Abronia (Reptiles)
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
sh 93009347
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: Campbell, J.A. Anguid lizards of the genus Abronia, 1993(species of Abronia known to occur from southern Tamaulipas and Guerrero, Mexico, to southern Honduras)
- Obst, F.J. The completely illustrated atlas of reptiles and amphibians for the terrarium, 1988:p. 9 (Abronia, arboreal alligator lizards. Genus of Anguidae, subfamily Gerrhonotinae. At least 10 species)
- Piatiiazychnyi slovarʼ nazvanii zhivotnykh. Amfibii i reptilii, 1988:p. 168 (Abronia, family Anguidae; English names: abronias, gutezpalias)
- ITIS search, Aug. 2, 2006(Abronia, reptile genus in Aguidae; also Abronia, plant genus)