Krenak Indians
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מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
sh 85016024
מקורות מידע
- Loukotka, C. Class. So. Am. Ind. lang.:p. 71 (Botocudo (Aimore, Batachoa; Brazil))
- Murdock world cult.:p. 180 (Botocudo (Aimore, Borun; Brazil))
- Voegelin lang.:p. 87 (Botocudo (Aimbore, Borun; Brazil))
- Work cat: História dos povos indígenas no Espírito Santo, 2019:preface (translated from Portuguese: ... Botocudo is a pejorative term derived from the word "botoques" [plugs or discs]; currently they call themselves Krenak ... [signed by editor Julio Bentivoglio])
- Povos indígenas no Brasil WWW site, May 7, 2021(Krenak: The Krenak or Borun are the last of the Botocudo do Leste (Eastern Botocudo), name given by the Portuguese in the end of the 18th Century to the groups that wore plugs in the ears and lips. They are also known as Aimoré, the name given to them by the Tupi, and as Grén or Krén, their self-denomination. Krenak comes from the name of the leader of the group that presided over the separation from the Gutkrák of the Pancas River, in the State of Espírito Santo, which occurred in the beginning of the 20th century)