; est. Feb. 1798 by French troops occupying Rome and its environs; lasted only until 1799, when the Austrian-Russian campaign swept the French out of Italy)
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:
الجمهورية الرومانية (بالإيطالية: Repubblica Romana) أعلنت يوم 15 فبراير 1798 بعد أن غزا لوي ألكساندر برتييه وهو أحد جنرالات نابليون بونابرت مدينة روما في 10 فبراير.
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