Graphis, Inc.

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  • مؤسسة
| מספר מערכת 987012364371605171
מידע על הזהות:
Graphis, Inc.
Graphis U.S., Inc
Graphis US, Inc
Graphis (Firm)
מזהים נוספים
VIAF: 150940671
Wikidata: Q674458
Library of congress: no 97057198
OCoLC: oca04462537
DLC: no 97057198
מקורות מידע
  • Graphis new media 1, c1996:t.p. (Graphis U.S., Inc., New York)
  • Book design, c1998:t.p. (Graphis, Inc.) p. [5] (New York office)
  • Its Web site, Mar. 11, 2005(Graphis, Inc.; Graphis, the international journal of visual communication was first published by Graphis Press in Zurich, Switzerland; in 1986 B. Martin Pedersen purchased Graphis Press and relocated the headquarters to New York City. Graphis, Inc. also publishes a series of annual an bi-annual books)
  • Email from CLamB, Mar. 10, 2005(email from firm, Mar. 10, 2005 (Graphis Press Corp. is a subsidiary of Graphis, Inc.; Graphis: same as Graphis Inc.; Graphis, Inc.: correct name; Graphis U.S., Inc.: same as Graphis Inc.))