Salford (Greater Manchester, England)

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מידע על הזהות:
סלפורד (מנצ'סטר רבתי, אנגליה)
Salford (Greater Manchester, England)
Salford (England)
nnaa Salford, Eng. (Lancashire)
nne Salford (Greater Manchester)
City and Borough of Salford (England)
-2.293055555 -2.293055555 53.48277778 53.48277778 (gooearth )
Great Britain
מזהים נוספים
VIAF: 133682182
Wikidata: Q47952
Library of congress: n 79128933
OCoLC: oca00360441
מקורות מידע
  • Municipal yrbk., 1981:p. 1134 (Salford (M) City (Greater Manchester))
  • Barth. gaz. of places in Brit., 1986(Salford, Greater Manchester, large town adjoining Manchester to W.; also cited as admin. district of Greater Manchester, former metropolitan county; cites 1 other in Bedfordshire)
  • Survey gaz. of the Brit. Isles, 9th ed.(Salford, parl. & co. bor., city & par., S.E. Lancashire)
  • Muni. yr. bk., 1988:p. 1xxvii (Salford, former county borough, now metropolitan district in Greater Manchester) p. 965 (Salford, city, Greater Manchester) p. 1388 (Salford, no parishes)
  • Foreign names information bulletin, July 31, 2001(former name: none; new name: Salford [short form], City and Borough of--ADM1, 53⁰30'N 02⁰20'W (UKL5))
תקציר מויקיפדיה:

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