North River (Wash.)

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • שם מקום
| מספר מערכת 987007535150805171
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
North River (Wash.)
Necomanchee River (Wash.)
Nic-o-man-chie River (Wash.)
-123.8904443 -123.8904443 46.7456527 46.7456527 (gooearth )
נושא איתו מזוהה
Rivers Washington (State)
מזהים נוספים
Wikidata: Q7056521
Library of congress: sh2003011195
מקורות מידע
  • Work cat.: Log dump at North River, Lester Logging Company, ca. 1915, via the Clark Kinsey digital image collection, Nov. 7, 2003.
  • GNIS, Nov. 7, 2003(North River, stream, Wash., Pacific and Grays Harbor Co., variants: Necomanchee River, Nic-o-man-chie River)
  • Wash. place names database, Nov. 7, 2003(North River - "The North River rises in the northeast corner of Pacific County and flows west through Grays Harbor and Pacific counties to Shoalwater Bay on Willapa Harbor.")