Amoskeag Manufacturing Company

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • תאגיד
| מספר מערכת 987007528373905171
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
Amoskeag Manufacturing Company
תאגיד איתו מזוהה
Blodgett Paper Company
Amoskeag Industries
Stark Mills
Manchester Mills (Manchester, N.H.)
מזהים נוספים
VIAF: 312812350
Wikidata: Q2843939
Library of congress: n 83231548
מקורות מידע
  • Hanlan, J.P. The working population of Manchester, New Hampshire, 1840-1886, c1981:CIP galley (Amoskeag Manufacturing Company)
  • NUCMC data from Manchester Hist. Assn. Lib. for Its Records, 1831-1936(Amoskeag Manufacturing Company; textile manufacturers; Manchester, N.H.; formed 1825 by Samuel Slater and others; inc., 1831; mills in Manchester, N.H.; corporate hdqtrs., Boston, Mass.; went bankrupt 1935 and assets taken taken over byholding company, Amoskeag Industries)
  • Browne, G.W. Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., 1915:p. 92 (Blodget[t] Paper Company; built first mill for Amoskeag Manufacturing Co.; failed 1874 and sold in auction to Gardner Brewer Company [no publs. in LC data base] which soon thereafter sold it to Amoskeag Manufacturing Company; laterabsorbed by affiliates of Amoskeag)
  • NUCMC data from Manchester Hist. Assn. Lib. for Stark Mills. Records, 1838-1922(in 1922 Stark Mills sold and merged into Amoskeag Manufacturing Company)
  • MWA/NAIP files(1905 Amoskeag Manufacturing Company purchased Manchester Mills)
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