Barry, Robert, 1936-
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מקורות מידע
- nuc89-12250: His Robert Barry, 1974(hdg. on KU rept.: Barry, Robert, 1936- ; usage: Robert Barry)
- Going through, c1995:p. 3 of cover (Robert Barry)
- nuc85-40299: His There it is, c1982(hdg. on OClSA rept.: Barry, Robert)
- Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection, School of the Art Institute of Chicago Web site, Dec. 16, 2009(hdg. for There it is: Barry, Robert, 1936-)
- WW in Amer. art, 1995-96(Barry, Robert Thomas; conceptual artist; b. New York, NY, Mar 9, 1936)
- ULAN, Dec. 16, 2009(Barry, Robert, American conceptual artist, b. 1936)