The Semitic languages : outline of a comparative grammar / by Edward Lipínski.
Edward Lipiński
ספרSemitic Languages in Contact contains twenty case studies analysing various contact situations involving Semitic languages. The languages treated span from ancient Semitic languages, such as Akkadian, Aramaic, Classical Ethiopic, Hebrew, Phoenician, and Ugaritic, to modern ones, including languages/dialects belonging to the Modern Arabic, Modern South Arabian, Neo-Aramaic, and Neo-Ethiopian branches of the Semitic family. The topics discussed include writing systems, phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. The approaches range from traditional philology to more theoretically-driven linguistics. These diverse studies are united by the theme of language contact. Thus, the volume aims to provide the status quaestionis of the study of language contact among the Semitic languages. With contributions from A. Al-Jallad, A. Al-Manaser, D. Appleyard, S. Boyd, Y. Breuer, M. Bulakh, D. Calabro, E. Cohen, R. Contini, C. J. Crisostomo, L. Edzard, H. Hardy, U. Horesh, O. Jastrow, L. Kahn, J. Lam, M. Neishtadt, M. Oren, P. Pagano, A. D. Rubin, L. Sayahi, J.Tubach, J. P. Vita, and T. Zewi.
כותר |
Semitic languages in contact / edited by Aaron Michael Butts. |
מוציא לאור |
Leiden Boston : Brill |
שנה |
[2015 |
הערות |
Includes index. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. English |
הערת תוכן ותקציר |
Preliminary Material -- A Thamudic B Abecedary in the South Semitic Letter Order / Ahmad Al-Jallad and Ali Al-Manaser -- Ethiopian Semitic and Cushitic. Ancient Contact Features in Ge‘ez and Amharic / David Appleyard -- Hebrew Adverbialization, Aramaic Language Contact, and mpny ʾšr in Exodus 19:18 / Samuel Boyd and Humphrey Hardy -- The Distribution of Declined Participles in Aramaic-Hebrew and Hebrew-Aramaic Translations / Yochanan Breuer -- The Proto-Semitic “Asseverative *la-” and the Innovative isg Prefixes in South Ethio-Semitic Languages / Maria Bulakh -- Egyptianizing Features in Phoenician and Punic Inscriptions from Egypt / David Calabro -- Head-Marking in Neo-Aramaic Genitive Constructions and the ezafe Construction in Kurdish / Eran Cohen -- Notes on Foreign Words in Hatran Aramaic / Riccardo Contini and Paola Pagano -- Language, Writing, and Ideologies in Contact: Sumerian and Akkadian in the Early Second Millennium bce / C. Jay Crisostomo -- Inner-Semitic Loans and Lexical Doublets vs. Genetically Related Cognates / Lutz Edzard -- Structural Change in Urban Palestinian Arabic Induced by Contact with Modern Hebrew / Uri Horesh -- Language Contact as Reflected in the Consonant System of Ṭuroyo / Otto Jastrow -- Lexical Borrowings in the Eastern European Hasidic Hebrew Tale / Lily Kahn -- Possible Ugaritic Influences on the Hurrian of Ras Shamra-Ugarit in Alphabetic Script / Joseph Lam -- The Lexical Component in the Aramaic Substrate of Palestinian Arabic / Mila Neishtadt -- The Classification of Hobyot / Aaron D. Rubin -- Expression of Attributive Possession in Tunisian Arabic: The Role of Language Contact / Lotfi Sayahi -- Aramaic Loanwords in Gǝʿǝz / Jürgen Tubach -- Language Contact between Akkadian and Northwest Semitic Languages in Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age / Juan-Pablo Vita -- Semitic Languages in Contact—Syntactic Changes in the Verbal System and in Verbal Complementation / Tamar Zewi and Mikhal Oren -- Index. |
סדרה |
Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics 82 |
היקף החומר |
1 online resource (453 p.) |
שפה |
אנגלית |
מספר מערכת |
997010718506705171 |
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