אס, ברברה, 1948-2021
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מזהים נוספים
מקורות מידע
- ( (Record created from: The IMAGINE Thesaurus - The Israel Museum Jerusalem Thesaurus - Artist names authority file) )
- Wikipedia, viewed March 16, 2021(Barbara Ess (born Barbara Eileen Schwartz; April 4, 1944-March 4, 2021) was an American photographer. She often used a pinhole camera and was also known for her No Wave musical and editorial work)
- Artforum website, viewed on March 8, 2021:news article posted March 4, 2021, "Barbara Ess (1948-2021)" (Barbara Ess; photographer, musician and writer; died today at the age of seventy-three)
- Email message to Bard College staff, March 9, 2021:tribute from Magenta Plains gallery, New York City (Barbara Ess, April 4, 1948-March 4, 2021)
- Email correspondence from Daniella Dooling, artist-in-residence, Bard College, March 16, 2021("Her real birthdate was 4/4/1944 - however she used 1948 in her bio ... I tend to think she would prefer 1948 - we hosted a 70th birthday party for her in 2008 with her closest friends and she never told us she was actually 74:) On the other hand, I think 4/4/1944 is a pretty awesome birthdate!")
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:
ברברה אס (באנגלית: Barbara Ess; בשם ילדותה ברברה איילין שוורץ, Barbara Eileen Schwartz; 4 באפריל 1944 – 4 במרץ 2021) הייתה צלמת שהשתייכה לזרם פיקטוריאליזם, מוזיקאית ועורכת אמריקאית.
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