Hibernacula (Animal habitations)

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מידע על הזהות:
Hibernacula (Animal habitations)
Animal hibernacula (Habitations)
Hibernation sites
Sites, Hibernation
Animals Habitations
מזהים נוספים
Wikidata: Q960043
Library of congress: sh2006001546
מקורות מידע
  • Work cat.: Doering, S.C. Modeling rattlesnake hibernacula on the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2005.
  • Web. 3(hibernaculum, pl. hibernacula 1: the winter resting part of a plant (as a bud or underground stem). 2a: a shelter that is occupied during winter by a dormant insect or other animal and that usu. has a characteristic structure for each species--called also hibernacle. 2b: an encysted bud in a freshwater bryozoan that survives the winter and develops into a colony in the spring. 2c: the epiphragm of a snail)
  • The American heritage dictionary of the English language, c2000(hibernaculum, n. pl. hibernacula. 1. A protective case, covering, or structure, such as a plant bud, in which an organism remains dormant for the winter. 2. The shelter of a hibernating animal)
  • McGraw-Hill dict. of sci. and tech. terms, c2003(hibernaculum [BIOL] A winter shelter for plants or dormant animals. [BOT] A winter bud or other winter plant part. [INV ZOO] A winter resting bud produced by a few freshwater bryozoans which grows into a new colony in the spring)
  • Mattison, C. Encyc. of snakes, c1995:p. 59 (hibernation sites)
  • LC database, Feb. 28, 2006(prairie rattlesnake hibernacula)