יוחנן בן זבדי
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מקורות מידע
- Grassi, J.A. The secret identity of the Beloved Disciple, 1990, c1989:CIP galley (Beloved Disciple, purported author of Gospel of John)
- Interpreter's dict. of the Bible, c1962:v. 1, p. 378, etc. (Beloved Disciple; John is the only gospel which refers to him; traditionally identified as John the Apostle, but this is dubious) suppl. vol., p. 95 (Beloved Disciple was probably a historical personage but cannot be identified with any other Biblical figure)
- Petrus und der Lieblingsjünger im Johannesevangelium, c1994.