סרטי קונצרטים

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • נושא
| מספר מערכת 987007542308005171
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (עברית)
סרטי קונצרטים
שם ראשי (לועזית)
Concert films
In-concert films
Live concert films
Live-in-concert films
נושא איתו מזוהה
Documentary films
Musical films
מזהים נוספים
Wikidata: Q430525
Library of congress: sh2006020029
מקורות מידע
  • Work cat.: Richard Pryor live in concert [VR] c1979.
  • I'm the one that I want [VR] 2001(Margaret Cho's raunchy and hysterically funny stand-up concert filmed live at The Warfield in her hometown of San Francisco)
  • Talking Heads (Musical group). Stop making sense [VR] 1999(film of the Talking Heads in concert)
  • Sonny Rollins in concert [VR] c1986(live performance by jazz tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins, supported by Bob Cranshaw on bass, Walter Davis, Jr., on piano, Masuo on guitar, and David Lee on drums)
  • Lopez, D. Films by genre, c1993:subgenre listed under Musical: Rock Concert Films (Concert Film, Rock-Concert Documentary, Rock Doc. They fall under the category of documentaries and are a permanent record of the actual performance or happening in which folk or rock music is played to its audience, either in the open air or in enclosed locales. See also Rock Film)
  • Konigsberg, I. The complete film dict., 1998:concert film (A film that records a live musical performance before a public audience. In commercial cinema, the form has largely been relegated to such rock documentaries as Michael Wadleigh's Woodstock (1970) ... and Jonathan Demme's Stop Making Sense (1984), a purer record of a concert by the Talking Heads; rock documentary: A type of concert film that presents a performance of rock music, frequently employing filmic technique to create for the audience the experience of attending such a performance while also seeming to make some kind of social statement about the music and the culture which produces it)
  • Internet movie database, Aug. 28, 2006(Concert Film. Examples listed include: Richard Pryor: Live in Concert; Margaret Cho: Assassin; Judy Garland in Concert; B.B. King: Live in Africa; Emerson, Lake & Palmer in Concert; Concert for Kampuchea; The Police: Synchronicity Concert; Bill Cosby: Himself; An Irish Evening: Live at the Grand Opera House, Belfast)
  • LC database, Aug. 28, 2006(concert films; concert film; comedy concert film; The concert for Bangladesh)
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:

סרט סיבוב הופעות (באנגלית: Concert film) הוא סרט המכיל בתוכו הופעה חיה מנקודת מבטו של צופה שנכח בה. הנושא של הסרט הוא הופעה חיה מורחבת או סיבוב הופעות של מוזיקאים ומוזיקאיות, או אנשי מקצוע אחרים כגון סטנדאפיסטים.

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