Essays and reviews

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
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| מספר מערכת 987007397599805171
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
Essays and reviews
תאריך יצירה
מזהים נוספים
VIAF: 203767465
Wikidata: Q5399401
Library of congress: no2018034533
מקורות מידע
  • Seven against Christ: a study of "essays and reviews", 1980
  • Jelf, R. W. Specific evidence of unsoundness in the volume entitled "Essays and reviews", 1861
  • Wild, George. A brief defence of the "Essays and reviews", showing, by extracts from their works, that similar doctrines have been maintained by eminent divines and living dignitaries of our Church, 1861
  • Wikipedia, 14 March 2018(Essays and Reviews, edited by John William Parker, published in March 1860, is a broad-church volume of seven essays on Christianity. The topics covered the biblical research of the German critics, the evidence for Christianity, religious thought in England, and the cosmology of Genesis ... it marked the exhaustion both of the Broad Church and of Anglican orthodoxy and the commencement of an era of religious doubt)