Rice, Craig, 1908-1957
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- Her The big midget murders, 1991:t.p. (Craig Rice)
- LC manual cat.(Rice, Craig, 1908- )
- Her The corpse steps out, 1989:prel. page (Craig Rice (1908-1957)), (Georgiana Ann Randolph Walker Craig Lipton DeMott Bishop (her name in private life); also wrote mysteries under the pseudonyms Michael Venning and Daphne Sanders)
- Contemp. authors, v. 116(Randolph, Georgiana Ann; pseuds.: Craig Rice, Daphne Sanders, Michael Venning; b. 6/5/08; d. 8/28/57)
- 20th cent. crime & mystery writers, 1985(Rice, Craig; pseud. of Georgiana Ann Randolph; also wrote as Ruth Malone (uncollected magazine short stories), Daphne Sanders, and Michael Venning)