מחלת עצם הסירה
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
sh 96004678
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: 96-8496: Ramey, D.W. Concise guide to navicular syndrome in the horse, c1997.
- Web. 3(navicular disease: an inflamation of the navicular bone and forefoot of the horse resulting in a shortened stride and persistent lameness ...)
- Gould med. dict.(navicular disease, see navicularthritis)
- Merck vet.(navicular disease (podotrochlosis, podotrochlitis))
- Black's vet. dict.(navicular disease)
- Concise vet. dict. 1988(navicular disease)
- CAB thes.(navicular disease)
- AGRICOLA via 1stsearch, 4/25/96(navicular syndrome; navicular disease)
- Biol. & agr. index via 1stsearch, 4/25/96(navicular syndrome; navicular disease)
- MEDLINE via 1stsearch, 4/25/96(navicular disease; navicular syndrome)
- Intl. dict. med. biol.:under disease (navicular disease. Also called navicular arthritis; podotrochilitis)
- Dorland's med. dict.:under disease (Navicular disease; podotrochilitis)