McNary National Wildlife Refuge (Wash. and Or.)

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • שם מקום
| מספר מערכת 987007539770605171
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
McNary National Wildlife Refuge (Wash. and Or.)
McNary Wildlife Refuge (Wash. and Or.)
-118.955 -118.955 46.1971 46.1971 (gooearth )
נושא איתו מזוהה
National parks and reserves Oregon
National parks and reserves Washington (State)
Wildlife refuges Oregon
Wildlife refuges Washington (State)
מזהים נוספים
Wikidata: Q6802490
Library of congress: sh 99004653
מקורות מידע
  • McNary National Wildlife refuge, concept management plan ... 1999:t.p. (McNary National Wildlife Refuge) p. 2 (outline map of Oregon and Washington, with the east-central area of their common boundary highlighted) p. 5 (Umatilla, Or.; and Burbank, Wash.)
  • GNIS, WA(McNary National Wildlife Refuge; park; 46⁰11ʹ42ʺN, 118⁰56ʹ42ʺW)
  • McNary National Wildlife Refuge, via Audubon Online, by National Audubon Society, Inc., May 27, 1999(McNary Wildlife Refuge is part of the Mid-Columbia River Refuge Complex in the area of Washington State where the Snake joins the Columbia River; the Refuge contains ponds because the water table surfaced in the low areas when water backed up after completion of the McNary dam which spans the Columbia River as it bends westward to become the border between Oregon and Washington; a piece of land less than a quarter of a mile wide, the marsh hunkers between a residential area perched on its northern border and a U.S. two-lane highway on the south)
  • National wildlife refuges(Oregon: McNary NWR; mailing address, Umatilla, OR; Washington: McNary NWR; mailing address, Umatilla, OR)