Pontificia facoltà teologica "S. Bonaventura" (Rome, Italy)

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מידע על הזהות:
Pontificia facoltà teologica "S. Bonaventura" (Rome, Italy)
Pontificia Facultas Theologica S. Bonaventurae Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Conventualium in Urbe (Rome, Italy)
Pontificia facoltà teologica "San Bonaventura" (Rome, Italy)
Pontificia facoltà teologica San Bonaventura-Seraphicum (Rome, Italy)
St. Bonaventure-Seraphicum Pontifical Theology Faculty (Rome, Italy)
12.4823937 12.4823937 41.8294814 41.8294814 (gooearth )
מזהים נוספים
VIAF: 140417276
Wikidata: Q1277967
Library of congress: n 98081129
HAI10: 000226769
מקורות מידע
  • Giovanni Duns Scoto, 1996:dust jacket (Pontificia facoltà teologica "S. Bonaventura" in Roma)
  • Sacramental character and priesthood in the "Summa theologica" of Alexander of Hales, O. Min., 1961:ser. t.p. (Pontificia Facultas Theologica S. Bonaventurae Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Conventualium in Urbe)
  • Cristo, chiesa, uomo, c2010:t.p. (Pontificia facoltà teologica San Bonaventura-Seraphicum)
  • Christ, church, mankind, c2012:E-Cip data view (St. Bonaventure-Seraphicum Pontifical Theology Faculty)
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