Dryocampa rubicunda
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
sh 85080850
מקורות מידע
- Wikipedia, Nov. 12, 2009(The rosy maple moth (Dryocampa rubicunda) is a North American moth in the Saturniidae family)
- Insects and diseases of Canada's forests, via WWW, Nov. 12, 2009(Latin name: Dryocampa rubicunda. English name: Greenstriped mapleworm. French name: Anisote de ĺerable. Synonums(s): Anisota rubicunda)
- Butterflies and moths of North America, via WWW, Nov. 12, 2009(Rosy maple moth (Dryocampa rubicunda))
- Common names of insects & related organisms, via WWW, Nov. 12, 2009(Dryocampa rubicunda: greenstriped mapleworm)
- Caterpillars of eastern forests, via WWW, Nov. 12, 2009(Green-striped Mapleworm (Dryocampa rubicunda) [Rosy Maple Moth])
- NatureServe explorer, via WWW, Nov. 12, 2009(Dryocampa rubicunda, Rosey Maple Moth)