Gregory of Nyssa

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • ספר

These proceedings present the results of the 11th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa held in Tübingen in 2008. The Trinitarian thought of Gregory deserves special attention because of its importance for the ending of the Trinitarian controversy in the late fourth century, paving the way for the widely accepted Trinitarian theology in the fifth century. This volume (which does not include Contra Eunomium ) offers a contribution to the research on Gregory's Trinitarian theology as it is present notably in his so-called minor treatises. It provides a German translation of Ad Eustathium , Ad Graecos , Ad Ablabium , Ad Simplicium , Adversus Macedonianos , and De deitate filii . Detailed analysis of each treatise is accompanied by supporting studies on related theological and philosophical themes, followed by contributions which take into consideration the link between Gregory's Trinitarian thought and the christological question ( In illud tunc et inches per seconde filius , the anti-Apollinarist works).

כותר Gregory of Nyssa : the minor treatises on trinitarian theology and Apollinarism : proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Tubingen, 17-20 September 2008) / edited by Volker Henning Drecoll and Margitta Berghaus.
מוציא לאור Leiden
Boston : Brill
שנה 2011
הערות Description based upon print version of record.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
הערת תוכן ותקציר Preliminary Material -- I.1 Ad Eustathium, De sancta trinitate (GNO III/1, 3–16 Müller) -- I.2 Ad Graecos, Ex communibus notionibus (GNO III/1, 19–33 Müller) -- I.3 Ad Ablabium, Quod non sint tres dii (GNO III/1, 37–57 Müller) -- I.4 Ad Simplicium, De fide (GNO III/1, 61–67 Müller) -- I.5 Adversus Macedonianos, De spiritu sancto (GNO III/1, 89–115 Müller) -- I.6 De deitate filii et spiritus sancti et In Abraham (GNO X/2, 117–144 Rhein) -- Ad Eusta thium de sancta trinitate by Andrew Radde-Gallwitz -- Logic and the Trinity: Introducing Text and Context of Gregory of Nyssa’s Ad Graecos by Johan Leemans -- Ad Ablabium, Quod non sint tres dei by Lenka Karfíková -- Gregory on the Christocentric Simplicity of the Trinitarian Worship: The Contribution of Gregory of Nyssa’s Short Treatise Ad Simplicium tribunum by Ari Ojell -- The Fire, the Kingdom and the Glory: The Creator Spirit and the Intra-Trinitarian Processions in the Adversus Macedonianos of Gregory of Nyssa by Giulio Maspero -- De deitate filii et spiritus sancto et In Abraham by Matthieu Cassin -- God is not the name of God. Some Remarks on Language and Philosophy in Gregory’s Opera dogmatica minora by Marcello La Matina -- Human Communion and Difference in Gregory of Nyssa: From Trinitarian Theology to the Philosophy of Human Person and Free Decision by Francisco Bastitta Harriet -- Gregory’s Metaphysical Investments by Joseph S. O’Leary -- St Gregory’s argument concerning the lack of διάστημα in the divine activities from Ad Ablabium by Vladimir Cvetkovic -- Die Vermittlung des Sohnes beim ewigen Ausgang des Heiligen Geistes aus dem Vater nach Gregor von Nyssas Ad Ablabium (GNO III/1, 55,21–56,10 Müller) by Georgios D. Panagopoulos -- Power, Motion and Time in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra fatum by George Arabatzis -- In illud: Tunc et inches per seconde filius by Morwenna Ludlow -- Interpretation and Argumentation in In illud: Tunc et inches per seconde filius by Judit D. Tóth -- Gregory of Nyssa’s Trinitarian Theology in In Illud: Tunc et inches per seconde filius. His Polemic against “Arian” Subordinationism and the ἀποκατάστασις by Ilaria Ramelli -- Anti-arianische Argumente gegen Apollinarios. Gregor von Nyssa in der Auseinandersetzung mit Apollinarios in Antirrheticus adversus Apolinarium by Silke-Petra Bergjan -- La polemica apollinarista alla fine del IV secolo: La lettera di Gregorio di Nissa a Teofilo di Alessandria by Alessandro Capone -- Der eine Christus vor, in und nach dem Fleisch—Einige Überlegungen zu Gregor von Nyssas Ad Theophilum adversus Apollinaristas by Benjamin Gleede -- Comment décrire l’humanité du Christ sans introduire une quaternité en Dieu? La controverse de Grégoire de Nysse contre Apolinaire de Laodicée by Hélène Grelier -- Gregory of Nyssa’s refutation of the pre-ensoulment of God the Word in his Antirrheticus adversus Apolinarium by Georgios Lekkas -- In Search of the Latin Translator of Gregory of Nyssa’s Letter to the Monk Philip by Anna M. Silvas -- Old Georgian Translations of Gregory of Nyssa’s Works by Tina Dolidze and Ekvtime (Tamaz) Kochlamazashvili -- The Slav Reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s Works: An Overview of Early Slavonic Translations by Lara Sels -- Die Berufung der byzantinischen Filioquisten des 13. Jahrhunderts auf Gregor von Nyssa zur Begrundung des filioque. Analyse eines Zitats aus Ad Ablabium (τὸ μὲν γὰρ προσεχῶς ἐκ τοῦ πρώτου, τὸ δὲ διὰ τοῦ προσεχῶς ἐκ τοῦ πρώτου) by Theodoros Alexopo.
סדרה Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and studies of early Christian life and language
v. 106
היקף החומר 1 online resource (738 p.)
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 997010706382205171
תצוגת MARC

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