Inventive minds

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט

Six essays by artificial intelligence pioneer Marvin Minsky on how education can foster inventiveness, paired with commentary by Minsky's former colleagues and students. Marvin Minsky was a pioneering researcher in artificial intelligence whose work led to both theoretical and practical advances. His work was motivated not only by technological advancement but also by the desire to understand the workings of our own minds. Minsky's insights about the mind provide fresh perspectives on education and how children learn. This book collects for the first time six essays by Minsky on children, learning, and the potential of computers in school to enrich children's development. In these essays Minsky discusses the shortcomings of conventional education (particularly in mathematics) and considers alternative approaches; reflects on the role of mentors; describes higher-level strategies for thinking across domains; and suggests projects for children to pursue. Each essay is paired with commentary by one of Minsky's former colleagues or students, which identifies Minsky's key ideas and connects his writings to current research. Minsky once observed that in traditional teaching, "instead of promoting inventiveness, we focus on preventing mistakes." These essays offer Minsky's unique insights into how education can foster inventiveness. Commentary by Hal Abelson, Walter Bender, Alan Kay, Margaret Minsky, Brian Silverman, Gary Stager, Mike Travers, Patrick Henry Winston

כותר Inventive minds : Marvin Minsky on education / Marvin Minsky
edited by Cynthia Solomon and Xiao Xiao
illustrated by Xiao Xiao.
יוצרים נוספים Solomon, Cynthia (editor)
מוציא לאור Cambridge : MIT Press
שנה 2019
הערת תוכן ותקציר The infinite construction kit -- What makes mathematics hard to learn -- Effects of grade-based segregation -- Learning from role models, mentors, and imprimers -- Questioning "general" education -- Education and psychology.
היקף החומר 1 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations.
שפה אנגלית
מספר מערכת 997012280670005171

תנאי השימוש:

איסור העתקה

יתכן שאסור להעתיק את הפריט ולהשתמש בו עבור פרסום, הפצה, ביצוע פומבי, שידור, העמדה לרשות הציבור באינטרנט או באמצעים אחרים, עשיית יצירה נגזרת של הפריט (למשל, תרגום, שינוי היצירה או עיבודה), בכל צורה ואמצעי, לרבות אלקטרוני או מכני, ללא הסכמה מראש מבעל זכות היוצרים ומבעל האוסף.

לבירור אפשרות שימוש בפריט, יש למלא טופס בקשה לבירור זכויות יוצרים

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