Messiahs of 1933

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
כותר Messiahs of 1933 : how American Yiddish theatre survived adversity through satire / Joel Schechter.
מוציא לאור Philadelphia : Temple University Press
שנה 2008
הערות Includes bibliographical references (p. [279]-285) and index.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Messiahs of 1933: how playwright Moishe Nadir and Artef led America out of the Great Depression to a future of full employment, justice and Yiddish satire for all -- Nadir's Rivington Street: the Lower East Side arises -- Prayer boxes as precious as diamonds: how Soviet Yiddish satire fared in America -- The federal theatre project in Yiddish: "The Society of the Sorely Perplexed" takes the stage -- The messiah of 1936: It can't happen here in Yiddish -- Pinski's prelude to a golden age: The tailor becomes a storekeeper -- Menasha Skulnik becomes a bridegroom: popular Yiddish theatre reconsidered -- Prosperity's crisis on stage: the Yiddish puppetry of Maud and Cutler -- Leo Fuchs, Yiddish vaudevillian in "Trouble" -- Yetta Zwerling's comic dybbuk -- Menachem Mendel's false profits: Sholom Aleichem and the Communists -- The "Anti-milkhome zamlung" of 1937: the Yiddish anti-war catalogue reconsidered -- Conclusion: still waiting for the messiah.
היקף החומר vi, 295 pages : ill., facsims
24 cm.
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 990026147160205171

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