Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט- ספר
The volume contains the contributions presented during the 10th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II , held in Olomouc, the Czech Republic, on September 15-18, 2004. It is organized into four major sections: (I) Two papers (Th. Kobusch, B. Studer) that contextualize the main problematic of the Second Book Against Eunomius – the theory of language and the problem of naming God – from a broader philosophical and theological perspective; (II) a new English translation of the text (S. G. Hall); (III) a series of main papers providing commentary on its passages (Th. Böhm, M. Ludlow, Ch. Apostolopoulos, A. Meredith, J. Zachhuber, L. Karfíková, J. S. O’Leary, V. H. Drecoll); and (IV) numerous short essays discussing related philosophical (E. Moutsopoulos, G. Arabatzis, J. Demetracopoulos, L. Chvátal, Th. Alexopoulos, G. Lekkas, T. Tollefsen), as well as theological (T. Dolidze, S. Douglass, A. Ojell, A.-G. Keidel, T. Aptsiauri, J. Rexer) issues.
כותר |
Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II : an English version with supporting studies : proceedings of the 10th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (Olomouc, September 15-18, 2004) / edited by Lenka Karfikova, Scot Douglass and Johannes Zachhuber with the assistance of Vit Husek and Ladislav Chvatal. |
כותרים נוספים |
Contra Eunomium II |
מוציא לאור |
Leiden Boston : Brill |
שנה |
2007 |
הערות |
Includes the second book of Gregory's Contra Eunomium in English translation (translated from the Greek by Stuart George Hall)--P. [59]-201. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. English |
הערת תוכן ותקציר |
Preliminary Materials / L. Karfíková , S. Douglass and J. Zachhuber -- Die Epinoia – Das Menschliche Bewusstsein In Der Antiken Philosophie / Theo Kobusch -- Der Theologiegeschichtliche Hintergrund Der Epinoiai-Lehre Gregors Von Nyssa / Basil Studer -- The Second Book Against Eunomius. An Introduction To The Translation / Stuart George Hall -- Gregory, Bishop Of Nyssa The Second Book Against Eunomius / Stuart George Hall -- Gregors Zusammenfassung Der Eunomianischen Position Im Vergleich Zum Ansatz Des Eunomius (Ce II 1–66) / Thomas Böhm -- Divine Infinity And Eschatology: The Limits And Dynamics Of Human Knowledge According To Gregory Of Nyssa (Ce II 67–170) / Morwenna Ludlow -- Die Rolle Der Epinoia Nach Eunomius Und Gregor Und Die Theologisch-Philosophischen Hintergründe (CE II 171–195) / Charalambos Apostolopoulos -- The Language Of God And Human Language (CE II 195–293) / Anthony Meredith -- Christological Titles – Conceptually Applied? (CE II 294–358) / Johannes Zachhuber -- Der Ursprung Der Sprache Nach Eunomius Und Gregor Vor Dem Hintergrund Der Antiken Sprachtheorien (CE II 387–444 543–553) / Lenka Karfíková -- Divine Simplicity And The Plurality Of Attributes (CE II 359–386 445–560) / Joseph S. O’Leary -- Gottesbezeichnungen Und Unsterblichkeit (CE II 561–627) / Volker H. Drecoll -- Épinoia Et Imaginaire Chez Grégoire De Nysse (CE II 172–195) / Evanghélos Moutsopoulos -- Limites Du Monde, Limites Du Langage Dans Le Ce II Du Grégoire De Nysse / Georges Arabatzis -- Glossogony or epistemology?Eunomius of cyzicus’ and basil of caesarea’s stoic concept of eπinoia and its misrepresentation by gregory of nyssa / John A. Demetracopoulos -- \'He Brandishes Over Us This Aristotelian Weapon\' (CE II 620). An Example Of (Mis)Use Of Aristotle’s Name In Controversy Over Unbegottenness / Ladislav Chvátal -- Gregor Von Nyssa Und Plotin Zum Problem Der Gottesprädikationen – Ein Vergleich / Theodoros Alexopoulos -- Simplicité Et Caractère Inengendré De Dieu Selon Plotin, Eunome Et Grégoire De Nysse / Georgios Lekkas -- Essence And Activity (Energeia) In St. Gregory’s Anti-Eunomian Polemic / Torstein Th. Tollefsen -- The Cognitive Function Of Epinoia In CE II And Its Meaning For Gregory Of Nyssa’s Theory Of Theological Language / Tina Dolidze -- Gregory Of Nyssa And Theological Imagination / Scot Douglass -- Service Or Mastery? ‘Theology’ In Gregory Of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium II / Ari Ojell -- Eunomius’ Apologia And Basil Of Caesarea’s Adversus Eunomium / Anne-Gordon Keidel -- Die Allegorese In Der Schrift Leben Des Mose Gregors Von Nyssa Im Kontext Seiner Epinoia-Theorie / Tamara Aptsiauri -- Die Bedeutung Der Epinoiai In Den Predigten Gregors Von Nyssa / Jochen Rexer -- Abbreviations / L. Karfíková , S. Douglass and J. Zachhuber -- Indices / L. Karfíková , S. Douglass and J. Zachhuber. |
סדרה |
Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 0920-623X v. 82 |
היקף החומר |
1 online resource (576 p.) |
שפה |
אנגלית |
מספר מערכת |
997010715177205171 |
תצוגת MARC
- Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394 Congresses.
- Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394. Contra Eunomium Congresses.
- Eunomius, Bishop of Cyzicus, ca. 335-ca. 394 Congresses.
- Eunomio, di Cappadocia, Bishop of Cyzicus, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Eunomios, Bishop of Cyzicus, approximately 335-approximately 394
- nnea Eunomius, Bishop of Cyzicus, ca. 335-ca. 394
- Eunomius, of Constantinople, Bishop of Cyzicus, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394. Contra Eunomium libri
- Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394. Ekdothentōn para Eunomiou duo logoi
- Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394. Grēgoriou episkopou Nyssēs Tōn ekdothentōn para Eunomiou duo logoi
- nnea Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394. Contra Eunomium
- Ghirīghūriyūs, of Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Grégoire, de Nysse, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Gregor, von Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Gregori, de Nissa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Gregorio, de Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Gregorio, di Nissa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Grēgorios, Nyssēs, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Gregorius, Nyssenus, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- nnaa Gregorius, Saint, Bp. of Nyssa, fl. 379-394
- Gregorius, van Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- nnea Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394
- Grigoli, Noseli, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Grigoriĭ, Nisskiĭ, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Grzegorz, z Nyssy, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Qiddīs Ghirīghūriyūs Usquf Nīṣṣ, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Grigorije, Niski, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Grigar̲i, of Nyssa, Saint, approximately 335-approximately 394
- Eunomianism Congresses.
- Church history Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 Congresses.
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