الجغرافيا الثقافية
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מידע על הזהות:
מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: Cultural geography : a critical introduction, 2000:p. 63 (study of cultural geography exploded in the 1990s; the new emphasis on culture is not limited to the subfield of cultural geography, but has become a focal point of study throughout the field of human geography)
- Human geography : society, space and social science, 1994:p. 163 (one of the foci of contemporary cultural geography is the investigation of multiple discourses about place and identity, uncovering visions of the landscape constructed by the powerless)
- Place--a short introduction, 2004:p. 17 (the key themes Wagner and Mikesell identify as central to cultural geography are culture, culture area, cultural landscape, cultural history, and cultural ecology)
- Dictionary of human geography, 2000:cultural geography (currently one of the most vibrant and contested sub-fields within human geography; conventional themes have included plant and animal domestication; the spatial diffusion of domesticates; technologies and material practices; ecologies of fire and water engineering; modes of agrarian life and human conduct that bears upon the human occupancy and geographical diversity in landscapes; since the 1980s, "new cultural geography," influenced by British cultural studies, has sought to ground cultural geography in social relations of production and reproduction)
- Britannica online, August 8, 2006:: /geography/fields/humangeography/cultural&socialgeography (Five major themes characterize cultural geography: culture, culture area, cultural landscape, cultural history, and cultural ecology; whereas the focus of cultural geography is more on traditional societies (though it is not restricted to them), social geography is more oriented toward urban problems in countries with advanced economies)
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:
الجغرافيا الثقافية أو جغرافية حضارية ، إحدى أفرع الجغرافيا البشرية. هي دراسة للمنتجات الثقافية والأعراف واختلافاتها وعلاقاتها بالنسبة للمناطق والأماكن. حيث تركز على وصف وتحليل طرق اختلاف اللغة، والدين، والاقتصاد، والحكومات والظواهر الثقافية الأخرى أو بقائها ثابتة من مكان إلى آخر، وعلى شرح كيفية تعامل البشر حسب المكان.
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