Thousands of West Bank settlers and their supporters squatted on hill tops and blocked major intersections in an attempt to block the peace process and the expected transfer of land and authority to the Palestinians
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט- תמונה
כותר |
Thousands of West Bank settlers and their supporters squatted on hill tops and blocked major intersections in an attempt to block the peace process and the expected transfer of land and authority to the Palestinians. |
תיאור |
Hundreds were arrested and the leader of the group, which blocked the intersections in an illegal demonstration, was fined $3,300. Some politicians criticized the disruption of life inside Israel proper. They feared such disruption may turn Israelis against them. However public opinion polls showed a small majority sympathized with the settlers. Meanwhile, at the end of a week of intensive negotiations in Taba, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat initialed an agreement dealing with implementation of the next stage of their interim agreement. It provides that Israeli troops withdraw from towns and villages before the elections to the Palestinian Council and from other areas in three stages, over a year and a half - after the elections. The settlements. It is not clear what will happen in Hebron, however. That issue is still open because several hundred Jews live inside it. Boundaries of the new Palestinian jurisdiction haven't been set yet but Israel has insisted on not removing Photo shows: Heads of the Yesha Council, representing the settlers in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, leave Defense Ministry headquarters Tel Aviv following a meeting with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. (r to l) Zvi Hendel (head of the gush Katif Council in the Gaza Strip) Uri Ariel, Yesha Council Secretary General, Zeev Hever (covering his eyes) Secretary of the Amana settlement movement and behind them (looking sideways) Rabbi Yoel Bin-Nun. The meeting ended inconclusively. August 3, 1995. |
שנה |
1995 |
הערות |
המידע אודות התצלום נמסר על ידי יוצר האוסף, מר דן הדני |
סוגה |
negative |
סימול במוסד בעלים |
הספרייה הלאומית, ארכיון דן הדני, IPPA-24073-000-06 |
מקום נוסף |
צולם בתאריך: 03 באוגוסט 1995 |
היקף החומר |
1 photograph : |
מתוך |
ארכיון דן הדני המקור נמצא ב:הספרייה הלאומית, ארכיון דן הדני |
שפה |
פריט ללא תוכן מילולי |
סימול |
ARC. 4* 1995 32 24073 6 ארכיון דן הדני |
רמת התיאור |
File Record |
קרדיטים |
ארכיון דן הדני, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית Dan Hadani Collection, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel |
מספר מערכת |
990040383050205171 |
בכל שימוש יש לציין את מקור הפריט בנוסח הבא:
ארכיון דן הדני, האוסף הלאומי לתצלומים על שם משפחת פריצקר, הספרייה הלאומית Dan Hadani Collection, The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection, The National Library of Israel
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